Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts

SGTreport | Coronavirus is just the Tip of the Iceberg in the War Against Us | March 1, 2020


Holistic nutritionalist Valerie Robitaille joins me from Morocco to discuss the multifaceted attack against humanity. Coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg, but fortunately there are ways to protect yourself from it, as Valerie explains. Thanks for tuning in.

Dane Wigington | Caught On Camera, Military Geoengineering Jets Spraying Over US | Jan. 9, 2020


Totally Normal They Say… What Do You Think?
Military jets spraying over Nashville, Tennessee, December 20, 2019, captured by J. Sherwood The past propensity of populations to deny the ongoing climate engineering atrocities is finally breaking down. Increasingly shocking and compelling film footage captures of jet aircraft aerosol dispersions are rapidly eroding the official false narrative that we are only seeing "condensation trails" in our skies.
-Dane Wigington

Benjamin Balderson | The Gods of Chemtrails | Freeman TV

Source:, Benjamin Balderson youtube

Could chemtrails be destroying our ancestral memories, detaching us from understanding nature and leaving us wondering what the future will do to us instead of what we will do to the future? The gods of old had elements and characteristics bringing divine feminine and masculine qualities that showed in the art and architecture of the age. How will we find ourselves?

The tales of Odin and Thor, Osiris and Set, tell of the need for dark and light to combine even mutilate to achieve apotheosis. This history has carried over through secret societies such as the Freemasons who hold dear the works of Solomon and his song of life. Are we in a state of potential that could blossom into a beautiful spectrum of life in harmony? If we know what is human, we can.

Benjamin Balderson grew up on a farm in South Dakota and has worked with plants and animals his whole life. He became interested the in occult and theology at age 12 from mail ordered Time Life books. He joined the army at 17 and went through diesel mechanic school.

In his 20s he started practicing plant alchemy and and earned two mechanics degree from Hennepin Technical College as well as becoming an industrial electrician. After an honorable Army discharge in 1998, he became an industrial electrician and trained under the current head of electrical theory for Colorado university. In his late 20s he developed Wilson’s disease which became pronounced and started having grand maul seizures.

After finding cannabis would relive his symptoms, he started making his own home purified medicine. He realized the things he was doing matched his research, so he started experimenting. In his thirties he became a gemologist and owned a crystal store. He bought land in the mountains of northern California, built a home, installed off grid power and a water system, designed a permaculture farm, and grows his own medicine.

He ran The and Fringe TV before leaving to produce content on his own. He now hosts a YouTube channel in his name, and Odin's Alchemy on BitChute. Ben is part of the Eyes Open Network that can be found on and FaceBook, and he is here today to tell us about the Alchemy of Spagyrics and how it relates to current events, survival, and our spiritual development.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, Oct. 19, 2019


Mainstream media continues to distract the masses with an endless parade of orchestrated theater. In the meantime, on the near term horizon, existential challenges are converging on us all from every conceivable direction. Scientists are now telling us that strong storms are creating earthquakes, but is there much more to the story?

How many factors are already far past the breaking point? Are populations beginning to sense that there is much they have not been told? Our collective efforts can still make a difference for the better, but time is not on our side. Make every day count in the critical battle to sound the alarm. Share credible data from a credible source, make you voice heard. -Dane Wigington

Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland | Space Fence Lockdown: 5G Nano DNA Transhumanist Menace! | Aug. 3, 2019

Source:, Books Elena Freehand

Dark Journalist welcomes back Geo-engineering author Elana Freeland for an incredible tour through the murky world of the weaponization of the environment using 5G, Nanotech, DNA Surveillance, Synthetic Biology and the multi-decade technological terror known as'The Space Fence.' Developed by shadowy Military Contractor Lockheed Martin for the US Government ostensibly to protect Earth from Space Junk, Elana reveals that the Space Fence is being put in place to create the conditions of Full Planetary Lockdown where every person on Earth becomes a walking microwave tower that is trackable down the DNA level.

The Space Fence: The DNA Control Plan
Elana''s classic book, Chemtrails HAARP & The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is the definitive book on these suppressed subjects. Her latest book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails & Space Fence Lockdown, is the first major in-depth examination of the covert program that has been under development since the 1980s under the Reagan Administration where it was a major aspect of the SDI Star Wars Program. It continues today as a key feature of President Trump's Space Force.

An Ionized Atmosphere: Space Fence Deployment
When the Soviet Union Fell on December 26th, 1991, it was widely assumed that the SDI program was abandoned along with this historical event. In fact it appears that all of the research around Star Wars was reintegrated into a covert initiative for building a Space Fence that would serve as a Major Global Surveillance and Control Grid. What was missing in the 1980s to realize this vision, came along in the 1990s with the development HAARP and the successful efforts to Ionize the Atmosphere. With this being achieved over the last two decades, the conditions are perfect for the full deployment of The Space Fence and all of its terrifying implications of worldwide dominance over communications and a new paradigm of Space being Weaponized to control life on Planet Earth.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 29, 2019


Destructive weather, crop loss, declining economies and job cuts, all are accelerating. How many understand the full extent of what is unfolding? Will the mass distraction being propagated by mainstream media continue to occupy the attention of the masses until total biosphere and societal collapse takes place? Or can populations be awakened in time to make a difference for the better. 

Now more than ever we must renew our efforts to objectively investigate the truth and to awaken others to the converging catastrophes that are closing in on us. Though the challenges we face can seem truly overwhelming, if we stand together we can yet make a difference. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | June 22, 2019


Power and profit continue to be the primary motive of so many in industrialized societies, even over the obviously essential need for a living planet. What will it take for reason to prevail in this equation? Will the increasingly draconian social media censorship successfully keep populations in the dark? Many still believe that technology will somehow magically save us from ourselves at the last possible moment. Question, how is that going so far? In the meantime, while the biosphere implosion is accelerating by the day, the military industrial complex is trying to make the case that a nuclear war is winnable. How long do we have on the current course?

Priorities must change for a much larger percentage of the population if we are to have any chance of changing course. Can we still make a difference at this late hour? How can we know unless we try? We must also never forget this, the fight for the greater good matters in and of itself. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | June 15, 2019


Normalcy bias and apathy continue to rule the day for the majority of populations in first world industrialized militarized nations, most especially the United States. As biosphere and societal collapse accelerate, few are yet willing to face or acknowledge what is unfolding on the wider horizon. How much longer can mainstream media propaganda maintain the facade of normalcy? Can populations be awakened in time to make a difference?

The challenges we collectively face are immense, but not yet impossible to alter in the right direction. All who are awake and aware are needed in the desperate effort to fully expose the atrocities in our skies and on countless other fronts. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count.

Dane Wigington | Climate Change Advocates Ignore Geoengineering | May 9, 2019


Collective efforts are essential If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting global climate engineering operations in time to salvage what yet remains of Earth’s life support systems. All are needed in the battle to sound the alarm on the critical issue of climate engineering.

Matt Landman | A Prison Made Of Light | Freeman TV


With the ongoing wave of wireless tech, smart devices and now 5G infrastructure and deployment, levels of cumulative non-ionizing radiation are reaching limits hazardous to human health.

Speak your truth even if your voice shakes.

Spero Protection Clothing will consist of garments lined with metal fabric such as nickel, silver, copper and steel. The metal acts as an armor of protection from microwave EMF / RF radiation. The clothing line will become a vehicle for funding future activism and is purely designed to serve humanity. Protection Clothing GoFundMe

Climate scientists are currently advocating a ‘strike first’ preemptive move against climate change and global warming although you probably won’t have heard much about it. The plan is to block the sun, akin to mimicking a volcanic eruption, which is why it’s called The Mount Pinatubo Effect which would implement an ongoing aerosol injection campaign in the atmosphere in order to veil incoming SUNLIGHT.

Lack of public information shielded by an abundance of confusion tactics, misinformation, outright denial, and euphemistic terminology have worked so far to hide the facts. But those demanding to know the truth have been paying careful attention to the evolution of the terminology surrounding what many of us have known up to now as ‘chemtrails’. Language does indeed matter.

The media even coined the term Secret Large-scale Aerosol Program (SLAP) as a dead end for people new to the subject. Little did we know then that the regime was just buying itself a bit more time before launching its crazy scheme this coming spring.

According to experts, there is no such thing as chemtrails in the skies, and what we see is actually contrails coming out from aircraft. However, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that governments are secretly spraying chemicals in the skies for various reasons including weather control, solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, and human population control.

Climate scientists, however, are very divided as to what causes global warming. Similarly, it is not understood what the effects of geoengineering intervention are or will be, nor how nature will react. The level of unpredictability calls for risk assessment analysis that focuses on the probable outcomes.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Apr.6, 2019


How much effort is the power structure applying in the attempt to keep the US population pacified and complacent on countless fronts? From keeping US food stores stocked with imported supplies produced by starving countries to engineering constant cool-down zones in the US, a sense of “normalcy bias” is being fed and sustained. When the rate and extent of biosphere collapse is considered, how long can the current paradigm be maintained?

Can populations be convinced to re-prioritize their time, efforts and energies, if they become convinced that their very lives depend on it? Should fighting for the future of our children, and the web of life on which their futures depend, be a top priority? Does such a question even need to be asked or answered? Our combined efforts could yet make a difference, but we must rise to the occasion now, not later. We must reach a critical mass of awareness with the population in regard to what is unfolding, this is the first and most critical leap in the right direction. Share credible data from a credible source, make every day count.

Dane Wigington | Winter Weather Warfare, Engineering A “Bomb Cyclone” | March 14, 2019


Global climate engineering operations are not a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. From weather warfare to engineered winter weather, there are many agendas and objectives to the programs being carried out in our skies. The 2 minute video below highlights a current case in point, “Winter Storm Ulmer”.

Climate engineering operations will not stop on their own, it is up to us to accomplish this task. Only by reaching a critical mass of awareness do we have any chance of turning the tide. Share credible data from a credible source, make every day count, make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | March 9, 2019


What are the most critical threats we collectively face? If we cannot breath without inhaling the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout from the covert climate engineering assault, how long can we possibly expect to retain our health? How long can the environment survive under such conditions? How many are now willing to reconsider their priorities? What acts of desperation can we expect from the tyrannical halls of power? Where do we go from here?

In a long and arduous journey, like the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, battle fatigue becomes a factor. The challenges we face can seem overwhelming, but if we can summon the strength to continue our march forward one day at a time, we may yet accomplish profound good even at this late hour. Waking the masses to what is unfolding is essential. Make your voice heard, share credible data from a credible source, all of us are needed in this critical battle to sound the alarm.

Dane Wigington & Jeff Rense | Chemical Ice Nucleation & Suicidal Weather Insanity | Feb. 5, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 02-05-19 with Guest Dane Wiggington.

Jim Lee | Controlling the Climate Changers | Freeman TV


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over, you almost never get it back.” — Carl Sagan The Anatomy of Slave Speak

Can we draft legislation to end atmospheric modification without notification? The solution to the problem of rogue geoengineering, weather warfare, and geophysical weaponry is, to help expose the secret world of climate engineering by learning the history, teaching your friends, and sharing this knowledge. Together we will bring clarity to our increasingly chaotic skies. The Environmental Modification Accountability Act
Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and recognizing the Environmental Modification Convention of 1976, it shall be law that any individual or organization shall give prior notice of intent to modify weather or climate in order to determine if such actions are hostile or result in monetary, environmental, or physical losses.

The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.
Jim Lee has compiled the largest volume of geoengineering and weather modification history into one massive timeline, complete with lists of companies, patents, sponsors, and laws: WMH is an international effort lead by me and Domenic Marrama, combining both investigative journalists’ superpowers to create an unparalleled online repository of factual references in chronological format.

Dane Wigington and Jeff Rense | NASA Satellite Pics PROVE Disastrous Climate Engineering | Jan. 16, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 01-16-19 with Guest Dane Wigington.

Mind-Boggling NASA Satellite Photos Absolutely Proving Massive, Global Weather Control
NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington and Jeff Rense | Linked...GeoEngineering And The Disastrous CA Fires | Nov. 12, 2018


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 11-12-18 with Guest Dane Wigington.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 20, 2018


How is the global economy really doing? How is the state of the environment directly connected to the economy? The oceans are now filled with trash, what are all the sources of this trash? The largest science panel in the world says we "could" pass major climate tipping points in a decade or less. Is this the truth? Or did we pass the point of no return decades ago? Where does geoengineering fit into this equation?

Raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering is more important now than ever before. With each passing day many more are starting to investigate the geoengineering issue. Rapidly changing conditions on countless fronts are further forcing many to re-evaluate their former perspectives and conclusions. All of us are needed in the ongoing effort to educate and raise awareness. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 6, 2018


History has made clear that all empires eventually spiral out of control and collapse. Will populations take pause and examine the wider horizon? Indonesia has yet again been the victim of "nature's fury". But, is there more to the story? Solid data from globally recognized science sources leads to conclusions that truly test the limits of comprehension.

A new report from the current US administration in the White House concludes climate collapse is inevitable, so we might as well keep polluting. Growing power structure desperation is pushing us ever closer to WWlll, what new forms of biological warfare might we face?

Many have already given up in the battle to sound that alarm and save what is yet left of our once thriving planet. But does sitting the sidelines truly bring peace? Or does true solace only exist in renewing ones determination to press on in this epic fight for the greater good? The undercurrent of climate engineering awareness is much more vast than is yet visible, we must reach a critical mass. Share credible data from a credible source, wake those around you.

Richard H. Roellig, US Airforce Major General (retired) | Geoengineering: An Interview With A US Air Force General | | Aug. 16, 2018


Is climate engineering real? What does a former US Air Force 2 star major general have to say about this most critical issue? This interview was conducted exclusively for, any re-uploading of any part of this interview is expressly forbidden at the request of the interviewee.

Waking US citizens and US military members up to the dire climate engineering threat is the great imperative of our time. All who are already awake are needed to help sound the alarm in this critical effort to raise awareness. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, make your voice heard.
-Dane Wigington

Retired February 01, 2000

Major General Richard H. Roelligis commander of the Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The center is one of five Air Force logistics centers in the country. It has worldwide responsibilities for the engineering and logistics support of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The center also manages the entire force of Minuteman and Peacekeeper intercontinental ballistic missiles. The center is responsible for supporting many commodities, such as aircraft landing gear for the entire Air Force and 70 percent for the Department of Defense, airborne photographic and reconnaissance equipment, training devices and conventional munitions.

The general received his commission through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 1966 as a distinguished graduate of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He has held a variety of positions in acquisition and contracting, as well as command positions at the base, test center and system program office levels.

1966 Bachelor of science degree in management, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1970 Master of business administration degree in government contracting, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
1977 Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.
1977 Defense Systems Management College, Fort Belvoir, Va.
1978 Master of science degree in systems management, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1981 Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C.

Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster

Second Lieutenant Jul 26, 1966
First Lieutenant Jan 27,1968
Captain Jul 27, 1969
Major Mar 1,1975
Lieutenant Colonel Apr 1,1979
Colonel Oct 1,1983
Brigadier General Jul 2,1992
Major General Feb 1, 1997
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