Showing posts with label Disclosure Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disclosure Project. Show all posts

John Callahan Testimony | The Anchorage Incident, March 3, 2013


For 6 years, Mr. Callahan was the Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington, DC. In his testimony he tells about a 1986 Japanese Airlines 747 flight that was followed by a UFO for 31 minutes over the Alaskan skies. Mr. Callahan was able to secure video tape and audio evidence of the event.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell | Witness Testimony, February 22, 2013


Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.

Commander Will Miller, US Navy retired | Secrecy: How and Why it is Maintained, February 8, 2013

Source:, Energiereichtum youtube

Commander Miller has worked with Dr. Greer for over two decades setting up sensitive meetings at the Pentagon and elsewhere and advising on how secret projects (USAPs -- Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) are set up structurally to maintain secrecy. He will discuss the pros and cons of that system. Their conversation will be an amazing insight into how the information about UFOs and the New Energy technology is controlled. This knowledge is not speculation but from someone who has been on the inside. You don't want to miss the first of a 2-part series to go into depth on this issue. Dr. Greer feels this is one of the most important interviews he has ever done!

Commander Will Miller - US Navy - retired: 
- A Decorated VIETNAM COMBAT VETERAN, and ADVISOR to Generals, Admirals, & White House Staff
- A Military Advisor in World-War III, Natural, Nuclear Technological, & Disaster Survival
- Advisor in non-lethal weapons and future space systems
- Held TS-SCI security clearance (Top Secret Clearance with Special Compartmented Information access)
- Currently Rotary International Assistant-Governor for Rotary Clubs on Florida's Central Gulf Coast

Gordon Cooper | Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archives


Sr. FAA Official John Callahan | Disclosure Project Witness Testimony


This video is from the 2000-2001 Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archives. It features Senior FAA Official John Callahan, describing an encounter between a Japanese pilot and a UFO that was tracked on radar.

Harry Allen Jordan, US Navy | Disclosure Project Archives


This footage is taken from the over 35 hours of Disclosure Project historical witness testimony archives, gathered in 2000-2001.

This excerpt is an interview with Harry Allen Jordan of the US Navy, taken in November 2000.

Captain Bill Uhouse | Disclosure Project Archives #2


This footage is taken from the over 35 hours of Disclosure Project historical witness testimony archives, gathered in 2000-2001. This excerpt is an interview with Cpt. Bill Uhouse.

‪Dr. Ted Loder & Dr. Steven Greer‬ | False Flag ‪Events and Their DANGER‬, July 27, 2012


World Puja Network Show - July 27, 2012
Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Steven Greer discuss false flag events which are hoaxed ET events made to demonize the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Having primed the public with scary "alien invasion" movies by the score, what is next on the agenda?

Former President Reagan's remark about humanity uniting to fight a common "alien threat" does not protect humanity but it does promote lots of money flowing to the military industrial complex.

Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder drill down on what is being presented to the public now and why it is so dangerous. The threat is not recognizing it for what it is. Listen in.

Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Steven Greer: 2012 - New Momentum for CSETI and Disclosure, February 10, 2012


February 10, 2012–Dr. Greer is joined by CSETI Board member Dr. Jan Bravo to discuss the exciting plans CSETI and Disclosure have for 2012.

We want to go "all out" this year to bring the information that we are not alone to as many people as possible and to make it clear that the way forward is through Peaceful Contact! Dr. Greer and Dr. Bravo let you know what we are planning to positively energize the ET - Human relationship in 2012.

Emery Smith and Dr. Steven Greer | A Report on the CSETI Expedition to Mt. Shasta, September 9, 2011


This week Dr. Greer is joined by CSETI member Emery Smith to discuss the experiences of the Mt. Shasta expedition in August 2011.

The trainings in Mt. Shasta have always been the site of many unusual and anomalous experiences. With each CSETI expedition the communication and experiences have been changing and intensifying. Find out about the most recent events.

Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Ted Loder: Disclosure 10 years later Part 2, May 27, 2011


On this week's World Puja presentation "Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer", Dr. Loder and Dr. Bravo will continue their discussion about the Disclosure Project. The historic National Press Club conference by The Disclosure Project in 2001 impacted individuals the world over. Since that event, many countries have declassified information bolstering Disclosure. Dr. Loder and Dr. Bravo will jump ahead in time to discuss what they feel will happen once Disclosure has been accepted and openly discussed by the world's leaders and media. They will review such areas as transportation, energy production, communications, medical issues, and perhaps speculate on human consciousness. There will be no going back to the "way we were", and that will be a very good thing.

Dr. Steven Greer on ABC Brisbane, May 16, 2011


The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. The reason we don’t know anything about any of this, they say, is because there’s a government cover-up that keeps this information secret.

Earlier this year Steve Austin spoke with Dr. Steven Greer - Founder and Director of the Disclosure Project, and promised to catch up again. This is that follow up conversation.

download mp3

Back in Time Series | The Disclosure Project | Two-hour Disclosure Witness Testimony, 2001


This 2 hour video is a distillation of over 120 hours of video interviews made by Dr Steven Greer. Dozens of highly credible military and government witnesses discuss UFO events and projects they have worked on, with introductory and overview commentary by Dr. Steven Greer.

The video is divided into sections and is an excellent item to have and show to others, to get a full understanding of what the Project is about. It is more informative to see this video prior to seeing the May 9th Press Conference video.

Back In Time Series | ‪Sergeant Daniel M. Salter‬ - ‪Explaining The ET Presence‬

Late Master Sergeant-Daniel M. Sergeant-NRO
Disclosure Project-Official Testimony

Agent Daniel M. Salter is a retired former counter intelligence agent for the Scientific and Technical Unit of Interplanetary Phenomena in Washington D.C. He was a member of the Pilot Air Force, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) and DCCCD (Development of Conscious Contact Citizenry Department) with the United States military. He was a CON-RAD courier for President Eisenhower, with a clearance far above Top Secret (Cosmos) and a member of the original Project Blue Book. His expertise was in radar and electronics, his field of investigation UFOs, Aliens and Particlization. Now seventy-five, Salter has both Comanche and French ancestry.

Dr. Steven Greer Interview (The Day Before Disclosure)

Source: New Paradigm Films,

Back in Time Series | Dr. Steven Greer: Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge


April 11th, 2007: Beginning in 1993 Dr. Steven Greer began an effort that was designed to identify first hand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure. His global work, beyond the government to expose hidden truth and forbidden knowledge has been unparalleled and relentless.

In the highly acclaimed "Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge" cited as one of the most astounding and moving true stories ever told, Dr. Greer relates his own personal experiences with Extraterrestrials and the unfolding of cosmic awareness since his childhood. From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you read through this memoir and listen to this conversation.

Journey with Dr. Greer and Dr. Meg as they take you into the corridors of secret power beyond the government as we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers. Learn what their agenda is, and how they plan to achieve their goals- and what we must do NOW to change the course of human history. Learn about the CSETI Project and why Dr. Greer has invested so much of himself into creating it.

Dr. Meg and Dr. Greer discuss the secrets of how ET civilizations communicate and travel- across the vastness of space, and you will explore the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together. Travel with Dr. Greer as he takes you on expeditions around the world where the famous CSETI Contact events have occurred with ET craft and people actually approaching these new ambassadors to the universe.

During this conversation you will glimpse the coming future of Earth and humanity a future of universal peace, travel among the stars and the establishment of a sustainable civilization on Earth using long-suppressed and wondrous new energy sources.

Art Bell Somewhere in Time with Steven Greer


Saturday May 22, 2010
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/15/01, when Dr. Steven Greer talked about the successful National Press Club conference regarding ET Disclosure.
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