Showing posts with label Jesse Michels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesse Michels. Show all posts

Rupert Sheldrake | Meet The Scientist BANNED By TED Talks | Sept. 11, 2024

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Join us for a captivating conversation with renowned biologist and author, Rupert Sheldrake. In this thought-provoking interview, we delve deep into Sheldrake's groundbreaking theories on morphic resonance, the nature of consciousness, the sense of being stared at, and the limitations of conventional science. Discover how his controversial and heretical ideas within academia challenge mainstream scientific thinking and open up new possibilities for understanding reality and our place within it.

Whether you're familiar with Sheldrake's work or new to his ideas, this interview offers valuable insights into the mysteries of life, mind, and the cosmos. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the cutting edge of science and consciousness research with one of its most original luminaries!

1. Sheldrake has collected an enormous amount of experimental evidence that people can sense when they are being stared at by others, a phenomenon known as “scopaesthesia”

2. This is (possibly) because consciousness involves a “transaction” (a Wheeler-Feynman handshake) between the outer physical world and the brain which emits/projects an image outwards onto any given object being sensed (if that object is conscious, like a human, they can sense that projection taking place). John Cramer, a Physicist from the University of Washington further developed a transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics which may support Sheldrake’s empirical findings here

3. Sheldrake has also acquired a lot of evidence around human and animal ability for “presentiment” or “precognition” of the future. This sounds like pseudoscience on the surface, but if the brain has a quantum component (widely hypothesized by Sir Roger @penrose and others), it could send information back in time providing a real physical model for these sorts of phenomena

4. Biology (morphology and even perhaps cells themselves) per the great work of @drmichaellevin, seem to work towards “conscious” or at least deliberate aims. Sheldrake would say they acquire information through “morphic fields”, a concept Darwin himself may have been open to, but that close minded "neodarwinians" like @RichardDawkins dismiss out of hand. If these fields are at all real (or really, if we have any inherited information transfer transcending DNA), they represent a fundamental update on modern concepts of evolution

5. The Sun and magnetic field of the earth combine to create the finely tuned conditions of intelligent life. Does this point towards a random universe? Or is that just as dogmatic as inserting God as a creator?

6. We speak of Sheldrake’s long friendship with legendary scientist and “fungal philosopher” Terence McKenna. We also discuss Sheldrake’s not super well known book “The Physics of Angels”, one with clear implications for the modern UFO conversation…

7. In 2013, Ted censored Sheldrake's talk with literally no first principles reasoning around his data or experimental protocols. They did it purely because he deviated too much from the consensus "understanding" of consciousness (a subject nobody really understands). This was their explicitly cited reason on their blog. That move, from Ted, was small-minded and contradicts the spirit of true scientific inquiry. Please watch this video (and Sheldrake's others) to engage with his ideas openly! All earnest engagements with them in support or opposition are welcome.

Jesse Michels | EW UFO Proof Shocks Jake Paul, Alien Bodies Found, The Truth On David Grusch | Nov. 16, 2023

Source: Jacke Paul youtube

Jake Paul, Jesse Michels and Aubrey Marcus dive deep into the fascinating world of UFOs and alien encounters and the implications they have on our society, technology, and even religion. They also discuss the testimony of high-ranking intelligence officer David Grusch, who blew the whistle on the US government's secret UFO programs and their possession of crafts of unknown origin.

00:00 - Intro
01:39 - How Jesse Michaels got into UFOs
16:55 - History of the world in the context of UFOs
19:00 - The Government HIDING UFOs
29:35 - Conspiracy theories and disinformation: Uncovering the Truth
33:27 - The Hunt for Zero Point: Investigative Journey
38:06 - The SECRECY of UFOs
44:14 - ATIP program: Government UFO Investigation
50:05 - Changing from UFOs to UAPs
54:07 - Do you believe in ghosts?
54:43 - DMT as a window into an objective reality
1:02:37 - Mind over matter: Power of the Mind
1:04:55 - The Scientific understanding of DMT
1:08:50 - Aubrey’s ABDUCTION experience
1:17:45 - Aliens are FUTURE humans?!
1:32:12 - The Philosophical Exploration of Time
1:40:01 - The Ghost of Jake Paul’s past
1:44:14 - Exploring the Downsides of Psychedelics
1:54:07 - Therapeutic Potential with Psychedelics
1:56:57 - OUTRO

Are “Aliens” Just Future Humans? Ft. David Grusch and Mike Masters | Nov. 11, 2023

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Michael Masters is a biological anthropologist at Montana Tech University. He’s written 3 books: Unidentified Flying Objects, The Extratempestrial Model, and Revelation: The Future Human Past. His arguments that aliens are just humans from the future who have figured out time travel are compelling and thorough. Please enjoy this episode!!
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