Showing posts with label John Perkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Perkins. Show all posts

John Perkins | The Shadow Government, World Bank & CIA-Backed Coup's | July 29, 2024

Source: Danny Jones youtube

John Perkins was advisor to the World Bank, UN, IMF, Fortune 500 corporations, governments of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States. John used development loans to saddle countries with huge debts and force them to serve US interests.


00:00 - Applying for NSA; Going to the Amazon
09:02 - Shuar people of Ecuador
15:34 - Saved by a shaman
25:36 - "touching the jaguar"
32:09 - Collapse of Mayan civilization
41:27 - Edgar Mitchell
51:25 - Working for the shadow government
54:50 - America's strategy to build an economic empire
01:05:02 - Becoming an "economic hitman"
01:09:58 - CIA "Jackals
01:12:14 - Red tide of communism
01:18:53 - Indonesia
01:25:22 - Realizing the evil plot
01:36:11 - Presidents removed by CIA
01:40:22 - How China took over Ecuador
01:56:08 - America's next move
02:05:27 - Putin
02:13:45 - Surviving assassination attempt
02:24:35 - Befriending CIA hit men
02:29:30 - CIA's domestic influence
02:36:45 - World Bank / Pandemic corruption
02:41:48 - Aliens are here
02:45:31 - Death economy

John Perkins & Vinny Eastwood | We Understand The Problems, The Solution? The Life Economy | Dec. 3, 2018


We are reaching a point in history where we're creating the kind of technology that could actually help to save us and our planet, but, we need a change in consciousness and value life just as much as we value profit.

John Perkins | An Economic Hitman on Predatory Capitalism & Corporate Monopoly


February 17, 2011
John Perkins has lived four lives: as an economic hit man (EHM); as the CEO of a successful alternative energy company, who was rewarded for not disclosing his EHM past; as an expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, a teacher and writer who used this expertise to promote ecology and sustainability while continuing to honor his vow of silence about his life as an EHM; and as a writer who, in telling the real-life story about his extraordinary dealings as an EHM, has exposed the world of international intrigue and corruption that is turning the American republic into a global empire despised by increasing numbers of people around the planet. Then came September 11, 2001.

The terrible events of that day convinced John to drop the veil of secrecy around his life as an EHM, to ignore the threats and bribes, and to write Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He believed he had a responsibility to share his insider knowledge about the role the U.S. government, multinational "aid" organizations, and corporations have played in bringing the world to a place where such an event could occur. His newest book, Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets IMPLODED-and What We Need to Do to Remake Them. Previous books by John Perkins include The Secret History of the American Empire, Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, The Stress-Free Habit, and Spirit of the Shuar. John Says: "We have entered one of the most important periods in human history, the Time of Prophecies.

We have the opportunity to lift ourselves to new levels of consciousness. This time was foretold over the past centuries by cultures around the world. Now it is up to us -you and me- to make it happen." In this interview, John shares his insider information regarding the current state of the world.

Topics Discussed:
Hoodwinked, economic problems in the world, Iceland, Ireland, corporate structures, corporate globalization, politics, oil, resources, Milton Friedman, usury, debt, public/private partnership, Goldman Sachs, Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act 1999, regulation, consciousness, change, conspiracy, NSA, healthcare system, Egypt, The World Bank, China, nepotism, mortgages, IMF and more.

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John Perkins | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man


John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United States—and in fact the entire planet—spiraling toward disaster.

Tonight, we will be discussing John’s latest book. Here, Perkins pulls back the curtain on the real cause of the current global financial meltdown. He shows how we've been hoodwinked (which is the title of his new book) by the CEOs who run the corporatocracy—those few corporations that control the vast amounts of capital, land, and resources around the globe—and the politicians they manipulate. These corporate fat cats, Perkins explains, have sold us all on what he calls predatory capitalism, a misguided form of geopolitics and capitalism that encourages a widespread exploitation of the many to benefit a small number of the already very wealthy. Their arrogance, gluttony, and mismanagement have brought us to this perilous edge. The solution is not a "return to normal."

But there is a way out. Perkins makes clear, that we can create a healthy economy that will encourage businesses to act responsibly, not only in the interests of their shareholders and corporate partners (and the lobbyists they have in their pockets), but in the interests of their employees, their customers, the environment, and society at large. Perkins assures that we can create a society that fosters a just, sustainable, and safe world for us and our children. Each one of us makes these choices every day. 

"We hold the power," he says, "if only we recognize it." Tonight, John Perkins will share with us how we all have been Hoodwinked, how we arrived at this precarious point in our history but also what we must do to stop the global tailspin.

As Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm, John Perkins advised the World Bank, United Nations, IMF, U.S. Treasury Department, Fortune 500 corporations, and countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. He worked directly with heads of state and CEOs of major companies. His books on economics and geo-politics have sold more than 1 million copies, spent many months on the New York Times and other bestseller lists, and are published in over 30 languages. John’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list) is a startling exposé of international corruption. His The Secret History of the American Empire, also a New York Times bestseller, details the clandestine operations that created the world’s first truly global empire. His Hoodwinked is a blueprint for a new form of global economics. The solutions are not “return to normal” ones. Instead, John challenges us to soar to new heights, away from predatory capitalism and into an era more transformative than the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. His writings detail specific steps each of us can take to create a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. John is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit, has lectured at more than 50 universities around the world, and is the author of books on indigenous cultures and transformation, including Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, Spirit of the Shuar, and The Stress-Free Habit. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR, A&E, the History Channel, Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many other publications, as well as in numerous documentaries including The End of Poverty?, Zeitgeist Addendum, and Apology of an Economic Hit Man.

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John Perkins | Interview 8 July 2010

8 July 2010—James Martinez interviews John Perkins.

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