Showing posts with label Micronova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Micronova. Show all posts

Diehold Foundation | Introduction, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest Secret of the United States

Source: Diehold Foundation youtube


The videos cover the causes of the Ice Ages at the time of Geomagnetic Reversals. The earth does not flip over on itself. Only the magnetic field reverses. This information has never been taught before because government felt it was too disruptive to society. Those with degrees in geology, astronomy were deliberately never taught this information. You were taught wrong alternate explanations for the phenomena.

The research revealed the Greatest Secret the Country has and the CIAs Involvement. You are going to find out what event caused the government to engineer the concealment.

I am going to give you the Education you were supposed to have gotten when you went to College. I am going to present this information unblemished and treat all of you like mature adults, but I warn you that this information will scare you and change your life. 

I present this information because I want some people to survive the reversal event.

The Great Disaster On Our Doorstep | ALL THE EVIDENCE | Dec. 15, 2023


The earth disaster cycle, magnetic pole shift, solar micronova, and much more - all in one place.

Suspicious0bservers | Earth Disaster Cycle | Live Q and A | May 9, 2023


Suspicious0bservers | Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence | May 8, 2023


When All The Evidence Tells The Same Story, There Are Only So Many Coincidences You Can Ignore.
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