Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts

David Icke | Ultimate Mind Control - The Hive Mind


Veritas Radio | John & Bonnie Mitchell : Silent Frequencies: Exposing the Covert World of Sonic Manipulation and Mind Control in Media | Hour 1



Tonight, we venture into the hidden depths of the media's most clandestine practices - sonic manipulation and mind control. We're joined by Veritas veterans, John and Bonnie Mitchell, who have dedicated their lives to uncovering these veiled technologies.

The journey begins with John's unsettling discovery of secret sonic weapons embedded in a popular movie. This revelation opens the door to a world where infrasound and ultrasound are not mere scientific phenomena, but tools for covert influence and harm. We'll delve into the intricacies of a mysterious wave file, an apparent breadcrumb in the larger scheme of media manipulation.

Bonnie, with her wealth of experience, sheds light on the alarming health effects associated with these hidden frequencies. Drawing parallels to the notorious Havana Syndrome, she reveals how deep the roots of these technologies run, entwined within the fabric of our daily media consumption.


After retiring from distinguished careers in the United States Merchant Marines, John Mitchell and his devoted partner, Bonnie Jean Mitchell, embarked on a mission that would reshape their lives and illuminate hidden truths. Together, they founded, a platform dedicated to unveiling the secrets and disinformation perpetuated by the clandestine forces within the government. Their journey led them to delve into the intricate world of mind control techniques imposed upon the unsuspecting masses. In 2012, John and Bonnie unveiled the unsettling reality of Digital Mnemonic Mind Control through their research.

Bonnie Jean Mitchell, a luminary in her own right, stands as the visionary founder of She is a multifaceted researcher, accomplished author, and a lifelong contactee with extraterrestrial entities. For over two decades, Bonnie has provided guidance and solace to individuals navigating the enigmatic realms of paranormal and metaphysical experiences. Her literary contributions include the insightful books "Journey with the Star People" and "The Shift: A lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness."

In 2014, John and Bonnie made the daring choice to leave the United States, setting their course for Uruguay in South America. Today, their focus remains steadfastly fixed on the spiritual battle being waged as humanity seeks a transformative paradigm shift in consciousness. You are invited to join their thought-provoking Awakenvideo Livestream, hosted on Rumble, every Friday night at 6pm EST, where they continue to shed light on vital issues shaping our world.

David Icke & MK Ultra Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien On The Mel K Show | Mass Mind Control | Apr. 17, 2022


Elana Freeland | Geoengineered Transhumanism, Humanity 2.0, & The Esoteric Agenda | Nov. 18, 2021


About Today's Guest:
Elana Freeland came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the Establishment's downfall. Her US Navy Intelligence father was enmeshed with the military-industrial complex she writes about. Like the characters in the book, readers will learn how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past 50 years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas. She has a BA in creative writing and wrote her Master's thesis on historiography.

Geoengineered Transhumanism is the third book in Elana Freeland's trilogy on geoengineering. It completes the picture of what geoengineering has been from its very inception decades ago: to control the ionosphere with phased array heater blasts so as to maintain an ionized atmosphere in which chemicals, nanotechnology, and synbio synergies can be continuously laid by jets, drones, and rockets in the name of "climate change."

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | Mars The Big Ancient Lie! | Nov. 13, 2021


Ancient vs Modern Mars
Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series Author Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the rising push around the planet Mars. Dr. Farrell explains the cultures that left behind the record of advanced technology of Mars to the Babylonians and Egyptians and the implications of the sacred mystery rites falling into the wrong hands.

Special Topics:
Mars Discovery
Ancient Knowledge
Exotic Technology
Mind Control

Dr. Joseph Farrell | Mars X-Elite Secret UFOS & Archaeology Wars! | Nov. 6, 2021



Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre Space Push by the elites to colonize the Planet Mars and the occult implications of integrating the God of War into the human origin story.

He also describes how it is closely connected with the Archaeology Wars like the looting of the Baghdad Museum to find sacred power objects and ancient super weapons.

Special Topics: 
Archaeology Wars
Mars Obsession
HotZone Intrigue
Sacred Mythology
Exotic Technology
Mind Control

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | HotZone Global Government & The UFO File! | Oct. 30, 2021


The Exotic Technology Card
Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series Author Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre geopolitical hurricane gaining force as we head into 2022.

He sees major moves in the HotZone of Cuba where ancient ruins and covert operations like Havana Syndrome run rampant. A supply crisis being engineered in the US by shadowy forces who are searching for something mysterious.

Massive repression and mind control worldwide as a global dictatorship steps out of the shadows and a major secret coming to the surface regarding aerospace, exotic technology and the UFO file that may play a crucial role in starting (or preventing) a new World War. 

Special Topics:
Havana Syndrome
Pine Gap
Supply Crisis
HotZone Intrigue
Push For World War
Exotic Technology
Mind Control
Committee to Run the President

Jay Weidner | "The Clockwork Time Prison & Fake Moon Landing Space Odyssey” | Age of Truth TV | Aug. 22, 2021


The state of the world anno 2021. A crisis like no other. Alien & E.T. agenda. The Moon Landing. Mind Control. Illuminati ritual symbolism and the work and films of the great movie Director, Stanley Kubrick.

Jay Weidner, Author, Director, Conspiracy Reseracher and Lecturer and a legendary figure in the field of Truth and Conspiracy research.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts | The Mind Control State!


Freedom vs. Tyranny!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on the plans to create a global superstate dictatorship run by central bankers and puppet bureaucrats.

The Corbett Report | The Future of Vaccines


If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. 

What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. 

And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

Show Notes & Transcript

Dark Journalist | Catherine Austin Fitts |  Stopping The Technocrat Takeover! | Dec. 7, 2020


Stopping The Technocrat Takeover & Reset Regime!
***Catherine points out that the number one problem in America today is Mind Control!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Asst. HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts to the show for a breakthrough Interview of the Globalist Agenda being rolled out through the World Economic Forum. Catherine sees a totalitarian regime in charge of the "great reset" with the central controllers trying to keep humanity from discovering our personal power to stop them and make our own future!

Destroying Small Business
Mind Control/Entrainment
Missing Government Money
Black Budget
AI Robotics
Full Spectrum Dominance
Nano Tech Dangers

Dark Journalist | Catherine Austin Fitts Exclusive Interview: Humanity In The Balance! | Nov. 13, 2020


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Asst. HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts to the show for a breakthrough discussion of the Global Agenda being rolled out. Catherine sees a totalitarian great reset with the central controllers trying to keep humanity from discovering our power to shape events and make our own future!

Deep Surveillance
Digital Currency
Black Budget
AI Robotics
Mind Control
Fight for the Future
Human Livestock Management
Advanced Nano Technology

Simon Siddol | Poisonous Music: Pop Culture and Mind Control | Legalise Freedom Radio


Simon Siddol discusses the trend in western popular music towards the inane, the robotic, and the infantile - a social engineering agenda pushed hard by the handful of multi-national corporations that sit atop the music industry pyramid.

Siddol believes that this degradation of western music has been happening for centuries, so old and so deeply ingrained that elements of this pernicious anti-consciousness agenda are now part of the musical DNA of even the most well-meaning and conscious musicians. It's the perfect subconscious mind-control mechanism. 
We're using what is in reality a shamanic mind-altering tool for recreational jollies, en masse, and it's ruining people's psychic health, and the health of our entire society. But strategies exist for both music-lovers and musicians to help them detox from the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around music that slowly but surely dehumanize us.

Catherine Austin Fitts & Dark Journalist | The Fight For the Future - Transhumanist Depopulation & Space Surveillance | Oct. 7, 2020


In this explosive Part 2 of a 3 part interview series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Trillions from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense!

Catherine goes deep on the Transhumanist Agenda of converting the world's population into mind-controlled technology slaves. She sheds light on a hidden system of economic and political control dominated by a parasitical group that is attempting to harvest and depopulate humanity. Catherine compares the new system of central control to "Livestock Management" and reveals the covert agenda behind the massive space infrastructure that is being developed with public money. Will humanity win the Fight for the Future?

Satellite Surveillance
Space Force
Mind Control
Missing Trillions
Digital Currencies
UFO Secrecy

Truthstream Media | The Gordian Knot | Sept. 20, 2020


Aaron Dykes recounts the long history of scientifically controlled central-management systems that have led us to into our current predicament.

As the world becomes more divided on nearly every issue, it results in further extremes as people try to untie the Gordian Knot of apparent complexity and chaos.

What can we do when we need logic, commonsense and clear thinking more than ever, but it has been supplanted by fear, emotion and technocratic illusion management?



The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.

Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

You can support our team and future projects making a donation at

Truthstream Media | The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual | April 21, 2020


This is how we change.

Since time immemorial, high rituals have been performed to transform reality. Ritual: a spiritual psychodrama of conscious, deliberate actions taken to facilitate change; changes to the whole of the environment people exist in, starting with the mental landscape of the people themselves. The place where our reality is first born a dream.

Artist Sharon Devlin once bluntly described the true purpose of ritual as being a method to alter one’s mind: “It’s a sacred drama in which you are the audience as well as the participant and the purpose of it is to activate parts of the mind that are not activated by everyday activity.”

The mechanics of change, change through mechanism, a rhythm to sync to, merge and flow with, a magnetic draw drawing one down the path toward transmutation.

Rituals are vehicles driving home those ideas — information, data, symbols — which, upon transmission and transformation, create the language by which new society members communicate after they are initiated.

This new language imparts a new understanding through definitions the ritual generates; meaning pegged to signposts of its own self-referential process, even if the original purpose is lost in the repetition of action. A ritual initiation introduces and inducts one into “the way” … a new way of life or worldview, a program to guide beliefs and actions enabling the initiate to become a full and true member of the new society.

Note that ritual is not always a conscious action; not everyone partaking in a ritual is made explicitly aware that they are participants… and yet still, new patterns of thought, of significance, are drummed in (conscious or not).

An initiation ritual typically involves three stages… and see if any of this sounds familiar to you.
-Truthstream Media

Kingsley Dennis | Mass Psychosis and the Modern World | Legalise Freedom Radio | Jan. 11, 2020


Kingsley Dennis discusses his book 'Healing the Wounded Mind: The Psychosis of the Modern World and the Search for the Self'.

Any thinking person watching television or reading a newspaper today is bound to wonder if humanity has lost its mind, and in a way, we have. What can only be described as mass psychosis is sweeping the world with gathering force, unhinging individuals, institutions, and nations alike. A vicious circle driven by propaganda, fear mongering, and media manipulation makes us increasingly vulnerable to more of the same, while the stupefying circus of mindless entertainment and staged spectacles leaves us in no condition to truly think for ourselves.

Is it possible that any of this madness can be traced to repressed trauma or scars in the collective unconscious? If the human psyche is somehow incubating a mental or spiritual virus, it might account for our self-sabotaging and at times suicidal insanity. Maybe the myths about ancient archetypes and entities such as the Archons and Ahriman actually hold seeds of truth. Whatever the case, accelerating technology and expanding interconnectedness are lending the term 'viral' a darker hue, threatening to turn even more of us into clones, drones, and automatons.

Dark Journalist X-Series 77 | Deep State X-Operatives MKULTRA Doomsday Network! | Jan. 11, 2020


Continuity of Government 
Join us tonight at 8PM eastern for a Breakthrough X-Series Episode 77 as Dark Journalist goes deep into the Deep State X-Operatives that are acting on behalf of a secondary government that operates through Continuity of Government Emergency Secrecy rules so their actions can't be tracked. Live QA with Miss Olivia taking your questions!

Then They Came For Your Mind: The Untold Story of Psychosurgery


Complimenting yesterday’s post – a guest article written by Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – is the raw, and as yet unreleased full interview with Dr. Breggin that was used in our film “The Minds of Men”.

Dr. Breggin gives an account of his activism and struggle against psychosurgery more than 50 years ago – a 1960s-70s era campaign to legitimize the destruction of the brain, and utilize an evolving and increasingly technological mode of intervention in the brain using implanted electrodes to target minute areas in the brain tied to behavior, and to use radio frequency (RF) monitoring and activation to control moods, attitude and perhaps even thought.

Worse, the practitioners and agenda-makers who were pushing this dangerous new era of intervention in our private mind space were doing so on the basis of PREEMPTIVELY disabling those identified as ‘potentially violent.’ As we detailed in ‘The Minds of Men,’ a massive campaign was underway in the wake of mass shootings and assassinations to screen the public, and draw a wide net of people they wanted to pacify and take out of the equation.

These included activists and political leaders in the black community and other potential troublemakers – political liabilities, not offenders or those who’d ‘done something wrong.’ The program also targeted “at risk” individuals throughout the strata of society.

Dr. Breggin played a pivotal role in shining a spotlight on these troublesome practices – with a focus on the work of Dr. Jose Delgado, and doctors Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin and William Sweet (also depicted in “The Minds of Men”).

Standing up against this injustice, Breggin withstood threats on his life and opposition from within the psychiatric and psychological fields which he was trained in to stop the funding and practice – at least overtly.

What continued in the shadows is another story… but one which connects solidly with the place society has once again reached – the dangerously naive belief that ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ and ‘billionaires’ and their technologies can not only improve the world, but fix our brains and minds as well.
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