Showing posts with label Truthstream Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truthstream Media. Show all posts

Truthstream Media | The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual | April 21, 2020


This is how we change.

Since time immemorial, high rituals have been performed to transform reality. Ritual: a spiritual psychodrama of conscious, deliberate actions taken to facilitate change; changes to the whole of the environment people exist in, starting with the mental landscape of the people themselves. The place where our reality is first born a dream.

Artist Sharon Devlin once bluntly described the true purpose of ritual as being a method to alter one’s mind: “It’s a sacred drama in which you are the audience as well as the participant and the purpose of it is to activate parts of the mind that are not activated by everyday activity.”

The mechanics of change, change through mechanism, a rhythm to sync to, merge and flow with, a magnetic draw drawing one down the path toward transmutation.

Rituals are vehicles driving home those ideas — information, data, symbols — which, upon transmission and transformation, create the language by which new society members communicate after they are initiated.

This new language imparts a new understanding through definitions the ritual generates; meaning pegged to signposts of its own self-referential process, even if the original purpose is lost in the repetition of action. A ritual initiation introduces and inducts one into “the way” … a new way of life or worldview, a program to guide beliefs and actions enabling the initiate to become a full and true member of the new society.

Note that ritual is not always a conscious action; not everyone partaking in a ritual is made explicitly aware that they are participants… and yet still, new patterns of thought, of significance, are drummed in (conscious or not).

An initiation ritual typically involves three stages… and see if any of this sounds familiar to you.
-Truthstream Media

Truthstream Media | Look Who's Coming to the Rescue! | April 7, 2020


No, it’s not God. It’s Bill Gates, and it would appear he’s a major player in picking up the pieces in what is unfolding to become perhaps our greatest modern disaster – economically, in terms of our freedom, in terms of the greater strategy of control.

Truthstream Media | And Don't Forget to Wash Your Hands! | April 2, 2020


Truthstream Media | We're Living in 12 Monkeys | March 24, 2020


Truthstream Media | Fear Is the Mind Killer | March 16, 2020


Truthstream Media | Brave New World vs 1984: Huxley Tells Orwell “I Was Right” | Feb. 20, 2020


Truthstream Media | A Stunning Admission On The So-Called Population Crisis


It’s kind of insane to be living through this time where the admissions of what used to be considered “crazy conspiracy theories” are just rolling out in the headlines like it’s nothing. When we were talking about this a decade ago, tin foil hat jokes were not only made but expected.

Now, mainstream “authoritative” publications like The New York Times (albeit the “international edition” with a label of “opinion”) are printing stories on the front page not only acknowledging a “global fertility crisis” but actually admitting population control evils like China’s horrific one-child policy weren’t just imposed by the state but were dreamed up, funded, and promoted by Western technocrats

But… to what end?

Truthstream Media | Wait, Who Runs The World? | Dec. 7, 2019

Source:, Truthstream Media on Bitchute

This is part of a talk that was held for graduate business students at Stanford University. The same talk where it was admitted that social media is programming everyone.

Truthstream Media | Why You Can't Stop Clicking | Dec. 1, 2019


Then They Came For Your Mind: The Untold Story of Psychosurgery


Complimenting yesterday’s post – a guest article written by Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – is the raw, and as yet unreleased full interview with Dr. Breggin that was used in our film “The Minds of Men”.

Dr. Breggin gives an account of his activism and struggle against psychosurgery more than 50 years ago – a 1960s-70s era campaign to legitimize the destruction of the brain, and utilize an evolving and increasingly technological mode of intervention in the brain using implanted electrodes to target minute areas in the brain tied to behavior, and to use radio frequency (RF) monitoring and activation to control moods, attitude and perhaps even thought.

Worse, the practitioners and agenda-makers who were pushing this dangerous new era of intervention in our private mind space were doing so on the basis of PREEMPTIVELY disabling those identified as ‘potentially violent.’ As we detailed in ‘The Minds of Men,’ a massive campaign was underway in the wake of mass shootings and assassinations to screen the public, and draw a wide net of people they wanted to pacify and take out of the equation.

These included activists and political leaders in the black community and other potential troublemakers – political liabilities, not offenders or those who’d ‘done something wrong.’ The program also targeted “at risk” individuals throughout the strata of society.

Dr. Breggin played a pivotal role in shining a spotlight on these troublesome practices – with a focus on the work of Dr. Jose Delgado, and doctors Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin and William Sweet (also depicted in “The Minds of Men”).

Standing up against this injustice, Breggin withstood threats on his life and opposition from within the psychiatric and psychological fields which he was trained in to stop the funding and practice – at least overtly.

What continued in the shadows is another story… but one which connects solidly with the place society has once again reached – the dangerously naive belief that ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ and ‘billionaires’ and their technologies can not only improve the world, but fix our brains and minds as well.

Truthstream Media | Midsommar: Initiation into the Ancient Religion of the Future | Sept. 22, 2019


Description: SPOILER ALERT: Our analysis & review of the film contains spoilers – as in, completely spoiling the plot of the movie for those who've not seen it yet. On the other hand, it also contains hidden meanings and buried messages which we personally feel are more interesting when discussed and brought to the surface (for us, even if it is ahead of seeing the film). Fair warning.

Truthstream Media | Society Is Witnessing Yet Another Scapegoat Ritual | Aug. 20, 2019


Truthstream Media | Where Does It End? New 'Monarch' Brain Device Approved for ADHD | July 26, 2019


Featuring Dr. Peter Breggin [The Minds of Men] For more on SPAC, visit
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