Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Andrei Martyanov | Gehlen, Oil, Cruisers | April 25, 2023


Medvedev gives the green light to partition. Lowered expectations in D.C.

Andrei Martyanov | Why They Lose | April, 23, 2023


How Wehrmacht "educated" US generals.

Andrei Martyanov | Ball bearing "Experts" | April, 17, 2023


Decomposition of the US "academe". Russia "experts".

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | April 13, 2023



Remember those biolabs the Russians uncovered during their invasion of the Ukraine? Well, according to the following article shared by V.T., the Russian State Duma has completed its investigation and is getting ready to publish its report... and its not good: 

Andrei Martyanov | SEAD, Pentagon Leaks and Russian VKS | Apr. 10, 2023


Brief review of air operations in SMO (no serious math, I promise)

Andrei Martyanov | How Things Implode 1. | Apr. 5, 2023


Andrei Martyanov | Divorce Proceedings | Apr. 3, 2023


Anxiety in the West. Or should we say--panic.

Andrei Martyanov | Hypersonic Incompetence | March 30, 2023


Andrei Martyanov | The House That Russia Built | March 27, 2023


Reviewing Some of Russia's Economic Engines, or how to produce 1,600 tanks.

Andrei Martyanov | Crash Test Dummies | March 25, 2023


The narrative did change. The realization has dawned.

Andrei Martyanov | Keeping In Mind Important Things (on Xi's Visit) | March 20, 2023


Paranoia, dread and wet dreams in the US.

New World Next Week | Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs | March 17, 2023


This week on the New World Next Week: Silicon Valley Bank gets a case of the runs as the world careens toward the CBDC nightmare; the NED is up to its old colour revolution tricks in Georgia (again); and the US military is now openly experimenting with pulsed energy weapons for neurological warfare.

Story #1: Prepare for Governments to Push CBDCs In Wake of Silicon Valley Bank Collapse
SVB Collapse Sparks Bank Runs As People Wait In Lines
Record Bank Run Drained $42B Of SVB's Deposits In Hours, Leaving It With Negative $1BN
Inside Legal Loophole US Regulators Used to Bail Out SVB Depositors
With Big Banks Going Under, CBDC's Can't Be Far Behind—And If We Don't Stop Them, "Lockdown" Will Be Total, And Eternal, For Us All
CBDC Can Arrive Next Month! Are You Ready?
Silicon Valley Bank Was Wall Street IPO Pipeline In Drag As Federally-Insured Bank; FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing It Out
Large US Banks Inundated With New Depositors As Smaller Lenders Face Turmoil
Cheering Silicon Valley Bank Bailout, Gavin Newsom Doesn’t Mention He’s a Client
JPMorgan Must Hand Over CEO Dimon's Records In Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve
'Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve' (2-Disc DVD Set)
If SVB Is Insolvent, So Is Everyone Else
Treasuries: “Risk Free” or “Risk Unlimited”?
How the Fed Broke Silicon Valley Bank
The Coming Anastrophe

Story #2: Georgia Drops Foreign Agents Law After Massive Protests
Ukraine Denies Accusations Of Meddling In Georgia Protests
Dare Call It A Coup? CIA Front Threatens Color Revolution in Georgia
War Criminal Samantha Power Receives War Criminal Award From War Criminal Kissinger (Jun. 6, 2016)
Georgian Maidan: Fake It Till you make it?
NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

Story #3: US Military Testing Pulsed Energy on Animals to Recreate Mysterious 'Havana Syndrome' Symptoms
Pentagon Funding Experiments On Animals to Recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’
US Intel Report Says ‘Havana Syndrome’ Not Caused By Foreign Weapon
Common Dry Cleaning Chemical Linked to Parkinson's
The New World Next Week Store

Andrei Martyanov | Submarine Deterrence | March 11, 2023


More on Russian subs and deterrence. Revisiting some old news.

Scott Ritter | Ukraine TRAPPED In Russian Crossfire | March 9, 2023

Source: Stephen Gardner youtube

Scott Ritter joins Stephen Gardner on this exclusive interview to discuss the Russia Ukraine war, the conflict of Bakhmut, the bad feelings between Putin and Zelenskyy and how this war will end. Russia rained down over 80 missile on Ukraine last night after figuring out how to bypass their air defense systems. Scott Ritter and Stephen Gardner also discuss military predictions of Colonel Douglas Macgregor on how this war will end and Putin's next military moves.

0:55 Heavy Missile Attack On Ukraine.
9:10 Russia figures out how to bypass Ukraine's air defense missiles. Hits with 80+ missile, including hypersonic missiles.
10:40 Putin's next military move
16:30 Stephen shares his position on this war
26:00 A secret in Ukraine even the media has worked to bury
28:00 Ukraine will collapse and here's why
29:00 Why Putin attacked Ukraine

Andrei Martyanov | Cottage Industry | March 7, 2023


How to prepare public for defeat.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 1, 2023


Our first article for today's News and Views come from E.W., and the second from many of you who sent it to me: 

The Ukraine Crisis | With Scott Ritter and Andrei Martyanov | Feb. 27, 2023

Source: Garland Nixon 

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 23, 2023



Today's News and Views concerns an article that appeared at, and it makes a good prima facie case for the real reason the alleged President Bidenenko made a trip to the Ukraine, rather than to New Palestine, Ohio... the two, argues the author, Yoichi Shimatsu, are related:

Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck

Andrei Martyanov | Putin Speaks | Feb. 22, 2023


US media hysteria and Putin's Address. START and education.

Andrei Martyanov | First Anniversary-1 | Feb. 20, 2023


Strategic planning and how Gulf War screwed it up for the US.
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