Showing posts with label Whitney Webb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitney Webb. Show all posts

Whitney Webb | FDA Corruption and Mandate Madness with Meryl Nass, MD


Whitney is joined by Dr. Meryl Nass to discuss the FDA’s role in the current COVID-19 vaccine Emergency Use Authorizations and the mandate situation as well as how the FDA’s conflicts of interest with Big Pharma led to the creation of the EUA system and has resulted in unethical, illegal behavior from the agency during the COVID-19 crisis.

The Corbett Report | Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet | Nov. 24, 2021


Whitney Webb return to the program to discuss her recent work on the "green" transformation of the global financial system. From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world's natural resources and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Show Notes: 
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class
UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle...
Who Wants To Be A Carbon Trillionaire?
The (Second) Most Important Bank You've Never Heard Of
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! - #PropagandaWatch
What is the Future of (Bankster) Finance? - Questions For Corbett #049
IEG - "The Solution"
The Secret Diary of a ‘Sustainable Investor’ — Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Episode 322 - What Is Sustainable Development?
The man who’s buying up South America
John Kerry speaks at Bloomberg New Economy Forum
The Climate Finance Leadership Initiative
Welcome to the New Economy
Tanzania Ministry cancels GMO seed trials
Tanzania and Kabanga Nickel strike deal to develop nickel project
Bolivian Coup Comes Less Than a Week After Morales Stopped Lithium Deal
Jeff Bezos: Forget Mars, humans will live in these free-floating space pod colonies
Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed
Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”
COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle
B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’
WHO’s 10 calls for climate action to assure sustained recovery from COVID-19
Pastor of Gospel Light Baptist Church in Amherst Fined Under Health Protection Act

Whitney Webb | COP26 and Climate Hypocrisy with Charlie Robinson


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Charlie Robinson to talk about some of the key takeaways from the COP26 climate conference not being covered by the media and how many COP26 attendees engage in obvious hypocrisy when it comes to the policies they publicly promote and their personal actions.
Published on 11/05/21.

Whitney Webb | The Global Public Private Partnership with Iain Davis


Iain Davis of In This Together joins Whitney for an important conversation on the network of institutions, corporations and governments that are at the center of global decision-making. This global public-private partnership already exerts considerable control over our lives and our society and is quickly moving to control even more. Originally published 10/28/21.

Whitney Webb | COVID-19 and Central Bank Digital Slavery with John Titus


In this episode, Whitney is joined by John Titus of BestEvidence to discuss how Central Banks and Wall Street Banks have used the COVID-19 crisis to launch a "silent takeover" of the wealth and assets of regular Americans and what these banks plan for the post-COVID era, from CBDCs to "green" finance. Originally published on 10/14/21.

Whitney Webb | School World Order with John Klyczek


Whitney is joined by professor, author and Unlimited Hangout contributor John Klyczek to discuss how teachers unions and the US education system are selling out to Big Tech as well as the oligarch class and their long-standing plans to exploit students to advance the 4th Industrial Revolution.

James Corbett | China, Wall Street and the New Global Economy | Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb | Oct. 4, 2021


Whitney is joined by James Corbett of the Corbett Report to discuss the overlap between the oligarchs of China and the United States and how the rise of China is intimately tied to Wall Street and Globalism.

Show Notes:
The US, China and Wall Street’s new man in the middle
Episode 297 – China and the New World Order
American Financier Stephen A. Schwarzman Endows International Scholarship Program in China
The Secret (Insurance) Agent Men (AIG and the OSS)
Blackstone, Apollo, KKR take market hit on Evergrande tumult
Heirs of Mao’s Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility
Mapping China’s Red Nobility
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
How to Play 3D Chess
‘Decoupling’ the U.S. from China would backfire
China’s Suspiciously American Arsenal: A Closer Look
Guess who Israel’s second largest trading partner is — China
2013: Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China
2004: US ‘anger’ at Israel weapons sale
ATimes: US up in arms over Sino-Israel ties
1996: U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel To China Upsets Asian Power Balance

Whitney Webb | 9/11 and Anthrax 20 Years On with Graeme MacQueen



Whitney is joined by author, academic and researcher Graeme MacQueen to reflect on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 and anthrax attacks, why those events still matter today and why there remains such a stigma in many circles when it comes to questioning the official stories of those events.
Published on 09/21/21.

Whitney Webb | Propaganda in the Covid Era with Mark Crispin Miller


Professor Mark Crispin Miller joins the podcast to discuss the propaganda that has been used to opportunistically sell certain agendas to the public in the Covid era, just as in past crises of similar scale. Originally published 09/03/21.

Whitney Webb | Afghanistan Chaos and What Comes Next with Tom Luongo | Aug. 29, 2021


Whitney is joined by Tom Luongo to discuss his recent analyses of the chaos in Afghanistan, what it means for international geopolitics and the future of Biden's presidency going forward.
Originally published 08/29/21.

Whitney Webb | The Franklin Scandal with Nick Bryant


In this episode, Whitney is joined by investigative journalist and author Nick Bryant to discuss one of the most sordid child abuse rackets in American history, one that rose to the pinnacle of US political power. The Franklin Scandal, as it’s now known, shows that Jeffrey Epstein was hardly an anomaly.

Whitney Webb | The "New Deals" of the Ruling Class with Cory Morningstar



Whitney is joined by Cory Morningstar to discuss the renewed push for a "Global Green New Deal" and the complementary "New Deal for Nature" and how both aim to market the corporate capture of nature as "sustainable development" to the public.

Also discussed is how the complete reinvention of the global financial system is central to both "deals" and how the top central and Wall Street banks are intimately involved in these efforts.

Whitney Webb | COG Measures & the War on Terrorism Horseshoe


Whitney joins Robbie Martin to discuss the new wave of hype surrounding 'Domestic Terrorism', how the 'War on Terror' was merely a prelude to a larger domestic crackdown on political dissidents and the extreme measures taken in times of 'Continuity of Government'.

Whitney Webb | The CIA and the Finders with Elizabeth Vos


In this episode, Whitney is joined by independent journalist Elizabeth Vos, who has recently written a series on the Finders, a cult that ritually and sexually abused children, for MintPress News. Discussed in the depth is the evidence of the CIA’s ties to the Finders and the government cover up that followed the arrests of its leaders. Originally published 07/20/21.

Whitney Webb On Pegasus And The Depths Of Global Israeli Spying Industry | July 23, 2021



Welcome to the MintCast Podcast -- an interview series featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host Mnar Adley.

On this MintCast podcast, investigative journalist Whitney Webb joins me to discuss Pegasus, NSO Group, Toka and the global Israeli cyberspying network.

Whitney Webb | Israel's Entryism to Create a Binational Security State with US | July 21, 2021


Lowkey -- Activist, rapper and host of the new MintPress Podcast show, 'The Watchdog', is joined by journalist Whitney Webb to examine the IDF’s military intelligence Unit 8200, which gave birth to the NSO group responsible for Pegasus Spyware, and how Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target free speech and dissent.

Whitney Webb | Exposing the Technocratic-Transhumanist-CyberPandemic Agenda | July 15, 2021


Derrick Broze sits down with journalist Whitney Webb for a discussion on a number of topics, including the CyberPolygon exercise, her article on Wellcome Leap, tips for being prepared for supply chain disruption and power outages, and her thoughts on Counter-Economics.

The Corbett Report | Whitney Webb Dissects the "Wellcome Leap" into Transhumanism | July 8, 2021


Whitney Webb of joins us once again, this time to discuss her latest article, “A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction.” Even if you’re familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade will blow your mind.

Whitney Webb | COVID Origins and Gain of Function with Sam Husseini


Journalist Sam Husseini joins the podcast to discuss the recent mainstream shift regarding the “lab leak” theory and Gain of Function in general and what the “newly allowed” mainstream coverage is leaving out and covering up. Originally Broadcast on June 19, 2021.

Whitney Webb on Primo Radical | June 27, 2021


Writer and researcher Whitney Webb returns to the show to discuss a wide variety of verboten topics -- from COVID to AI to UFOs to the connections between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. Whitney also explains why she was recently kicked off of Patreon.
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