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Kingsley Dennis | Hijacking Reality: The Reprogramming & Reorganization Of Human Life - PART ONE | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 24, 2021


Kingsley Dennis discusses his book 'Hijacking Reality - The Reprogramming & Reorganization Of Human Life'.

There is an agenda to replace the current collapsing global narratives with a new consensus reality. To achieve this, a ‘consensus reality paradigm’ must be socially managed and, if necessary, manipulated.

The belief is that a global ‘Great Reset’ is necessary, so why not take the upper hand and steer it into place? However, there are almost eight billion people on Earth, and that is a lot of people to convince. Instead of trying to force the issue, what if you could make people believe in the story themselves? That way, they will agree that it is the worldview for them and adhere to it willingly.

'Hijacking Reality' proposes that there are powerful players upon the planet attempting to establish a radical shift in our way of life. This shift entails being incorporated into a pervasive, digitized techno-surveillance architecture that will fundamentally alter the future of human life. Such an ambitious project of social engineering on a global scale has never been achieved before, but is this what we are witnessing now?

John Michael Greer | The King in Orange: The Magical and Occult Roots of Political Power | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 20, 2021


John Michael Greer discusses his book 'The King in Orange: The Magical and Occult Roots of Political Power'.

Magic and politics seem like unlikely bedfellows, but in 'The King in Orange', Greer reveals the unmentionable realities that spawned the unexpected presidential victory of an elderly real-estate mogul turned reality-TV star and which continue to drive the deepening divide that is now the defining characteristic of American society.

Greer convincingly shows how two competing schools of magic were led to contend for the presidency in 2016 and details the magical war that took place behind the scenes of the campaign. The author shows that the main contenders in this war were the status quo state, deploying the manipulative, subliminal techniques of modern advertising, and an older, deeper, and less reasonable form of magic - the magic of the excluded - which was employed by chaos magicians and alt-right internet wizards whose desires led the assault against the world we knew.

Examining in detail the magical actions of Trump’s opponents, Greer discusses how the magic of the privileged has functioned to keep the comfortable classes from being able to respond effectively to the populist challenge and why the 'Magic Resistance', which tried to turn magic against Trump, has failed. Showing how the political and magical landscape of American society has now permanently changed, Greer reveals that understanding the coming of the King in Orange will be a crucial step in making sense of the world for a long time to come.

Christian Morris | Power, Corruption and Lies 2 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 9, 2021

Source:, Christian Morris youtube

Christian Morris and I discuss media, politics, and current affairs in general during the Coronavirus Crisis. We talk Trump, identity politics, political correctness, censorship, culture, social media, and more.

Jeremy Smith | Coronavirus Crisis: A Spiritual Scientific Perspective | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 1, 2021


Any attempt to truly understand the COVID-19 pandemic from a purely materialistic standpoint will inevitably fail. The strictly scientific lens through which most of us view our current predicament says nothing about the psycho-spiritual aspects which hold the key to what is really happening.

Whatever the origins of the virus, however, the global response to it represents an assault on social fabric, civil liberties, and on consciousness itself. It is just one front of a multi-faceted attack on human beings and all life on Earth that we are living through.

Is it possible that something much deeper, darker, and more profound than we dare imagine is unfolding? The time when human progress was made possible through the constant refinement of physical forces is already over. In the future, mankind will progress, but only through spiritual development. Are we even capable of learning the lesson that is now being taught?

Bernardo Kastrup | Freedom From Fear #4 | Legalise Freedom | Nov. 14, 2020


Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point. 

In this episode, Bernardo Kastrup and Greg Moffitt explore how the unique intelligence which allows humans to sit atop Earth's evolutionary pyramid and have dominion over all life on the planet is both our greatest gift and the source of our most profound problems, personally and globally. 

Unlike other creatures, humans have a sense of the past, the future, and our own mortality. Combined with a hardcore scientific materialist world-view and a 'I'll be dead by then' attitude to the future, it has led our species to the brink of disaster. Bernardo also reveals his own relationship with fear.

Simon Siddol | Poisonous Music: Pop Culture and Mind Control | Legalise Freedom Radio


Simon Siddol discusses the trend in western popular music towards the inane, the robotic, and the infantile - a social engineering agenda pushed hard by the handful of multi-national corporations that sit atop the music industry pyramid.

Siddol believes that this degradation of western music has been happening for centuries, so old and so deeply ingrained that elements of this pernicious anti-consciousness agenda are now part of the musical DNA of even the most well-meaning and conscious musicians. It's the perfect subconscious mind-control mechanism. 
We're using what is in reality a shamanic mind-altering tool for recreational jollies, en masse, and it's ruining people's psychic health, and the health of our entire society. But strategies exist for both music-lovers and musicians to help them detox from the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around music that slowly but surely dehumanize us.

Kingsley Dennis | Freedom From Fear #2 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Sept 4, 2020


Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point. In this episode, Kingsley Dennis and Greg Moffitt explore fear as a response to an increasingly chaotic world.

As mainstream explanations for global events increasingly ring hollow, millions of people are struggling to comprehend what's happening to their lives. The resulting confusion and distress can cause us to close up and shut down, mentally and emotionally.

Cognitive dissonance can narrow our perceptions and trigger feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Stepping back from the chaos and taking a wider view, however, can help us break out of destructive cycles of reacting and over-reacting, and place our fears in perspective.

Jasun Horsley | Freedom From Fear #1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 27, 2020


Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point.

In this episode, Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt explore the origins and purpose of fear, how fear can cause us to overlook the most important things in life, and how fear of the future stops us living in the present.

We also discuss the pandemic of fear triggered by the current coronavirus crisis, the collective insanity infecting human consciousness, and how the root of all human fear ultimately lies in our fear of death.

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Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen | Culture, Control, Crisis and Collapse | Legalise Freedom Radio


Bestselling Norwegian novelist Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen discusses humanity's present plight and what we may salvage from the past to save us in the future.

A deep malaise infects contemporary culture. Ever-greater tremors shake industrial civilization to its core. Societal disintegration looms large. In response, governments pursue ever-more draconian methods of control. Our fundamental freedoms are undermined by gathering oppression, our minds clouded by propaganda and lies.

All of these are symptoms of a shattered psyche, a disconnection from the natural world and the vast web of life, and a disenchanted view of the cosmos. If we are to survive and thrive in future, we must remember what we have forgotten and, with humility, understand how much we still have to learn.

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Gary Lachman | Esoteric History, Occult Politics and Holy Russia | July 16, 2020


Gary Lachman discusses his book The Return of Holy Russia – Apocalyptic History, Mystical Awakening, and the Struggle for the Soul of the World.

Lachman’s latest work explores how mystical and spiritual influences have shaped Russia’s identity and politics, and what it means for our future. At the turn of the 20th century, Russia was undergoing a powerful spiritual and cultural rebirth.

It was a time of magic and mysticism that saw a resurgence of interest in the occult and a creative intensity not seen in the West since the Renaissance. This was the time of the God-Seekers, pilgrims of the soul and explorers of the spirit who sought the salvation of the world through art and ideas.

These sages and their visions of Holy Russia are returning to prominence now through Russian president Vladimir Putin, who, inspired by their ideas, envisions a new ‘Eurasian’ civilization with Russia as its leader.

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Christopher Bache | LSD and the Mind of the Universe | Part One | Legaliste Freedom Radio | July 4, 2020


Christopher Bache discusses his book 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe – Diamonds From Heaven'.

In 1979, Bache took the first step on what would become a life-changing journey. Drawing from his training as a philosopher of religion, he set out to explore his mind and the mind of the universe as deeply and systematically as possible, with the help of the psychedelic drug LSD. Over the course of 20 years the 73 high-dose LSD sessions drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness.

Bache tells how he touched the living intelligence of our universe - an intelligence that both embraced and crushed him - and demonstrates how direct experience of the divine can change our perspective on life, the Universe, and everything.

Making a powerful case for the value of psychedelically-induced spiritual experience, the author shares his immersion in the fierce love and creative intent of the unified field of consciousness that underlies all physical existence. He describes the incalculable value of embracing the pain and suffering he encountered in his sessions and the challenges he faced integrating his experiences into his everyday life.

Royce Christyn | The Science and Psychology of Positive Thinking | Legalise Freedom Radio | June 28, 2020


Royce Christyn discusses how a deeper understanding of science and psychology can aid positive thinking and manifesting practices.

Christyn's new book 'Scripting the Life You Want' is so much more than just another how-to manifesting handbook; it is an exploration of the cutting-edge science which makes manifesting possible.

Unlike many who claim to offer the secret of creating the life you really want, Christyn goes beyond the simplistic and superficial routines which leave so many seekers frustrated, to uncover the hidden mechanisms which shape our reality.

Mechanisms understood by magicians of ages past and by media manipulators of the present day, which can be mastered by individuals to take control of their lives in these turbulent times. If you are not truly in control of your life, you can be sure that someone else is, but without insight into how our reality is created, self-mastery may remain a mystery.

David Ditchfield | From Near Death to New Life | Legalise Freedom Radio | June 11, 2020


David Ditchfield discusses his book 'Shine On: The Remarkable Story of How I Fell Under a Speeding Train, Journeyed to the Afterlife, and the Astonishing Proof I Brought Back With Me'.

Across thousands of years, people have described one of the most astonishing of all human phenomena: the near-death experience, or NDE. A near-death experience is a profound psychological event that may occur to a person close to death or in extreme physical or emotional crisis.

The associated emotions are intense, and most commonly include peace, love, and bliss, although a substantial minority are marked by terror, anxiety, or despair. Most people come away from the experience with an unshakable belief that they have learned something of immeasurable importance about the purpose of life. The more powerful the NDE, the more profound the after effects. The ambitious reset their priorities. Atheists change their values. Doctors rethink their beliefs.

In the modern world, dominated by scientific reductionism, NDEs are generally viewed as mere chemical by-products of a dying brain. However, evidence that NDEs contain a profoundly important message for humanity continues to pile up, and the accounts recorded in best-selling books such as Raymond Moody's Life After Life and Kenneth Ring's Lessons From the Light are both fascinating and deeply moving. David Ditchfield returned from his near-death experience with amazing artistic abilities previously unknown to him, and this is his story.

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Jasun Horsley | Transhumanism and the Colonisation of Space | March 16, 2020


Jasun Horsley discusses transhumanism and the colonization of space. The talk draws upon Jasun's book 'Prisoner of Infinity - UFOs, Social Engineering, and the Psychology of Fragmentation'.

Despite the idealism and hope surrounding the first manned space flights and missions to the Moon, in their wake the drive to explore and colonise space seemed to stall, or even regress. Dreams of cities on Mars and beyond appeared to be just that – dreams.

Today, however, the space race is on again like never before, with Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin, and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic just three of the high-profile companies leading the charge. But what lies behind this flurry of activity? Are the forces driving technological development changing?

Then we have the technologies of transhumanism such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cybernetics, cloning, mind-machine melding, mind-uploading, and others. The nexus between these and the new space race is highly significant, and not a little sinister.

Transcend the body, escape the Earth, achieve immortality among the stars, and all those nasty political, economic, and social problems simply dissolve. But walking away won't be so easy, especially when our predicament has its origin in the way we think about ourselves, each other, and our place in the world. This entire agenda is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of life, death, and consciousness, a new understanding of which is urgently needed if our species is to survive.

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Thomas Sheridan | Spectral Sounds: Hauntology and Music | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 22, 2020


Thomas Sheridan and Greg Moffitt discuss hauntology and music. In his book 'Ghosts of My Life', Mark Fisher defined hauntology as “music and culture that draws from and examines a sense of loss of a post war utopian progressive modernist future that was never quite reached.”

Hauntological music has been described as music that evokes cultural memory and the aesthetics of the past, fixated on ideas of decaying memory and lost futures, and music that explores ideas related to temporal disjunction, retrofuturism, and the persistence of the past. The discussion includes electronic music, space rock, synth pop, vaporwave, and music for film and television.

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Kingsley Dennis | Mass Psychosis and the Modern World | Legalise Freedom Radio | Jan. 11, 2020


Kingsley Dennis discusses his book 'Healing the Wounded Mind: The Psychosis of the Modern World and the Search for the Self'.

Any thinking person watching television or reading a newspaper today is bound to wonder if humanity has lost its mind, and in a way, we have. What can only be described as mass psychosis is sweeping the world with gathering force, unhinging individuals, institutions, and nations alike. A vicious circle driven by propaganda, fear mongering, and media manipulation makes us increasingly vulnerable to more of the same, while the stupefying circus of mindless entertainment and staged spectacles leaves us in no condition to truly think for ourselves.

Is it possible that any of this madness can be traced to repressed trauma or scars in the collective unconscious? If the human psyche is somehow incubating a mental or spiritual virus, it might account for our self-sabotaging and at times suicidal insanity. Maybe the myths about ancient archetypes and entities such as the Archons and Ahriman actually hold seeds of truth. Whatever the case, accelerating technology and expanding interconnectedness are lending the term 'viral' a darker hue, threatening to turn even more of us into clones, drones, and automatons.

Ben Reynolds | The Coming Revolution: The Death of Capitalism? | Legalise Freedom Radio | Nov. 21, 2019

Source:, Ben Reynolds Twitter

Ben Reynolds discusses his book 'The Coming Revolution: Capitalism in the 21st Century'.

Radical advances in automation, robotics, and computer technology have thrown millions out of work and will only continue to do so in the years to come. At the same time, cheap, individually-accessible machines will wrestle for primacy with both advanced, highly-automated factories and sweatshops alike, ultimately eroding the dominance of industrial production. Economic growth is slowing down, and it is not going to speed up again.

The pressures fueling today's global unrest will not go away and are only going to get worse as wages stagnate, solid employment becomes harder to find, and cuts to social benefits continue. Competing radical and reactionary ideologies will clash as political consensus crumbles and the world searches for answers to these challenges.

In its opening decades, the 21st will be a century of war and revolution. By the end of the 21st century, capitalism may be consigned to the history books. Despite the seeming darkness of our era, our future is filled with incredible possibilities. A world of freedom, beauty, and abundance, where poverty and tyranny are merely distant memories for our grandchildren, is possible.

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Erik Davis | High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies | Legalise Freedom Radio | Sept. 5, 2019


Erik Davis discusses his book 'High Weirdness - Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies'.

A study of the spiritual provocations to be found in the work of Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K. Dick, 'High Weirdness' charts the emergence of a new psychedelic spirituality that arose from the American counterculture of the 1970s. These three authors changed the way millions of readers thought, dreamed, and experienced reality, but how did their writings reflect, as well as shape, the seismic cultural shifts taking place in America?

In 'High Weirdness', Davis - America's leading scholar of high strangeness - examines the published and unpublished writings of these vital, iconoclastic thinkers, as well as their own life-changing mystical experiences.

He explores the complex lattice of the strange that flowed through America's West Coast at a time of radical technological, political, and social upheaval to present a new theory of the weird as a viable mode for a renewed engagement with reality. We ask 'What is real?', 'What is normal?', 'What are facts?', 'What is truth?' and find that reality is unstable and that the world is considerably more malleable than it at first appears.

Dean Radin | Real Magic: The Secret Power of the Universe | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 27, 2019


Dean Radin discusses his book Real Magic – Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe.

The principles that form the scientific materialist world-view assert that everything can be understood like the gears of a clock, and that events unfold forward in time in a strictly orderly fashion. They tell us that everything can be described with real properties that exist in ordinary space and time and that everything, including mind and consciousness, consists of matter and energy. It makes no sense to call anything ‘spiritual’, ‘non-physical’ or ‘immaterial’. We are told that everything is made up of a hierarchy of ever-smaller objects, with subatomic particles at the bottom.

However, according to the author, who has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments exploring psychic phenomena, the scientific materialist world-view is woefully incomplete and furthermore, scientific evidence for a reality beyond this world-view exists. The picture that is emerging is of a reality where the entire Universe is interconnected, and where there is only one consciousness, which is fundamental, and which underlies everything, including the everyday materialist world that so many of us take to be all there is.

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Ian Hughes | Disordered Minds: Politics and Psychopaths | July 1, 2019


Ian Hughes discusses his book Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy.

Of all the personality disorders recognised by psychiatrists, only three pose a very real danger to society. The influence of psychopaths and those with narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders is seen every day: in bullying in schools and workplaces, in violence against women and children in their homes, in random assault and murder, in international criminal networks, in corporate fraud and corruption, and in decisions made every day by leaders around the world who put their own power ahead of the common good. Their malign influence is also evident in times of war, revolution, and societal breakdown when they are given free reign to express their destructive natures.

How has this disturbing fact remained hidden for so long? The answer is that many factors combine to provide camouflage – a mask of sanity – for pathological individuals. Science has only recently begun to properly characterise and diagnose these disorders, and it is also deeply ingrained within us to assume that everyone around us who seems normal is just like us, cognitively, emotionally, and otherwise.

Few in the media or general public are willing or able to ask whether some of those wielding enormous power are dangerously psychologically unstable. But the mental health of those in control is a vital issue – an elephant in the room – that we must face sooner rather than later. Cascading political, economic, and environmental crises are currently converging to create a perfect storm in which individual mental disorders can become mass psychosis, with catastrophic consequences for us all.

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