The Corbett Report | FISA, Facebook, and the End of Privacy, January 21, 2013


On December 28, 2012, in the midst of the holiday news break and under cover of the "fiscal cliff" hype, the US Senate quietly voted to approve a renewal of amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Although hardly discussed at the time and almost never brought up since, the 2008 FISA Amendments Act represented a fundamental change to the US government's official, on-the-record approach to the collection of personal data on its own citizens and others around the world. Find out more about the FISA Amendments Act, Facebook, and the end of privacy in this installment of The Last Word from
Transcript & Sources:

Tom Campbell | Primal Man Primal Woman: Getting to the Core of Relationships, December 16, 2012


Tom's upcoming book, Primal Man Primal Woman (sure to be a best seller) is the subject of this interview about men and women at their most fundamental core.

Using his unique understanding and experience to see behind the curtain of cultural belief, Tom gets to the core (there's that apple again) of how we interact with the opposite gender, and answers what steps can be taken for an optimal loving relationship that is in accordance with his theory.

Tom Campbell's My Big TOE must by definition (a big theory of everything) have an answer for how relationships can work optimally by shifting from need-based to love-based.

Women generally like Tom's advice for the men, but they will also have some serious growing to do as well.

Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings has said the concept Tom proposes is "revolutionary".

It is, and yet it is simple. He has observed and researched and tested it out, and have others, and "it works".

Max Igan, Linda West & David Aktin on The Truther Girls, January 18, 2013


James Horak on The Straight From The Heart Radio Show, January 19, 2013


James Horak shares with Earth bound Humans his knowledge of Man's off planet origins and gives us a refined cosmology to educate and Free Humanity from Control and Tyranny. He explains the task driven purpose of the EMVs - Electro Magnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and reveals how E.T civilizations are helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth.

In this interview James, again goes into great detail informing and educating us of the true history of our Ancestors and how they used the moon to arrive in our System. He explains how the EMVs are holding the Planet together and how without their interaction, not only on Earth but in the Sun, we would not be here. It is time we, as a species knew the truth of not only our history but the real mechanics of the Solar System and the integral part the EMVs play in creating and sustaining Planets within those systems.

Our Thanks to Juliyanna for being a wonderfully open-minded host with excellently researched questions posed to James in order to gain an in-depth reply and our Thanks to James for once again coming forward with vital information that may save Humanity and help us survive our own Technology to become, once again, a member of the Extended Community.

3MIN News | Magnetic Reconnection, January 19, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Peru Animal Deaths
Japan Wind Energy
Arctic Vortex Splits

Paul Levy | Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, January 15, 2013


January 15, 2013–Paul has developed a unique and creative vehicle to introduce people to the dream-like nature of reality that he calls "The Dreaming Up Process." Paul is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming. He returns to discuss his latest book Dispelling Wetiko. In the first hour, we’ll recap on "wetiko," a contagious psycho spiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions.

This mind-virus, which Native Americans have called "wetiko" covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests. Paul discusses how to deal with the collective psychosis and explains the upside to the madness. He talks about what can dissolve wetiko and change the dream, bringing about an alchemical experience. ~Red Ice Creations
download mp3

Max Igan | Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état, January 18, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - January 18th, 2013

Corbett Report | An EMP False Flag?, January 18, 2013


As the political puppets are fond of reminding us, we are in an age of global terror. As they are fond of leaving out, however, that terror is usually generated by them. Today on The Corbett Report we examine a possible vector for the next false flag attack: an EMP pulse. ~James Corbett

John Lenard Walson | Craft in Space, January 18, 2013

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

3MIN News | Saturn Storm Confirmation, January 18, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Saturn Storm
BOM Statement [Australia]
Asteroid Deflections

New World Next Week | IdleNoMore, Mali War, Garden Score, January 17, 2013


Story #1: First Nations Groups Launch Blockades, Protests In 'Idle No More' Day Of Action Burgeoning Native Protests Shake Canadian Establishment And Official Native Leadership
Native Rights Protest Draws Thousands In Canada
Wikipedia: Idle No More

Story #2: French Campaign In Mali Escalates Into Ground War 
Panetta Says No US Troops to Mali
War on Mali - What you Should Know: An Eldorado of Uranium, Gold, Petroleum, Strategic Minerals Breaking: Militants Seize Americans and Other Hostages In Algeria
Related: Trial Begins for Alleged 'Christmas Tree Bomber'

Story #3: Orlando Works On Code Change For Controversial Vegetable Garden 
Flashback: City Officials Waging War On Gardens
Flashback: Huge Rooftop Farm Is Set for Brooklyn

Catherine Austin Fitts | Politicians Already Committed to Inflation, January 14, 2013


Catherine Austin Fitts of says the real fight over the fiscal cliff is how we are going to pay for the mess. Fitts thinks, "Politicians have already committed to inflation." Fitts predicts, "The chances of another financial collapse are very small because every time we come up to a moment where a financial collapse starts to be a real risk, what happens? We get war." Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts.
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