Scott Wolter | The Hooked X | Truth Connections Radio


Scott Wolter is the host of the hit television series, America Unearthed, a world-renowned forensic geologist and the president of the Minnesota-based American Petrographic Services, Scott developed a new science called archaeopetrography--a scientific process used to date and understand the origins of mysterious stone artifacts and sites.

The first artifact Scott studied using this new science was the Kensington Rune Stone, which he believes is an authentic, pre-Columbian land claim carved here in America by none other than the Knights Templar. The Kensington Rune Stone was the subject of a documentary special called Holy Grail in America that aired on HISTORY in 2009. The Kensington Rune Stone special chronicled Scott's 10-year pursuit of the origin and meaning of the Hooked X symbol which appears on the Kensington Rune Stone and on four other North American rune stones.

The film also presents his and other researchers' ventures into the largely unknown and mysterious world of European visitors to North America prior to Columbus and was the forerunner to the current TV series America Unearthed on the History Channel. While hosting this series, America Unearthed on H2, Scott has the chance to use forensic geology and archaeopetrography to explore many other untold stories in American history, changing everything we think we know about our past. The show follows him on his quest to uncover the truth behind historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America. He is on a mission using hard science and intuitive theories to explain the most mysterious artifacts and sites in America.

Wolter explores everything from modern-day mysteries at the Denver Airport and pre-Columbian contact theories to tales of treasure in the Grand Canyon and legends involving storied artifacts like the Ark of the Covenant. What he unearths continues to prove there are plenty of secrets buried in America's past. He has been the principal petrographer in more than 5,000 investigations throughout the world, including the evaluation of fire-damaged concrete at the Pentagon following the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Scott is also the author of several books including; Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers:The Mysteries of the Hooked X, and The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, which covers the story of his continued research and resulting discoveries made over the last 12 years, including his ongoing quest to uncover the mysteries of the controversial Kensington Rune Stone which he studied in 2001.

Acharya S | The Moses Myth, Yahweh Supremacy & Cultural Genocide | Hour 1 | May 23, 2014


May 23, 2014–D.M. Murdock, also known by her pen name, "Acharya S," is the author of several books on comparative religion and mythology, including "The Christ Conspiracy," "Suns of God," "Who Was Jesus?" and "Christ in Egypt." Murdock is an alumna of Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, where she studied Classics, Greek Civilization. She has lived in Greece and is also an alumna of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. She speaks, reads and/or writes to varying degrees English, French, Spanish, ancient and modern Greek, Latin, German and other languages.

Acharya S has gained expertise in several religions, as well as knowledge about other esoterica and mystical subjects. In the first hour, we’ll discuss her latest research “Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver.” Although many scholars today are clear on the mythical nature of the Exodus tale and the probable (to them) non-historicity of the Moses character, there are a number of historical or quasi-historical individuals and events that have gathered attention as the possible "real Moses" and "real Exodus." In the second hour, we’ll look deeper into the origins of the Jewish tribe, Yahweh and the Ten Commandments. She provides comparative mythology or mythical motifs also found in other cultures that relate to the Moses myth, the Ark of the Covenant and more. She’ll talk about the profound correspondences between the tales of Moses and the Greek god Dionysus.

We’ll also talk about Yahweh supremacy and the foisted idea of the “chosen people.” Later, we’ll talk about the danger of disconnecting from our ancestral cultural heritage and how it creates a hatred of the natural world and disconnects us from nature. Our ancestors maintained tradition and mythology for important reasons. The Arahamic religions have swept across European countries, replacing imperative ancient myths with disastrous results. We discuss maintaining culture and heritage in a forced multicultural world. We’ll talk about those who are attempting to override European shared heritage to replace it with something far worse.

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Global March: Protests around world against Monsanto, May 24, 2014


People across the world are marching today against Monsanto - the world's leading producer of genetically-modified foods. Protests against GM products are planned in over 50 countries.

New World Next Week | Nazi-Supporting Royal Compares Putin to Hitler, May 22, 2014


Story #1: Did the Fed Launder $141B Through Belgium to Hide Massive Increase In QE?

Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery "Belgium" Buyer Adds Another Whopping $40 Billion

Euroclear says likely cause of Belgium's big rise in Treasuries

Euroclear's Global "Collateral Highway" To Boost Collateral Flows

Who Is The New Secret Buyer Of U.S. Debt?

George Soros Sells All Shares of Citigroup, Bank of America & JP Morgan

NWNW Flashback: Staking $1 Billion That Herbalife Will Fail, Then Lobbying to Bring It Down

A New Global Financial Order Emerging: Putin and the "De-Dollarization" of Russia-China Trade

Story #2: Prince Charles 'Hitler' Row: 'Risks Triggering International Scandal'

Prince Charles, Heir Apparent to British Throne, Declares Putin On-Par With Hitler

Hillary Clinton says Vladimir Putin's Crimea occupation echoes Hitler

Is Vladimir Putin Another Adolf Hitler?

Prince Charles 'Should Abdicate' After Comparing Putin to Hitler, Says MP

Flashback: The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek Updates:

Two Oregon Counties Ban GMO Crops Amid US Labeling Uproar

Video: Oregon Counties Defeat Monsanto, Ban Genetically Modified Crops

Interview w/ Vicki Robin of 'Blessing The Hands That Feed Us'

As Common Core Becomes Punchline, Critics Win Battles Nationwide

South Carolina Lawmakers Pass Bill Effectively Nullifying Federal Hemp Ban

After Bin Laden Backlash, CIA Promises: No More Vaccination Campaigns for Spying

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:

F.B.I Head-Hunting Computer Hackers Whom Partake In 'The Herb'

Bilderberg's Silent Takeover of Britain's $60bn Defense Budget

Bankers Killing Bankers for Insurance Money and Another Look at 9/11

'Afghanis deserve to know NSA is violating their rights' - Wikileaks, May 23, 2014


Afghanistan is the 2nd country, where all domestic and international calls are being monitored by the NSA. The newest revelation was made by Julian Assange and Wikileaks -- though not all of the whistleblowing community is happy about it. Kristinn Hrafnsson, Wikileaks spokesman and RT's Polly Boyko explain more.

Back in Time Series | David Icke | Economic Collapse


Back in Time Series | David Icke 'The Moon Matrix & Saturn Firewall' | Red Ice Radio | 24-04-2011


 David Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world". David is one of the most controversial speakers and authors in the world. He has written 16 books explaining his position and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.

In the first hour of this interview, David begins talking about the new vibrations that are coming into the world to replace the old ones. He says it is not a time for the faint-hearted. The control system is clamping down harder than ever as more people are waking up to it. David says it is a time to listen to what feels right, not what sounds right. Then, he discusses the wide reaches and purpose of the current control system which is light years beyond us. David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between humanity and true information. This leads us into discussing the moon matrix. It is possible the moon is being used as a blocking device from decoding real information that would change the world of humanity and also beaming other frequencies which deceive the masses and protect those in control. So what is the moon and where did it come from?

We'll discuss scientific aspects of the moon as well as some legend about it. David begins the second hour talking about Russian scientists from 1970 who wrote an article calling the moon a spaceship. He'll discuss the article. David wonders how many of these moons exist. Is the moon camouflaged? We'll talk about Saturn and it's moons and rings. David says he sees a massive broadcasting system. Could it be that reptilians and greys reside inside the moon? Then, we discuss the lights seen around the moon as well as the gold connection. David also talks about how the moon affects the human body, our cycles and our decoding process. Will the "super-machine" be turned off or is it up to us through expansion beyond the moon matrix? We end the interview, talking about transformation and electric fields.

Dr. Jonathan Wolfe | Fractals - Changing Paradigms in Science and Education | EU2014


Fractals are the strikingly beautiful images of complex and chaotic systems. While they have existed in nature for billions of years, only in the last few decades has modern mathematics and science started to acknowledge their importance. Indeed, fractals have recently transformed our understanding of a wide range of natural phenomena, and fractal math provides a new language for quantifying the patterns of nature.

Unfortunately, our educational systems and our culture at large have not yet caught up with this conceptual revolution. As a society, we still try to tackle complex problems with inadequate linear solutions, and we still teach our children simple, boring, and largely irrelevant math skills that fail to serve or inspire them. Explore the exciting new realm of fractals in an engaging interdisciplinary presentation that excites and inspires with new possibilities for understanding the complexity of nature.

Covering both the art and science of fractals, we explore the interconnected fractal patterns of nature, seen at scales from the microscopic to the galactic. Dr. Wolfe is the founder and Executive Director of the Fractal Foundation, a New Mexico nonprofit that uses the beauty of fractals to inspire interest and participation in science, math and art. An artist as well as a scientist, his studies of the neurophysiology of the visual system were inspired by his love of color, form and motion, and now his knowledge of perceptual neuroscience informs his art.

His love of fractals continues to spiral upward and outward, reaching ever larger audiences, through public art installations, school presentations, corporate trainings, and full-dome planetarium fractal shows. Since 2003, he has taught over 50,000 children and 25,000 adults the important and inspiring lessons of fractals, chaos and complexity.

Pepe Escobar | Thailand's coup in four minutes, May 22, 2014


Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar explains the military coup in Thailand: Bangkok elites, militaries and former PM in a power struggle. Pepe calls it a 'soft coup' but warns of what might happen next.

Petter Amundsen | Shakespeare Ciphers & Oak Island Treasure, | Hour 1 | May 19, 2014

Source:, Raiders of the Lost Art,

May 19, 2014–Petter Amundsen is an organist, a Freemason and co-author of the book Organisten (The Organist). Since 2002 he has decrypted a number of steganographic ciphers believed to be hidden in several first editions of William Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon’s books. In 2003 Amundsen excavated two sites at the legendary Treasure Island – Oak Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. His findings didn’t go unnoticed as it attracted media attention and amazed many in the local community, among them landowner Dan Blankenship.

In 2009, he was featured in a four episode TV series, Shakespeares skjulte koder (Shakespeare: The Hidden Codes) which broadcasted on Norwegian TV channel NRK1. In 2012 Amundsen published his second book, Oak Island & The Treasure Map in Shakespeare. In late April 2012 his full feature documentary “Shakespeare: The Hidden Truth” was released in Norwegian cinemas. In 2014, he was featured in an episode of History Channel’s The Curse of Oak Island.

In the first hour, Petter tells how he came to find secret messages in Shakespeare and how he learned to decrypt them. He’ll discuss key elements and symbolism. We’ll also discuss the controversy surrounding the authorship of Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians and how the ciphers lead to Oak Island in Canada.

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White House will release memo justifying drone strikes against Americans, May 21, 2014


The White House will not appeal a federal court's order to release the memo outlining the administration's legal arguments for the use of lethal drone strikes against American citizens. The announcement was made Tuesday on the eve of a key Senate vote. David Barron, President Barack Obama's nominee for a seat on the US Court of Appeals, cleared a procedural Senate vote Wednesday. Voting 52 to 43, Barron will now proceed to a formal confirmation vote. Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky voiced his opposition, saying anyone who argues the president has the power to kill an American citizen without trial "is not worthy of being placed one step away from the Supreme Court." Lindsay France discusses these and other breaking developments on Capitol Hill with RT's Sam Sacks.

Whistle-Brawlers: Row over WikiLeaks threat to name NSA-target country, May 21, 2014


Despite warnings that doing so "could lead to increased violence" and potentially deaths, anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks says it plans to publish the name of a country targeted by a massive United States surveillance operation. Read more at:
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