S0 News | Sun, Climate, Space Dust, MWA Hunts Aliens | Sept. 9, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Alison McDowell | The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover | Sept 9, 2020

Source: argusfest youtube, wrenchinthegears.com

Alison McDowell is a mother and dedicated researcher studying the working parts of the World Economic Forum's declared "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and the global takeover of industries and public policies by the central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats and billionaire funded foundations.

This is part 1 of an interview conducted by Jason Bosch in Philadelphia, PA on May 17, 2020.

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Follow Alison's work at: https://wrenchinthegears.com

Ben Swann | Exclusive: Covid Vaccine Patent Warned of "Deliberate Coronavirus Release" 9 Month's Before COVID-19 | Sept. 7, 2020

Source: Ben Swann youtube

Newly unearthed documents from Moderna Pharmaceuticals Covid patent application include a claim of concern about a "deliberate release of SARS coronavirus" 9 months before the official emergence of Covid-19.

In addition, it turns out that Moderna may not have the legal right to even release its vaccine in the next few weeks because the company appears to be infringing on an exisiting patent for the core technology. Is this why Moderna's executives are selling their stock? -Ben Swann

S0 News | Brightest Galaxy, Solar Potential, Plasma Shocker | Sept. 8, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Why Aren't Insurers 9/11 Truthers? | Questions For Corbett | Sept. 8, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

As we approach the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag, Leonard writes in to ask about the insurers who paid Silverstein and his cohorts over four and a half billion dollars as a result of those attacks. Why did the insurers never investigate the possibility of controlled demolition? Why did they pay out billions of dollars without calling the official 9/11 narrative into question? James investigates. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | What is COVID-19? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis | Sept. 7, 2020

Source: GlobalResearchTV.com, GlobalResearch.ca

S0 News | Sun, Weather, Quakes, Harvard Nova Battle - Round 2 | Sept 7, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Jon Rappoport | The Magic Virus | Sept. 7, 2020

Source: nomorefakenews.com, solari.com

Recorded for the Darkness in the Age of Light conference, Basel, August 29-30, 2020.

Whitney Webb | The CTI League, The Maxwell Sisters, & Israeli Intelligence | Sept. 6, 2020

Source: The Higherside Chats, unlimitedhangout.com, thelastamericanvagabond.com

Returning guest, Whitney Webb, is an independent journalist investigating some of the deepest, darkest rabbitholes there are. She is currently a staff writer for the Last American Vagabond, and previously wrote for MintPress News and Ben Swann's Truth In Media.

Whitney is also the very deserving 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. And has launched a great new website recently @ UnlimitedHangout.com

Dark Journalist X-Series 96 | UFOs And Continuity of Government (COG) Secret Revealed! | Sept. 5, 2020

Source: Dark Journalist

Is a Massive Deep State Command Infrastructure Underground Operating as a De facto Ruling Power based on UFO X-Technology? The strange correlation between the secrecy around the UFO File and and the Continuity of Government (COG) programs sometimes called the "Doomsday Network" is revealed along with the curious fact that the new COG Commander General VanHerck has a connection to the Roswell UFO incident.

Noam Chomsky on Trump vs Biden, Threat of Nuclear War, Green New Deal & Julian Assange | Sept. 5, 2020

Source: Going Underground youtube

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to world-renowned American dissident and co-author of ‘Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal’ Noam Chomsky.

He discusses why a Green New Deal is the most important project in human history amid the climate emergency and Coronavirus pandemic, how a Green New Deal would help to radically restructure the economy to benefit the majority after the Coronavirus economic collapse, the role of corporations and
big banks in the climate crisis.

The state of capitalism and the American population through the Donald Trump and Obama years, the 2020 Presidential election (Donald Trump vs Joe Biden), the choice between Joe Biden’s neoliberalism and Donald Trump’s White House which he says poses an existential threat to us all, the threat of nuclear war, Julian Assange’s US extradition hearing which will start on September 7th and more!

Dr. Carrie Madej | "Human 2.0" ? A Wake-Up Call To The World

Source: Dr. Carrie Madej youtube

Doctor Carrie Madej Speaks out regarding the coming COVID Vaccine...
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