David Alzofon | APEC 2020 | Part 7: Flying Saucer Engineering QA & Demo | Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

David Alzofon answers questions on gravity modification described by the Alzofon theory, and how that may be implemented to build a flying saucer. This segment also includes a water demo with a gyroscope to show the precession effects predicted in his theory.

The Alzofon method for gravity control is documented in "Gravity Control with Present Technology", written by David & Frederick, and utilizes a method of applying microwaves to align particle spins and create propulsion from a gyroscopic precession effect on the atomic level.

The technology developed by Alzofon comes from a self-created Unified Field Theory applied to UFO electromagnetic emissions data captured from an AWACS encounter in the late 20th century.

David is a featured presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

David Alzofon | APEC 2020 | Part 6: How To Build A Flying Saucer | Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

David Alzofon describes how to build a flying saucer based on the theoretical & engineering work of his father, Frederick Alzofon, combined with analysis of UFO field emissions.

The Alzofon method for gravity control is documented in "Gravity Control with Present Technology", written by David & Frederick, and utilizes a method of applying microwaves to align particle spins and create propulsion from a gyroscopic precession effect on the atomic level.

The technology developed by Alzofon comes from a self-created Unified Field Theory applied to UFO electromagnetic emissions data captured from an AWACS encounter in the late 20th century.

David is a featured presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Mark McCandlish | APEC 2020 | Part 5: Why Do UFOs Glow? | Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

Mark McCandlish discusses the commonly reported glow & ionization associated with UFOs and why those also occur in the Alien Reproduction vehicle, and talks with David Alzofon, Bill Alek, Mark Sokol & others on technical aspects of the design work he's conducted to reverse engineer the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner.

This technical discussion also includes a Q&A session on details of the ARV components how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.

Mark is the opening presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Mark McCandlish | APEC 2020 | Part 4: Why Do UFOs Spin? Why The Saucer Shape?| Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

Mark McCandlish discusses the role of spin in UFOs and the Alien Reproduction vehicle, and talks with Mark Sokol, Jeremiah Hansen & others on technical aspects of the design work he's conducted to reverse engineer the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner.

This technical discussion also includes a Q&A session on details of the ARV components how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.

Mark is the opening presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Mark McCandlish | APEC 2020 | Part 3: Alien Abductee Witness Tech Comparison | Nov. 21, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

Mark McCandlish describes witness testimony by alien abductee claimants on the technology powering ET craft, and compares that to the technical specifications of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner.

This technical discussion also includes a Q&A session on details of the ARV components how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.

Mark is the opening presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Mark McCandlish | APEC 2020 | Part 2: UFO & ARV Technology Q&A| Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

Mark McCandlish answers technical questions related to decades of design work he's conducted to reverse engineer the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner. This technical question & answer session includes details of the components & materials used and how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.

Mark is the opening presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
- David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
- Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Mark McCandlish | APEC 2020 | Part 1: UFO Reverse-Engineering | Nov. 22, 2020

Source: americanantigravity.com

Mark McCandlish delivers a detailed technical description of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner. This technical discussion includes details of the components & materials used and how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.

Mark is the opening presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.

Presenters in the Nov. 21st session include:

- Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) - David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer) - Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion

Dark Journalist | The JFK Assassination 57 Years of Deep State Deception! | Nov. 22, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

2 Special Breakthrough Documentaries with Stunning Details You've Never Heard Before!

Join Dark Journalist for his classic 2014 JFK Assassination documentary of the CIA connections of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK. Watch the assassination researchers who have uncovered the truth that Oswald was set up to take the fall by the CIA in the Deep State of power, politics and covert ops. Featuring historical commentary from DA Jim Garrison, Colonel Dan Marvin, L. Fletcher Prouty, Dr. Cyril Wecht, Governor John Connally, LBJ, Roger Craig, George de Mohrenschildt, Marina Oswald, an exclusive interview with Judyth Baker who knew Oswald in 1963 and much more! Includes key assassination witnesses and researchers with historical film and audio from the tragedy that changed the world.

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents his new 2020 groundbreaking documentary that uncovers startling information about an unknown group of Secret Aerospace Agents that have manipulated world-changing geopolitical events over the last 70 years to protect the secret of the UFO File. Stunning new information on Howard Hughes, Secret Aerospace Technology, Litton Industries, RFK Assassin Thane Eugene Cesar, the Pascagoula UFO incident, JFK Assassination, MKULTRA Mind Control Experiments and more...!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt recently reported that in order for Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to issue his order that Special Operations now must report directly to him he needed to execute the power held in the JFK National Security Action Memorandum 57 (NSAM 57) designed to bypass the CIA!

Paul Stonehill | Secrets of Russia’s Moonwalkers | Nov. 23, 2020

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

…information about the Soviet Lunokhod program has been declassified. I emphasize, some information… was the skeleton Number 13 or Number 14?...

S0 News | Earthquake Watch, Dark X or Light Cross? | Nov. 20, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism | Nov. 20, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. 

Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack? -corbettreport.com


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 19, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

There's been a lot of hoohaa about the corona-virus vaccine... but there are some warning signs you might want to consider:

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