Linda Moulton Howe | Missile-Shaped UFOs and Blinding-Bright Light — Southwestern USA to Brisbane, AUS | March 3, 2021



COVID-19 update
- Johnson & Johnson and Merck to collaborate on making Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
- South African COVID variant has officially reached Northern Virginia
- Strain has already been identified in DC and Maryland and a dozen other states.
- Appears to be more contagious.
- Concern growing about variant. AstraZeneca vaccine only provides “minimal” protection against South African variants.
- Almost half of recovered COVID patients had no immunity to South African variants.
- Dr. Faucci says “masks will be needed through all of 2022”

Steve Douglass interview
- Recording of American Airlines flight 2292 UFO sighting
- “almost looked like a cruise missile…went right over top of us”
- Similar to UFO sighting by American Airlines flight 1095, on March 28, 2018 over the Sonoran Desert outside Phoenix
- Lear Jet pilot asked about a strange unidentified object
- Less than 1 minute after, AA 1095 radioed “something just passed over us, just 2-3000 feet above us”
- Blenus Green, American Airlines pilot. “So bright, you couldn’t even make it out”
- They concluded it might have been flying at more than 50,000 feet.

Brisbane, Australia resident Sam West email
- Witnessed a “cylindrical object travelling at incredible speed during May of 2018”
- “Silver cylindrical object…travelling so fast”
- “looked like a metal pipe..very highly polished steel”
- “it had created it’s own vapour cone or shock collar”

Interview with Mark Wood, U.S. Navy Captain (retired)
- “Tomahawk cruise missile..only used by the navy”
- “It’s operating envelope is 100-160 feet above the ground. Not designed to operate at altitude of commercial airlines”
- “range is designed to stay low”
- “I don’t believe we would test anything in that area”
- “I don’t know how it would be controlled” without flight surfaces

Dr. Joni Johnston | 4 Antisocial Personality Disorders walk into a bar… | Forum Borealis | March 3, 2021


They walk among us. Mostly undetected. So let's look into them. Some of the questions raised with our Alienist guest: What's a personality disorder? What symptoms & how to recognize them? Are we all on the spectrum? Nature or nurture? What's moral insanity? Can psychopaths be happy? 

Why's it not listed? Can it be countered with a codex? Do they seek particular jobs? Why do Oligarchs become evil? Are the smart invisible? Are there more Narcissists today? Can sociopaths feel guilt? Why's BPD mostly women? Can they be cured? Are they aware of their disorder? How many? How to deal with them? + What would happen if they all met in a bar?

S0 News | Flurry of Sunspots, Nova Suess, "Elite" Science | March 3, 2021


The Corbett Report | How to Present Info for Visual Learners – #SolutionsWatch | March 2, 2021


A picture is worth a thousand words, and it is often the case that a well-crafted image can get the point across much more effectively than a lengthy diatribe. Joining us to demonstrate this concept is the author of "Government — The Biggest Scam in History," which makes the case in a compelling, image-based way that government of every flavour has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning.

Show Notes:
Government — The Biggest Scam in History
The Liberator Keith Knight and James Corbett Dissect Voluntary Servitude (Étienne de La Boétie)
Download the Full Powerpoint Deck
Website for the Art of Liberty Foundation
Executive Summary for the Art of Liberty Foundation

Age Of Truth TV | Roundtable Live-Debate | "...there's something rotten in the state of Denmark?? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW?" | March 2, 2021


The Round Table panel is interviewed by Age Of Truth TV Presenter & Investigative Reporter LUCAS ALEXANDER.

Featuring speakers:
Lawyer, Legal Councillor: MIKKEL KAASTRUP
Engineer, Activist, Political Party Founder: FLEMMING BLICHER
Public Speaker, Blogger & Vlogger, Musician: DAN JOHANNESSON
Police Officer, Activist & Public Speaker: JOVAN TASEVSKI

Dark Journalist | Zink In The HotZone - Bimini Atlantis And UFOs | March 3, 2021


Dark Journalist speaks to psychic Joan Zink about her late husband, Dr. David Zink and his groundbreaking research in the Bimini HotZone to discover Atlantis working on the information in the readings of Edgar Cayce. She goes deeply into the UFO File, the Tuaoi Stone Power Crystal submerged in the Bahamas and how she helped David with Psychic Archaeology.

S0 News | Solar Storm, Earth Skeleton, Cycle Spotted | March 1, 2021


Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Alchemy of Zero Point (Pt. 2 of 2: A Murky History of Inventions) | Feb. 27, 2021



Now we review some applications of Zero Point, among others: Did ancients use this energy? Why did this science go black after WW2? How can metaphysics & physics be reconciled? What's Soviet Mercury & Nazi Serum? What's the Philadelphia Experiment? 

What's the science of invisibility? What's Monatomic Gold? What's red & white powder of alchemy? What's up with Thorium? What's Element 115? Is 144 the full Periodic Table? Has NASA now avowed Anti-gravity & Free Energy? Did von Braun use classified tech? How is Kurt Debus linked to UFOs? What's the Heim theory? Is Cold Fusion real? What did Royal Rife discover? + Learn the physics of ghosts...

Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Alchemy of Zero Point | PART 1

Thomas Campbell | Straight Talk Live The Science of Consciousness | March 1, 2021


This episode we sit down with physicist, author, and consciousness expert Tom Campbell who has worked as an applied physicist for over 40 years — including a decade with Army technical intelligence, two decades with National Missile Defense and several years as a consultant to NASA, as we discuss:

✔️ Out-of-body experiences and what it has to teach us about our current physical reality
✔️ Why fear, ego, beliefs are the greatest limiters to evolving our consciousness
✔️ How to balance rational and intuitive modes of perception for greater problem solving
✔️ And how you can make better choices that align with your highest-level growth and potentiality

The Last American Vagabond | Patreon Deletes TLAV, Huge Mask Study Confirms Dangers, Vaccine Passports & Our Runaway Government | Feb. 25, 2021

Source: The Last American Vagabond

S0 News | Beaufort Gyre, Oceans in Trouble, New Comet | Feb. 26, 2021


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 25, 2021



 Joseph begins today's high octane speculation with a couple of questions regarding the following articles:

Entire Federal Reserve payment system CRASHES due to 'operational error' freezing $3trillion in daily transactions including paychecks, tax refunds and bill payments

Fed Investigating Massive Outage Of Its Interbank Payment System

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