James Corbett Talks Power, Narrative and Conspiracy | Oct. 27, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com, Counterflow with Buck Johnson

via Counterflow with Buck Johnson: My guest on this episode is James Corbett of CorbettReport.com. James has been putting out excellent content in the forms of documentaries, podcasts, writing, and more for much longer than most people in alternative media.

James has a terrific analysis of how conspiracies happen at the highest levels. As he points out, the highest levels of power are far above elected officials and names we all know. In this episode, we also discuss the media, propaganda narratives, and how the coof narrative has played out on the public. We also get into the class that James Corbett will be teaching at Renegade University.

Show Notes:

Who Is James Corbett? - QFC #047
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve
Episode 050 - The "C" Word
I Am A Conspiracy Theorist
Episode 285 - Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper
Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World (2015 Documentary)
Who Is Bill Gates? (2020 Documentary)
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf
Medical Martial Law (2009)
Episode 373 - Medical Martial Law 2020
corbettreport.com search "Anthrax"
WHO Director General speech at Munich Security Conference (2020)
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan
Mass Media: A History - Renegade University
Fighting Vaccine Mandates - #SolutionsWatch
Picnic Protests Sweep the World! - #SolutionsWatch
The Corbett Report IPFS Backup

Linda Moulton Howe | Missile guard recounts Sasquatch encounter, High Strangeness at Malmstrom AFB | Oct. 27, 2021

Source: earthfiles.com

From Flipped 25-Ton-Blast Door and Tipped Over USAF Truck to Sasquatch — High Strangeness At Malmstrom AFB Minuteman Missile Site.

A retired Minuteman Missile Security Policeman speaks for the first time about his November 1980 encounters with chaos at Carl’s Site P-9 sixty miles northwest of Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana — and soon after comes face-to-face with a Sasquatch.

Unknown object reportedly seen at Lockheed Martin’s headquarters

Head of NASA says life probably exists outside Earth
- “billions of other suns and billions of other galaxies”
- “the universe is so big…and there might be other universes”
- “who am I to say that planet Earth is the only location of another civilization”

Interview with Brian Montgomery - USAF Senior Airman (Ret.)
- Incident at Minuteman Missile site “Carl’s Site P-09” in 1980
- “Truck on it’s side, blast shield door flipped on it’s side”
- “Security policemen…something had them freaked out”
- “keys and codes vault was open..there was something in there”
- “I went into the vault…”
- Female Bigfoot spotted by Giant Springs near Great Falls, Montana

Many residents in Snohomish, WA report seeing Sasquatch
Sasquatch sound recording from Snohomish, WA

Linda recounts trip to Laos to investigate “wild men of Laos”

Whitney Webb | COVID-19 and Central Bank Digital Slavery with John Titus

Source: unlimitedhangout.com

In this episode, Whitney is joined by John Titus of BestEvidence to discuss how Central Banks and Wall Street Banks have used the COVID-19 crisis to launch a "silent takeover" of the wealth and assets of regular Americans and what these banks plan for the post-COVID era, from CBDCs to "green" finance. Originally published on 10/14/21.

S0 News | Sun-Cardiac Connection, Magnetosense, Nova Trouble | Oct. 27, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Whitney Webb | School World Order with John Klyczek

Source: unlimitedhangout.com

Whitney is joined by professor, author and Unlimited Hangout contributor John Klyczek to discuss how teachers unions and the US education system are selling out to Big Tech as well as the oligarch class and their long-standing plans to exploit students to advance the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Ardis, Karen Kuingston, Carrie Madej | Oct. 25, 2021

Source: thedrardisshow.com

The Corbett Report | How to Disarm Propaganda - Mark Crispin Miller on #SolutionsWatch | Oct. 26, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com 

Today Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor and News From Underground publisher, joins us to discuss his specialty: propaganda. In true #SolutionsWatch style, we discuss ways to identify and dissect propaganda, as well as how to help others to see through common propaganda techniques.

Show Notes:
News From Underground (MarkCrispinMiller.com)
Interview 1633 - Mark Crispin Miller Exposes Propaganda in the Academy
Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick debunk the "hockey stick"
Dr. Tim Ball wins Mann Lawsuit
The Polar Bear Hoax - #PropagandaWatch
Susan Crockford: No climate emergency for polar bears
Barrier Reef climate change critic loses appeal over uni sacking
Report: World Needs Equivalent Of Pandemic Lockdown Every Two Years To Meet Paris Carbon Emission Goals
Webinar by Mark Crispin Miller - Critical Thinking in the Time of COVID

Max Igan | Jeff Rense Show | Oct. 21, 2021

Source: thecrowhouse.com, rense.com

S0 News | Bezos Upgrades Disaster Plan, La Palma, Ionospheric Disturbances | Oct. 25, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Andrei Martyanov | The Caucasus Conflict and Global Trends | Guns & Butter

Source: gunsandbutter.org, smoothiex12.blogspot.com

- The Transcaucasia region
- Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is discussed
- Baku, capitol of Azerbaijan, oil region and birthplace of Andrei Martyanov
- Nagorno-Karabakh, semi-autonomous region within Azerbaijan
- Political and ethnic dynamics of the Azeri/Armenian conflict
- Two wars between Armenia and Azerbaijan
- Armenia’s Velvet Revolution
- Soros sponsored NGOs in Armenia
- Turkey’s involvement; Dashnaks
- Armenian diaspora
- Second largest US embassy in Yerevan
- Caucasus strategic geopolitical location spanning Europe and Asia
- US recognition of WWI Armenian genocide
- Russian Federation involvement
- Largest US export is dollar inflation
- Russophobia
- MAKS 2021 Russian Air Show, international exhibition of new civilian and military aircraft

Corbett Report | But What About Deagel? - Questions For Corbett | Oct. 22, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com


Show Notes:
Today James tackles a question he's received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is Deagle.com (or is that Deagel.com)? Where does their amazing population forecast come from? What does it mean? And where did it go, anyway? Your burning questions are answered on this edition of Questions For Corbett!

Edwin A Deagle
Last available archive of Deagel 2025 forecast (April 17, 2021)
2017 forecast from 2008
Reported data for 2017
Forecast for the UK in 2017
Reported data for the UK for 2017
US 2017 forecast
US 2017 data
2014 disclaimer about forecast ("the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct")
2021 disclaimer about forecast ("Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.")
Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? You decide …
Fact check: A leaked message outlining alleged Canadian govt plan to create a totalitarian state through lockdowns and credit strategy is fake
Metabunk thread on Deagel forecast

Dark Journalist Special JFK Report | CIA Biden Block Assassination Records! | Oct. 24, 2021

Source: darkjournalist.com

Dark Journalist Special JFK Report: CIA Biden Block Assassination Records!
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