The Corbett Report | NOW What About Excess Mortality? - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 15, 2022


Last year The Corbett Report explored the question of excess mortality over the past two years . . . but where are the stats at now? Joining us to break down the suprising answer (and its implications) is Denis Rancourt of

What About Excess Mortality? - Questions For Corbett #073
One Million Deaths: The Hole the Pandemic Made in U.S. Society
Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data
Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010-2021, by province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males
Masks Don't Work - A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy
Download the slide show mentioned in today's conversation
Same Facts, Opposite Conclusions

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Declaring War On Canadians, Protests To End? + Exotic Weapons In Oz | Feb. 17, 2022


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 91 of No-Go Zone.

Linda Moulton Howe | "Tall Whites" and "Nordic" E. T.s - What’s the Difference? | Feb. 16, 2022



Topics: "Tall Whites" and "Nordic" E. T.s - What’s the Difference?

Remote viewer and astral projector Buddy Bolton from the Bronx, New York, took on the challenge to "see more" about the two alien civilizations in Earth's Milky Way Galaxy neighborhood that are described by some military, aerospace and scientist whistleblowers as friendly allies to Earth humans. So why isn’t Earth introduced to them publicly?

Western Drought worst in 12 centuries
- Climate scientists use tree ring data to determine 2000-2021 driest in last 1200 years.
- Drought in southwest US “will continue for at least 25 years”

Mystery in Wales, UK - hundred of dead birds fall from the sky - “hundreds of starling birds all died and fell to the ground”
- One witness saw a big flash of light. Another heard a loud electrical bang
- Strange birds deaths near Chihuahua, Mexico a week before

Interview with remote viewer, Buddy Bolton
- predicts huge solar flare in 2024, causing magnetic storm on level or Carrington Event
- predicts 2036 solar mini-nova
- “At least 2 extraterrestrial special helping us in space program” - “Tall Whites” and “Tall Nordics”

- Nordics are 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall, blonde, light coloured eye, pragmatic
- “Friendly to us”
- “longer heads”…”much more athletic, more militaristic”

Tall whites
- “Tall whites” physically very similar
- “very protective of their technology”..”exceedingly wise”…”more advanced technology”
- “500-1000 years more sophisticated”
- “3 bases in the Unites States”…South America, Russia near large underwater lake
- “they can be over 700 years old”
- “they have their own base on Ganymede”

Redice TV | Flashback Friday | Trucks of Peace, Diversity Gone Bad, Ukraine Fear Mongering | Feb. 12, 2022


Henrik and Lana cover the latest with the trucker protests in Canada and more in episode 156 of Flashback Friday.

Max Igan | Warriors Rise | Feb. 12, 2022


Brien Foerster | Enigmatic Megalithic Site Of Tanis In The Nile Delta Of Egypt: Curiosity In The Middle Of Nowhere | Feb. 12, 2022


Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts | It's Happening Now! Global Control Coup | Feb. 12, 2022


Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually.

Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited time to restore the Constitution and Rule of Law.

Black Budget
Digital Tyranny

New World Next Week | You've Got covAIDS! | Feb. 11, 2022


This week on the New World Next Week: Klaus Schwab says the quiet part out loud when it comes to the Young Global Leaders program; you've got VAIDS! and the Fukushima disaster remains exactly where it was 11 years ago.

Story #1: World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed
The Forum of Young Global Leaders

Story #2: "Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve" Becomes "Better Get Tested For AIDS!"
The Girl Who Was Cured Of HIV (Aug. 7, 2013)
Questioning the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent (Sep. 23, 2014)
Third HIV Patient Appears To Have Been Cured of AIDS, But It's Complicated (Mar. 5, 2019)
Coronavirus has an ‘HIV-like mutation’ which helps it to attack human cells, scientists claim (Feb. 27, 2020)
The ‘London Patient,’ Cured of H.I.V., Reveals His Identity (Mar. 9, 2020)
Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection (Oct. 20, 2020)
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): 'We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely' (Dec. 6, 2021)
Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination (Dec. 10, 2021)
Researchers Discover HIV Variant That's More Contagious, More Severe Circulating In The Netherlands
A New HIV Vaccine Is In Phase One Trials. But Scientists Aren't Holding Their Breath Just Yet
Free At-Home HIV Tests Available To The Public
Prof. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Recipient for the Discovery of HIV and Believer That HIV Exists In the Spike Protein of the Vaccines, Has Died.
Corona Weiss
Gov. Newsom, Mayor Garcetti Criticized After Being Spotted Not Wearing Face Masks at LA Rams, 49ers Game Despite California Mask Mandate
@MagicJohnson: "Hanging out at SoFi Stadium today!"
South African Scientists Will Study Link Between COVID Variants and Untreated HIV
COVID/Vaccine/HIV Connection, The Booster Time Bomb, Canadian Gov Tyrants & Debunking CNN’s “Debunk”
The “Recognizing Natural Immunity” Sleight Of Hand, The 4 HIV Inserts & Your “Misinfo” Is Terrorism
HIV decides to mutate into a super strain after 40 years
Newly Discovered HIV Variant Can Cause Patients To Develop AIDS Twice As Fast, Researchers Say
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney apologizes for comparing unvaccinated people to AIDS patients
Fauci Was Duplicitous on the AIDS Epidemic Too
Video: Fauci in the 80s saying kids can get AIDS by being close to someone who has it

Andrei Martyanov | Liz Truss Goes to Russia | Feb. 10, 2022


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

A catastrophe of Western "elites". Sanctions "From Hell". Fate of Europe.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 10, 2022


Well, a LITTLE confirmation of a wild high octane speculation I've been entertaining for some time:


Linda Moulton Howe | More Q & A tonight! | Feb. 9, 2022


Linda returns from 2022 Conscious Life Expo where Linda presented Truth in Media Award

We broke through 198k subscribers.

Mysterious booms in South Jersey, Tuesday February 8th
- FAA has no record of sonic booms
- No supersonic flights in the area

SpaceX loses 40 satellites to geomagnetic storm on February 4th shortly after launch
Letter from grandson of army officer with experience with Roswell crash

Viewer Q & A

Kerri Rivera ft. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD | Feb. 3, 2022


This is what Dr. Andrew Kaufman told host Kerri Rivera on the February 3 episode of the “Champions with Kerri Rivera” show.

“There’s just no evidence to show that there’s a virus that causes this disease. So everything built upon that is fraudulent in one sense or another. It’s not actually an isolated virus. It’s just the fluid, essentially, from a cell culture experiment,” Kaufman said.

Kaufman noted that even the authors of the publication titled “Isolation of a Virus” all said in written correspondence that they didn’t purify any virus in their experiments.

He also mentioned Nobel Prize-winning French virologist Luc Montagnier, the doctor who discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), warning about the dangerous side effect of the mRNA vaccines and stating that a virus must be purified to show that it is real.

“And so in order to show that it’s real, that has to be done and it hasn’t,” Kaufman said, adding that the root cause of an illness must be known so that support can be given to bring healing to the body.

“We certainly don’t see evidence of any increased overall death rate. We see lots of fudged death certificates and numbers with financial incentives throughout the healthcare system that skew the data.”

Medical treatment, wearing masks are killing people

He also took note of the medical treatments that are killing people in hospitals and the dangers of wearing masks.
Kaufman warned that inhaling one’s own exhaust gases, carbon dioxide or CO2, at a higher concentration is going to cause a respiratory illness. He also talked about masks that had been contaminated with toxic materials.

“So you’re inhaling plastic particles in addition to whatever is coming out of your mouth that your body’s trying to get rid of. You’re re-inhaling and concentrating it in your lungs,” said Kaufman, who also warned about the abrasive plastic swabs that have been tested and shown to contain toxic metals and other substances.

Kaufman said people need to shift toward what he calls a “terrain model,” or the method of natural healing that supports the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

“That’s really the future of health and healing. And so we want to kind of promote that shift. And then in the course of telling that story, we go into the human struggle related to what we are facing, which is all predicated upon this scientific misconception or fraud, depending on how you look at it,” he said. “So that we can see like how we can stand up through the knowledge of these truths against the tyranny and the adversity that we’re facing.”

The forensic psychiatrist also indicated that the germ theory of diseases is misunderstood and experiments don’t show that germs cause an illness. He added that the allopathic mainstream healthcare model is all based on the germ theory.

Kaufman also said that the use of vaccines and drugs like antibiotics has led to a major decline in the health of people. He pointed out that conventional treatments are either the first or second leading cause of death in the United States based on the numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

He pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic has been like a “divide and conquer” kind of strategy that has been used as a way to get people to argue and fight each other rather than realize that they are being manipulated and steered down a path that is not in their best interest.
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