The Corbett Report | FLASHBACK: Meet Henry Kissinger (2009) | Aug. 21, 2022


FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger.

Show Notes:

New World Next Week | Conspiratainment Bingo! | Aug. 18, 2022


This week on the New World Next Week it's Conspiratainment Bingo as WEF (doesn't) promote AI for censorship; the White House tells social media platforms to censor journalists; and the Moonies conspiracy in Japan is revealed.

Story #1: World Economic Forum Proposes AI to Automate Censorship of “Hate Speech” and “Misinformation”
The Solution to Online Abuse? AI Plus Human Intelligence

Story #2: Independent Journalist Alex Berenson Presents Evidence Biden Admin Targeted Him and Twitter Acted
Bing Is Censoring Search Results for Alex Berenson's "Unreported Truths" Substack
An Ex-New York Times Reporter Has Become the Right’s Go-To Coronavirus Skeptic

Story #3: Unification Church Ties Cited In 40% of Senior Administrative Positions In Japan
How Rev. Moon’s ‘Snakes’ Infested the US (Sep. 4, 2012)
Abe’s Assassin Once Tried to Kill the Leader of the ‘Moonies’ Church
Trump Spoke at a 9/11 'Moonies' Conference, Praising Controversial Unification Church
Video: #BennyWills #MemeMonday MEME-a-Lago & the IRS
The Media Matrix (DVD)

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 18, 2022


India is full of surprises... Germany, not so much...Our first story is courtesy of E.G., and our second from L.G.L.R:


Russia, China And India To Hold Massive "Vostok" War Games In Two Weeks

Poland’s central bank chief warns of German designs on Polish territory

Brien Foerster | Perplexing Ancient Egyptian Artifacts That Academics Ignore Or Mis-Label On Purpose | Aug. 17, 2022


Dr. Joel Wallach | Arthritis And Osteoporosis - Ask Doc Live | Aug. 12, 2022


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses arthritis and osteoporosis before he answering dozens of questions from our engaged and interested audience.

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: If You Can't Join Them, Beat Them | Aug. 17, 2022


Henrik cover the most recent desperate attempt to criminalize an entire political category in episode 115 of No-Go Zone this August 17, 2022.

Max Igan | Open Genocide and Systemic Child Abuse in Government | Aug. 18, 2022


Andrei Martyanov | Submarines and Copium | Aug. 17, 2022


ARMY-2022 opened for public. Arktur and other "animals".

The Corbett Report | Mass Media Q & A - Questions For Corbett | Aug. 17, 2022


As promised, today James does a question and answer with some students of his Mass Media: A History online course. From the history of media to our relationship with to an intriguing question about Gulf War embedded reporting that goes in a very unexpected direction, you won't want to miss this info-packed Q&A.

Show Notes:
Mass Media: A History
The Subtlecain podcast
Interview 1702 - James Corbett on The Subtlecain Podcast
Really Simple Syndication - #SolutionsWatch
The Media Matrix
Vinnie Caggiano Odysee Channel
The Dangers of Embedded Journalism by Patrick Cockburn
Conversations with History: Robert Fisk
CNN Fake Newscast Best Quality
DEBUNKED: CNN Blue Screen/Green Screen Hoaxes
The Gulf War did not take place
Hitchens vs. Heston: Gulf War debate on CNN

New World Next Week | Zawahiri Receives his Retirement Party | Aug. 5, 2022


This week on the New World Next Week: Pelosi goes to Taiwan as cold war machinations continue; Zawahiri is dead (just don't ask for proof); and the UN declares war on conspiracy theorists.

Show Notes:

Story #1: Nancy Pelosi Ends Whirlwind Tour of Taiwan
Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Could Be Start of World War III
NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here's What Happened
Dispatches from Taiwan: Follow an Atlantic Council delegation as it visits the island
Former US secretary of defense-led delegation arrives in Taiwan
China set to begin effective Taiwan blockade hours after Nancy Pelosi concludes visit
Implications of a Coercive Quarantine of Taiwan by the People's Republic of China

Story #2: Biden Says US Drone Strike Killed al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri; Taliban Condemned Strike
US Has No DNA Confirmation of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Death; The White House says it has 'visual' confirmation and confirmation through 'other sources'
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri 'died one month ago', reports claim (Nov. 14, 2020)
Military says it can't confirm report of Zawahiri death (Aug. 1, 2008)
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
Episode 258 - Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Al Qaeda Honcho Zawahiri Got Droned and No One Gave a Shit

Story #3: UN Declares War on “Dangerous” Conspiracy Theories: “The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite”
UNESCO Says: “#ThinkBeforeSharing - Stop the Spread of Conspiracy Theories”
ZIP: Download full social media pack (English)
The Media Matrix (DVD)
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
'Octopus' Radio Play (Digital Download)
Media Monarchy Baseball Caps
@FullSailBrewing Did you guys know that Session 12pk boxes are perfect for CD storage?

Whitney Webb | One Nation Under Blackmail | Aug. 8, 2022


In this episode, Whitney gives an overview of her upcoming book One Nation Under Blackmail, discussing in general terms what the book covers, its thesis, and what it hopes to accomplish. Also addressed are some frequently asked questions about shipping, an audiobook version, etc.

Podcast Timestamps
01:47 Why Is The Book So Long?
03.16 Placing Epstein In The Network
04:28 What Is This Network?
06:24 The Enterprise
07:37 Bruce Hemmings Quote
13:50 Structure Of The Book
17:05 Key Businessmen Linked To The Mob
19:14 1920s And 30s, Organized Crime In New York politics
24:25 Epstein’s connections In The 80s And Watergate
25:57 The Private CIA
28:54 William Casey
31:54 Iran Contra
33:00 Savings And Loans
35:46 Bill Clinton, Arkansas, Mena
36:19 Robert Maxwell And Promis Software
40:37 Weapons Plan
42:55 Part One Ends – Reagan, Franklin Scandal, Airlines
46:06 Epstein’s Early Life Through Bear Stearns
46:27 Epstein And Real Estate
49:15 Les Wexner
51:01 Death Of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell
52.12 Epstein’s Visits To The White House
54.57 Southern Air Transport
01:01:54 Global Power Structures
01.04.58 Israel-China Relationship
01:09:18 Tied In With Prince Andrew
01:10:36 Southern Air Transport, Early WH Visits, Sex Trafficking operation
01:12:52 Prince Andrew/Post Clinton Presidency
01:14:06 Silicon Valley
01:14:52 Summary
01:21:10 Logistical Details

The Corbett Report | Delete Your Social Media - #SolutionsWatch | Aug. 10, 2022


Even the Big Techers admit it: social media is ripping apart the fabric of our society. So the solution is simple, right? Delete your social media! Or is it not that simple? Join James on today's edition of #SolutionsWatch as he explores the solutions to the Media Matrix problem.

Show Notes:
Sean Parker, Chamath Palihapitiya - Facebook is 'Ripping Apart Society'
The Media Matrix
Mass Media: A History online course
Interview 1740 - Declare Your Independence From The Media Matrix
Time Flies: U.S. Adults Now Spend Nearly Half a Day Interacting with Media
Unplugging From the Matrix - #SolutionsWatch
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
A Mass Media Reading List - Questions For Corbett
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