Andrei Martyanov | SFERA and a Hogweed | Feb. 11, 2023


Real meaning of space programs.

Carl Abrahamsson | Source Magic The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture - PART 1 | Feb. 11, 2023


Carl Abrahamsson discusses his book 'Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture'. Since the dawn of time, magic has been the node around which all human activities and culture revolve. As magic entered the development of science, art, philosophy, religion, myth, and psychology, it still retained its essence: that we have a dynamic connection with all other forms of life.

Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and occulture throughout the ages, Abrahamsson offers a 'magical-anthropological' journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of occultists like Genesis P-Orridge. He looks at how human beings relate to and are naturally attracted to magic. He examines in depth the consequences of magical practice and how the attraction to magic can be corrupted by both religious organizations and occult societies. He shows how the positive effects of magic are instinctively grasped by children, who view the world as magical.

Sharing his more than 30 years of experiences in the fields of occulture and magical anthropology, Abrahamsson explores ancient and modern magical history to reveal the source magic that connects us all, past and present.

Dark Journalist | UFO Shootdown COG Aerospace Threat | Feb. 11, 2023



Join us for this Special Report on the alleged Shootdown of UFOs over Canada and Alaska as Dark Journalist explores the involvement of the Continuity of Government NORTHCOM Commander Glen VanHerck in the latest UFO Incidents and the unusual activities of NORAD. DJ sees the CIA operating a UFO Threat narrative to create an Emergency Powers declaration and seize upon the invented crisis.

S0 News | Solar Flares, CME, Climate, How A Perfect Solar Storm Occurs | Feb. 10, 2023


New World Next Week | Balloon Bombing Baffles Believing Buffoons | Feb. 9, 2023


Story #1: U.S. Uses $400K Missile to Shoot Down Chinese 'Spy Balloon,' Destroys All Its Electronics
Pentagon Testing Mass Surveillance Balloons Across the US (Aug. 2, 2019)
U.S. Military Launches Giant Balloons To Spy On the Midwest (Aug. 4, 2019)
Video: Dolly Moore says she saw jets and an explosion over Billings. Officials, the Governor, City leaders say— they don’t know what she saw/it didn’t happen.
Video: Ok, so here’s what I just caught I few minutes ago out my window. I saw a jet go by so fast and then explosion in the sky. Holy crap!
Montana Authorities Address ‘Massive Explosion’ Rumors in Sky Where Chinese Spy Balloon Was Spotted
When a Canadian Weather Balloon Veered Into Russian Airspace In 1998
The Attack of the Killer Balloon
NORAD Commander: Chinese Balloons That Entered US Under Trump Went ‘Undetected’
BalloonTalk: Emergency Edition
Episode 320 - Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War
When Japan Launched Killer Balloons in World War II
Hoodwinked at Shanksville
‘Balloon Boy Hoax’ Parents Pardoned In Colorado (Dec. 24, 2020)

Story #2: Biden Regime Quietly Frees One of 9/11 Terrorist Planners From Gitmo As the Whole Country Watches the Chinese Spy Balloon
Majid Khan (detainee)
The Torture of Majid Khan
Episode 428 - Torturing the Truth
Audio: John Yoo Explains That Presidents Can Crush a Boy's Testicles If Needed
Pakistan Blocks Wikipedia for 'Blasphemous Content'

Story #3: Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s Ex-President, Dies Aged 79
Video: Pervez Musharraf, Former Pakistan President, Dead At 79
Beyonce Dedicates Grammy Wins to “Queer Community” After $24M Concert In Anti-Gay Dubai
Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead...For the Ninth Time
Episode 424 - False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda - Part 3: The War of Terror
Video: Pervez Musharaff on 'The Daily Show' With Jon Leibowitz
Have the Ending Credits of 'Rambo III' Been Changed?
The New World Next Week Store

David Icke | The Global Warming Hoax


Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 8, 2023


While most people were focussed on the Chinese balloon story and America's inability to bring it down, there's been a much more serious development in California...

Massive Human Trafficking Bust Sees 368 Arrested, 131 Rescued in California

Andrey Martyanov | Russia "experts" | Feb. 8, 2023


Fresh poll from Germany. Technology of SMO. Wet Dreams SEAD. Shysters.

S0 News | Surge in Solar Flares, Sun Causes Pole Shift & Major Floods | Feb. 8, 2023


WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #3 with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp + The Pentagon's Top UFO Hunter | Feb. 6, 2023

Source: Jeremy Corbell youtube

Between 2007 and 2021, the U.S. government authorized three distinct efforts to investigate and evaluate UFO/UAP incidents, cases, and effects - the acronyms were AAWSAP, AATIP, and the UAPTF. Only one person in the entire Defense Department had a key role in all three programs.

Jay Stratton was a career intelligence officer who worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Defense Warning Office of the DIA, and in other sensitive national security programs. He specialized in the reverse engineering of technologies, threats, and future scenarios. 
In 2007, he was recruited to consult with the DIA-funded investigation known as AAWSAP, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program, a contract awarded to a private company affiliated with Bigelow Aerospace. The first case he investigated was the now-famous "Tic Tac" UFO incident. After AAWSAP ended, Stratton worked closely with Lue Elizondo on a successor effort known as AATIP, which focused exclusively on military encounters with UFOs.

After Elizondo left government, Stratton was asked to form a new program that eventually was formalized by Congress as the UAP Task Force. During those years, he created a massive, classified briefing presentation that was delivered to Pentagon officials, intelligence agencies, defense contractors, and members of Congress. Stratton left government in 2021 and is currently employed by Radiance Technologies. The interview with WEAPONIZED is the first public statement he has ever made about his work as the government's top UFO hunter.

S0 News | Surging Sunspots, Galactic Discharge, Magnetic Field Chorus | Feb. 7, 2023


The Corbett Report | The Magic Words - #SolutionsWatch | Feb. 7, 2023


The magic words can open doors that you didn't even know were there. They can help you skirt the censors and the fact checkers. They can unlock minds and take your research to a whole new level. So do you know the magic words? Find out in this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch!

Show Notes:
Derrick Broze Interview – Mexico Halts Geoengineering, #FluorideTrial & Your Impending Digital ID
Mexico Becomes First Nation To Admit Harms Of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Episode 402 - Your Guide to The Great Convergence
Conceptual zero draft for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at its third meeting
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