Mich Battros | Solar Flares

Source: coasttocoastam.com

October 11, 2010–Solar Flares Earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared an update on recent solar activity, which included a small B-class flare. Because of the cycle we're in, with Earth's magnetic field weakening, we could be affected more by smaller flares, such as experiencing satellite outages, he warned.

Anthony Sanchez withdraws his new book UFO HIGHWAY



It is with sad news that I report to all of you that the book UFO Highway and the website are permanently closed. I have undergone a devastating loss and I am unable to continue on. I will no longer be in the research field and I am stepping away, permanently. I have given Norio Hayakawa the copy of the interview.

For those who have my email and phone, please respect my privacy and do not contact me. I am dealing with a serious loss and cannot discuss anything with anyone. Please contact Norio Hayakawa for information on Dulce.

Thank you.

Anthony F. Sanchez

The website is back up

Rendlesham Forest | Richard C. Hoagland & Larry Warren

Source: theunexplained.tv

Richard C.Hoagland and a studio conversation with Larry Warren who was part of the UK's biggest UFO "encounter" - in 1980 at Rendlesham Forest.

The Rendlesham Forest Incident is the name given to a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of a craft or crafts of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in late December 1980. Some Ufologists believe it is perhaps the most famous UFO event to have happened in Britain, ranking amongst the best-known UFO events worldwide. Along with the Berwyn Mountain UFO incident, it has been compared to the Roswell UFO incident in the United States, and is sometimes referred to as "Britain's Roswell".

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) denied that the event posed any threat to national security, and stated that it was therefore never investigated as a security matter. One notable to take sharp issue with this statement was Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, who stated an incident like this at a nuclear weapons base was necessarily of national security interest. Eyewitness and Deputy Base Commander Colonel Charles Halt (see below) has also disagreed and insists the event was covered up by both the U.K. and U.S. intelligence services. Later evidence indicated that there was a substantial MoD file on the subject, which led to claims of a cover-up. Some interpreted this as part of a larger pattern of information suppression concerning the true nature of unidentified flying objects, by both the United States and British governments (see the UFO conspiracy theory). When the file was released in 2001 it turned out to consist mostly of internal correspondence and responses to inquiries from the public. The lack of any in-depth investigation in the publicly released documents supports the MoD's earlier statement that they never took the case seriously. Included in the released files is an explanation given by defence minister Lord Trefgarne as to why the MoD did not investigate further.

What's Going on at Fort Benning?

Source: thetruthdenied.com

October 10, 2010–What's Going on at Fort Benning? In depth report of ET contact with experiencer John Vasquez, researcher Roxy Lopez and two military wives who live at Fort Benning. Are there ETs on this military base? Was there a battle between UFOs and Army Helicopters? Or was this a cruel mind control experiment ...

- Fort Benning, Georgia UFO Incident By Paul Dale   Roberts
-Incident at Ft. Benning 1,300 Soldiers abducted at Ft Benning, Georgia USA, 2nd September 1977
- Defense Contracts Listing for 9/30/2009

Part 1

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Part 2

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Michael Murphy | What in the World are They Spraying?

Source: redicecreations.com, truthmediaproductions

October 10, 2010–Filmmaker Michael Murphy talks about the new documentray film "What in the World are they Sprayding?". The film is co-produced by author G. Edward Griffin and explores the topic of chemtrails. Michael discusses the film, the research and the theories and science behind chemtrails. Michael J. Murphy is a journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the Corporate mainstream media. Topics Discussed: Geo-Engineering, Cooling the Planet, Aluminum, barium, Strontium, Water, Snow on Mount Shasta, 7 PPB, an International Program a Co-Joint Government Program, Heavy Metal Detox, Protect Themselves, De-population, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Where are the Insiders? The Whistle Blowers? Raytheon, Military Contractors, Turning Soil PH Alkaline, GMO Seeds, Ug99, World Government, De-Population, Scalar Weaponry, Strange Weather Patterns, HAARP, Owning the Weather in 2025, Sample Testing Rainwater, Premier, Contrail vs Chemtrail, Global Dimming and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Anthony F. Sanchez | UFO Highway

Source: veritasshow.com

By Norio Hayakawa - Anthony Sanchez has spent over 20 years accumulating a wealth of pertinent information on the subject of the rumors behind UFOs in conjunction with some of the most significant military installations in the U.S., especially in the American Southwest.

His new book, UFO HIGHWAY, is a fresh new look at the military's "connection" to the rumors about UFOs.

This is not a book about whether UFOs exist or not.
It is neither a book about "reptilians" eating humans in a secret underground facility.

It goes beyond that.
This book is filled with information previously not published in any other books of this nature.

His fascinating, recent interview with a retired USAF colonel is probably one of the highlights of this book.

This interesting interview took place, in May of 2010, only a few months before the completion of this book.

Just like the author, Anthony Sanchez, I myself also have done an extensive research on similar topics for over twenty years, spending many years investigating locations such as Area 51 in Nevada and its connections with other important sites such as southern California's Edwards AFB and remote aerospace facilities in the Antelope Valley, most of which had the outward facade of radar cross section testing sites.

I had also visited the surroundings near China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center in the California desert.

Yes, there is no doubt in my mind, just as Anthony Sanchez suggests, that there are "connections" among these facilities, including the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah.

I also had a tremendous interest in Colorado's Cheyenne Mountain and its NORAD underground complex (not only because my wife had a unique opportunity to go through a special, military-guided "tour" inside the complex in late 1978 through her brother's military connections - and, interestingly, a year before some strange things started happening in neighboring northern New Mexico.)

I also had taken a special interest in New Mexico's White Sands Missile Testing Ranges (where today, the leading-edge directed energy weapons systems are being tested), as well as Los Alamos National Laboratories (site of the world's foremost human genome research), Sandia Laboratories and Phillips Laboratories, the latter two of which are inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque.

Just as Anthony Sanchez seems to suggest in his book, there is no doubt in my mind that the regions especially east of the Four Corners area of New Mexico contain some of the most important U.S. government secrets, hidden from the public.

Yes, and above all, my greatest curiosity has been the long-persisting rumors about the alleged Dulce underground base in New Mexico.

I am convinced that although we have not come up yet with any solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable evidence that there is such a facility in Dulce, there are plenty of circumstantial evidences that point to the possibility that there is "something" there.

I have a trusted friend who was a former proprietor of one of the largest ranches in Dulce who declared to me this year that indeed there is a facility there. Beyond that, he could not make a comment.

At the present time he has a sensitive position as the department head of the Department of Agriculture in a well-known state university in New Mexico.

After retirement from his present position, he, too, will soon come out and will help us expose the truth about Dulce.

As for Area 51 in Nevada, sure, it is public knowledge now that Area 51 is a vibrant military research, development and testing complex conducted by many defense contractors who provide a variety of highly compartmentalized projects.

But there is no proof that there could not be something "more" besides all the superficial facade of the complex.

Yes, practically the whole world has already heard of the claims of Bob Lazar concerning Area 51.
For now, there seems to be nothing that can back up his claims.

However, at the same time, there is no way to disprove his claims either.
Anthony Sanchez' new book, UFO HIGHWAY, apparently derives its title from the actual Highway 375 in Nevada which was officially declared by the State of Nevada as EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY in the late 1990's because of its proximity to Area 51.

However, Anthony's UFO HIGHWAY goes beyond that.
All these significant military bases are interconnected through a symbolic "highway".
There is plenty of commonality among these interesting facilities.

And they all relate to the rumors concerning UFOs and how "beliefs" play a major role in the military's maintenance of secrecy.

Yes, we all know that there doesn't seem to be any hard, solid, tangible, physical evidence to say that there is more than just the superficial structures behind all these facilities.
Yet there are circumstantial evidences that seem to point out that there is "something" under the physical facade of these facilities.

There is talk among a segment of the population concerning the upcoming December 21, 2012 scenario and its possible UFO connections.

However, probably nothing catastrophic will take place on that date.
Rather, in my opinion, December 21, 2012 could simply be a beginning of a gradual shift in human consciousness, a beginning of a gradual personal transformation in each of us, a beginning of a new understanding of the relationship of this earth and its inhabitants to other "realities" that affect us.
It will be up to the readers who will read this book to decide what that personal transformation will bring in their individual lives.

Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT in 2008. In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects. 

He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling over 20 years worth of UFO related research data. 

For the purposes of augmenting his knowledge on Human Origins, Anthony has also studied in detail, ancient Hebrew religious texts such as the Old Testament Bible, and gospels from the the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the 'book of Giants', and 'book of Enoch'. He has also studied famous Sumerian-Babylonian translations such as the Enuma Elish, and the Atra-Hasis as well as numerous Akkadian Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions. 

Each year he is a regular visitor to the deserts of the American Southwest, visiting crash sites conducting interviews, and performing scientific field work. His most recent interviews include the likes of fellow investigative UFO researchers, Norio Hayakawa, and Joerg Arnu. His work represents an unbiased and impartial reporting style ensuring he uncovers every aspect of every story.

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"What in the World are They Spraying?" Official Trailer

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it.

What in the World Are They Spraying!
Saturday, Oct. 23, Atlanta, Georgia

Anton Mifsud | Malta's Ancient Megalitic Temples, Giants & Traces of the Lost Atlantis

Source: redicecreations.com

Anton Mifsud joins us from Malta to discuss his research and work on Maltese Prehistory, the Megalithic Temples at Tarxien, Mnajdra, Gozo and the possibility that Malta is a remnant of the lost Atlantis. Anton is the author of "Malta: Echoes of Plato's Island", "Dossier Malta - Evidence for the Magdalenian" and he's been featured in Graham Hancock's "Underworld". We talk about the History of the Island, the waves of colonization and the different people and cultures that have been interested in the island and inhabiting Malta. We also talk about the legend of the Giants that is said to have built the megalithic temples and the mystery of Malta's long-headed skulls. ~Red Ice Creations

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Richard C. Hoagland | Disclosure update October 6, 2010

Source: coasttocoastam.com

Eldon Taylor | Who's Thoughts are you Thinking?

Source: redicecreations.com

October 5, 2010–Eldon Taylor returns to discuss his latest book "What Does That Mean?", the video presentation "Exploring Mind, Meaning and Mysteries" and how we can learn to own our own thoughts again. Eldon has a background in law enforcement and psychology, he's behind titles as "Choices and Illusions" and "Mind Programming". In this program we tackle the questions of free will and unconscious decision making. If we're all born as originals, why is it that so many of us die as copies? We discuss addiction to television, consumerism, sex, violence, the dumming down and cultural suicide of our society. It might sound grim, and it is ...but there is something that can be done about it. Tune in to find out. Topics Discussed: Choices and Illusions, Context Bound Way, Languages, Own Your Thoughts, Media, Pythagorean Brotherhood, Epistemological Certainty, Pattern, Religion, Atheism, God, Metaphysical Reality, Plato, "We are all born originals--why is it so many of us die copies", Free will, Unconscious Decision Making, The Brain, Addicted to Television, Imprinting, Consumerism, Sex, Violence, Dumming Down, Idiocracy, Cultural Suicide and more. Don't miss the second hour as we talk about synchronicity, Divine Intervention, Karma, Reincarnation, Destiny, "The Lord of the Flies", How to Wake Up from the Mediaocracy, The Brain, Heard Mentality, Video Gaming, Media, Corporatism and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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David Icke interviewed by Jack Blood September 29, 2010

Source: deadlinelive.info, davidicke.com

Jack Blood Interviews David Icke on Deadline Live on September 29, 2010.

Richard Lawrence | ET Contacts & Communications

Source: coasttocoastam.com

October 5, 2010–British paranormal expert Richard Lawrence discussed ET contacts and communications, UFO disclosure, and ancient reports of UFOs. He spoke about various contactees such as George Adamski, and George King, who founded the Aetherius Society and channeled messages from benevolent ET beings or "Space Masters." One of themes that runs across the various communications from ETs is the importance of spirituality throughout the universe, Lawrence noted.

King spoke about intelligences from within our solar system and multi-dimensional existences, while 1950s contactee Dan Fry said the beings he interacted with were from the past, specifically the civilization of Atlantis. In King's book, The Nine Freedoms, he shares ET information about humankind's evolution-- one of the first evolutionary steps is bravery, to think outside of the standard conditioning, and another step is to become oriented toward service-to-others, rather than service-to-self.

Ancient Sanskrit texts refer to vimanas-- flying celestial vehicles, which could "cause the entire sky to blaze." Some of these writings specifically describe the propulsion systems, he added. A UFO incident that took place in 1180 AD in Japan concerned a shiny aerial object that changed directions, vanished, and reappeared. It was referred to as a "flying earthenware vessel, so the [term] 'flying saucer' was actually coined back in the 12th century," Lawrence mused, adding that Alexander the Great and Columbus were also said to have UFO sightings.
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