Gulf Military Operation awards unit for spraying 149,000 gallons Corexit

By Deborah Dupre |

March 8, 2011-The Air Force is honoring 910th Airlift Wing in Vienna for spraying Corexit according to Air Force Reserve Command’s announcement Friday, reported by the Tribune Chronicle that calls the event a last year’s incident and refers to it at an "oil spill."

The 910th is being honored with the ’’Air Force Outstanding Unit Award’’ recognizing the airlift wing for outstanding achievement from April 28 to June 4, 2010, when it sent two specially equipped C-130H aircraft and the associated personnel and support crew to Stennis International Airport in Mississippi to aid in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill cleanup efforts.

While "deployed to the Gulf Coast, the aircrews flew 92 sorties and sprayed 30,000 acres with nearly 149,000 gallons of dispersant."

Head of public relations, Maj. Brent Davis said the last time the unit received the award was 13 years ago and it’s an honor to win it for a specific mission.

’’It’s something that just doesn’t happen,’’ Davis said.

It is unknown how many of his unit are suffering the same deadly effects from Corexit as thousand along the Gulf Coast are from the military biochemical operation.

The suffering throughout the Gulf Coast region - from ongoing "flu," bleeding from all orifices, chemical pneumonia, antibiotic resistant MRSA-like infections and miscarriages - is also "something that just doesn’t happen. Article from:

910th Airlift Wing receives Air Force award


Dr. Nick Begich | Electronic, Psychotronic Mind Control


March 8, 2011–
Alex Jones talks with Dr. Nick Begich, author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. He is also the author of Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and his latest book is Earth Rising II - The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Jim Marrs & Judy Erwin on the Hillary Raimo Show


February 2011–Jim & Judy join me on the air to discuss his latest book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy: How the New Wolrd Order, Man-Made diseases, and Zombie Banks are Destroying America. Judy Erwin also joins us to discuss the Rife Machine and how it connects to restoring the health of the human body.

Jim Marrs is an American former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies. Marrs is a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone's film JFK. He has written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex and has taught a class on the Kennedy Assassination at University of Texas at Arlington. Marrs is a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth. ~Hillary Raimo

2011 IUFOC Overview


Exotica Radio | Mothman Speaks with Andy Colvin

Source:, Blog of Andy Colvin

Old red eyes is back.
No, not Andy Colvin...the Mothman. The legendary guru-da...creature of dark omens, and legend of Point Pleasant West Virginia. We talk with author/photographer/film maker, Andrew Colvin about all things synchronistic and random...this is an extended podcast-only version of the interview.
Andy Colvin shares his personal story of the Mothman Prophecy: a vision of the 9-11 World Trade Center a child in 1967 with his friends in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. What the Mothman represents in a world of synchronicity---an organizing principle that defines the Fortean phenomena around us. 
Conspiracy talk, UFOs, John Keel, the military-industrial complex, the mysterious Indrid Cold and some insights into a creative aspects of the  paranormal. Random...synchronistic...and exotic. ~Randy Maugans

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Carlos Clemente presents videos and pictures of fighter jets and UFOs

Intelligent Orbs and Spheres 2011

Source: Yohanan Díaz Vargas

Yohanan Díaz reports on recent footage of smart spheres and Orbs, flying through the skies of Italy and Mexico. March 2011

Invisible Empire (Full Length w/ Spanish Subtitles)


For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planet’s ruthless Super-class is exposed in stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.

Learn how this global oligarchy controls the populace through drug trafficking, money laundering, staged terror attacks, media propaganda and debt.

The criminal controllers have successfully dominated the globe and are now in the final phase of consolidating power.

Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.

Worldwide tyranny isn’t coming, it’s here.

This isn’t conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy fact. The New World Order is out in the open— all documented in stunning living color.

Unelected bureaucrats are establishing regional unions under one superstate.

Witness their plan for a global tax and a cashless surveillance society in which every man, woman and child is micro-chipped at birth.

2011 Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) discussing extraterrestrial life


Videos of five presentations at the 2011 Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) discussing extraterrestrial life have been released.

The presentations were part of a panel titled “Learning from Outer Space” held on the first day of the forum.

Each presentation discussed extraterrestrial life from the perspective of technological innovation, and the implications for humanity. The Global Competitiveness Forum is convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, and encourages business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness.

The videos that follow were posted by the GCF on youtube and for the first time are available to the general public. The presenters were Nick Pope, Stanton Friedman, Dr. Zaghioul El Naggar, Dr. Michio Kaku, and Dr. Jacques Vallée.

IUFOC: Richard Dolan Takes on John B. Alexander

Source: Richard Dolan

Remarks by Richard M. Dolan regarding UFO secrecy, in response to a lecture by John Alexander. Given at the 20th annual International UFO Congress, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2011.

George Ure on TMRN, March 5, 2011

Source: Time Monk Radio Network,,

George Ure has been a renaissance man type since he left the corporate world in 2002 after stints as a big city news director, vice president of an international airline, battery state of charge instrumentation marketing guru and software strategic planner.  In addition to an MBA, George is equally comfortable on a tractor, doing plumbing and wiring, flying airplanes and writing about his long-time love…something called “long wave economics”.  To say his outlook on the next few years is grim understates the short-term outlook for bad, bad, and worse.  But he shares with others (like Dr. Jack Lessinger’s work) the outlook for a much better world sometime after 2020 when “responsible capitalism arrives and the end of “little King” capitalism (me…me…me…damn it, it’s all about ME!) capitalism dies off from the weight of its own compounding sins….” provides daily business news analysis and financial market coverage from the long wave (longwave) economic perspective. Since 1996, the site has expressed the view that traditional constant-expansion corporate business models would all collapse some day and that we'd eventually be forced to move toward green (sustainable) business models - the new economics of responsible capitalism - or perish.

Jay Weidner | Kubrick's Odyssey & The Brotherhood of Saturn


March 6, 2011
Called by Wired Magazine an "authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions," and "erudite conspiracy hunter," Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a "modern-day Indiana Jones" for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis.

He is the producer of the documentary films, "2012 The Odyssey", its sequel "Timewave 2013" and "Infinity; The Ultimate Trip". Jay joins us to discuss his latest film "Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick". The acclaimed American film director Stanley Kubrick told an important story with all his films and they all connect with each other and communicate a message.

The question is if Kubrick was murdered considering what he trying to reveal with his films. We start to examine the film "Eyes Wide Shut" and how it connects with mind control, the elite, satanic, archonic, and demonic forces. We also discuss the Brotherhood of Saturn, the secret space program and Arthur C. Clarke.

Topics Discussed: Kubric's Odyssey, Eyes Wide Shut, Operation Monarch, occult, sex-cults, Kubrick murdered, storytelling with films, A.I., pedophilia, Archons, Demons, Lolita, bear symbolism, Jim Garrison, Lee Harvey Oswald, NASA, the real space program, Babalon Bunch, Saturnian Society, JPL, the ringmakers, hexagonal rings on Saturn, Jupiter, Zeus, Saturn, Set, Buzz Aldrin comments on the Monolith Phobos, Lord of the Rings, Iapateus, Sargon, rings of Saturn, time trap and more.

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