Klaus Dona | Bosnian Pyramid – Ancient Aliens & Giants, September 6, 2011

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com, unsolved-mysteries.info

September 6, 2011–Klaus Dona hails from the art world and did a very successful exhibition about strange artifacts called “Unsolved Mysteries”. He is on a mission to bring to the eye of the public such finds as giant bones, crystal skulls, carvings and sculptures in forms that do not fit into the contemporary view of our historic timeline. Staunchly open minded, he refuses to retreat in the face of skepticism and doubt. Low on funding, he presses on to discover the real mysteries, going down through the centuries and excavating artifacts that science does not allow for, revealing the existence of physical proof that humanity has barely grazed the surface of our heritage.

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X2.1-Class Flare Earth Directed | Solar Watch September 7, 2011

Source: solarwatcher, spaceweather.com

X-FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have detected an X2-class solar flare from sunspot 1283. The explosion, which occured at 2220 UT on Sept. 6th, appears to have hurled a CME toward Earth. This is the second time today that sunspot 1283 has propelled a plasma cloud in our general direction.
Information extracted from spaceweather.com

Burt Goldman | Mind Power, September 4, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com, burtgoldman.com

Author, therapist, and lecturer Burt Goldman shared his techniques for healing, developing creative abilities, and enhancing one's well-being. The concept of multiple universes is now seriously considered in quantum physics, and suggests there are alternate versions of oneself living in these other realms. Tying in to this, he developed a method called "quantum jumping" whereby people can contact their alternate selves to learn a new skill or glean insights. Goldman said he used this practice to become an accomplished photographer, artist, and musician through his contact with various selves who had already developed these skills.

Quantum jumping can be used for spiritual contacts as well, such as visiting departed loved ones in order to get closure or heal unresolved issues, he said. Goldman shared a technique (a variation on EMDR therapy), for overcoming psychological traumas. A person reenacts the trauma in their mind and then rapidly moves their eyes to the extreme left, and then extreme right for 10 second periods. By repeating this exercise three times for a total of 30 seconds, the problem can be resolved, he claimed.

Goldman also talked about hypnosis, the importance of meditation or concentration, finding the right rhythm or attitude, as well as how the Law of Attraction works. "Everything starts in the mind. You may not be able to control the outer universe, but you can control your mind. And that's the whole idea of quantum jumping, you jump into an area where you are the person you want to be," he stated.

Richard Dolan | How To Prepare for ET Disclosure

Source: caretakersofearth.org, keyholepublishing.com

The world's leading ufologist has written a new book about life after disclosure. Where many in the field are talking about when Disclosure might occur, Mr. Dolan has sparked up the conversation about what happens next when humanity comes face to face with extra-terrestrial contact.

The book is called "A.D. After Disclosure" and is written by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel.

Caretakers Of Earth caught up with Mr. Dolan at the 2011 International UFO Congress at the Fort McDowell Casino in Phoenix, AZ

ELENIN - SIGNS & DESIGNS - the Truth revealed by James Horak

Source: offplanetradio.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com, information-machine.blogspot.com

Randy Maugans interviews James Horak on OffPlanet Radio

In the short period since December 10, 2010, when a russian amateur astronomer named Leonoid Elenin staked out the body known as C/2010 XI, designated as a comet; it has taken on near mythological proportions on the internet. "Comet" Elenin has been the source of much apocalyptic speculation, theorizing, and posturing from new age prognosticators and conspiracy theorists, to semi-famous scientists... and even the famous NASA "buzz rooms" where science is trumped by hubris. It seemed time to inject a bit of wisdom into the topic... in an "offplanet" way, and to that end James Horak returns.

To understand Elenin, we need to understand the mechanics of the galaxies from the perspective of intelligent design and guidance. Previously, James has presented on the EMVs... intelligent, spiritual extraterrestrial "managers of energy" in the solar system - a discovery revealed by Dr. Norman Bergrun, of the Ames Space Center, in the 1986 book, "The Ringmakers of Saturn."

In recent months, several pundits have advanced speculation that Elenin is not a comet, due to changes in course and velocity, which are uncharacteristic of a natural interplanetary object. Moreover, it has been noted that it now appears that Elenin is not a single object, but a host for a "swarm" of other objects.

NASA (Never A Straight Answer) has glibly declined to commit to the status of the object... the internet rumor mill is vibrant... WHAT is Elenin? We offer a view not popular with the status quo of science, and one that strikes some intriguing questions... about Elenin, humanity, and the masters of control on Planet Earth.

Other topics touched are the human origins, the faked Apollo missions, the Moon, Mars, ETs versus EBEs, the EMVs, the hidden second technology, BP Oilspill, Katrina, Haiti earthquake; principles of economics, trade and banking, the resculpting the North American continent, the hostile alien thesis, the Office of Astronomical Telegrams and much more...

The original audio-only version of this interview can be listened to and downloaded at:
OffPlanet Radio

Download the full interview as PDF here:
Elenin-Signs and Designs-James Horak expl.pdf
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Lisa M Harrison interviews David Icke, August 2011

Source: lisamharrison.com, davidicke.com

Lisa M Harris spoke with David on the eve of his Australian Tour for his latest book,
'Human Race get off your knees, The Lion Sleeps no more', during September and October 2011.

Tour details: thelionsleepsnomoretour.com

Marcia Schafer | The Awareness Switch & Seeded Technology, September 4, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, beyondzebra.com, marcia schafer

September 4, 2011–Marcia holds a master's degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in nursing and has undergraduate studies in anthropology. In the late nineties Schafer stepped forward from an executive background to publicly reveal her ET encounters. She founded the inventive consulting firm Beyond Zebra to give aspiring leaders the skills they need to build a better future, and combines knowledge of extraterrestrial reality along with a hint of mysticism in her training of up and coming entrepreneurs.

In this interview, Marcia begins talking about her psychic abilities and her work with others. Then, she tells us about two sub groups of "spiritual demographics" and our current time period, which will go through an evolutionary leap, beginning with an awareness switch that will bring out our metaphysical gifts and abilities. Later, Marcia discusses technology as being"seeded deliberately" to assist us. She'll get into the details of how artificial intelligence, ET intelligence and back-engineering are important and positive to help us understand our humanity on a deeper level. ~Red Ice Creations
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Chris Everard Talks with Max Igan September 4, 2011

Source: thecrowhouse.com, enigmatv.com

Howard Hughes interviews Jim Fetzer, September 3, 2011

Source: theunexplained.tv, veteranstoday.com

September 3, 2011–This special edition looks back at 9/11 when, for a few terrible hours, America was under attack. As well as re-discovered archive audio, on the tenth anniversary of the tragic events we speak with controversial 9/11 Researcher Jim Fetzer from his home in Wisconsin. ~Howard Hughes

Bio Jim Fetzer
A former Marine Corps officer, Jim Fetzer has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality.

McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11, and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone.

The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), Render Unto Darwin (2007), and The Place of Probability in Science (2010).

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Col. Philip J. Corso | The Lost Interview on UFOs

Source: ufotv.com

The following uncut interview was filmed for the feature film - "UFOs: 50 Years of Denial." In memory of Col. Philip J. Corso - May 22, 1915 - July 16, 1998, and his contribution to UFO and ET Disclosure.

Max Igan | Trust & Non Compliance, September 2, 2011

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 09/02/11

Dr. John Brandenburg | Gravity, UFOs, & Mars, September 1, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com

September 1, 2011–Continuing Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory which connects gravity and electromagnetism. Calling it the GEM unification theory, he explained that electromagnetism actually has three forces-- electric, magnetic, and the pressure of light, or radiation pressure. It's this third force that unifies gravity and electromagnetism, he said, citing the work of Sakharov who proposed that the sea of electromagnetic energy around us (also called zero point energy) exerts a radiation pressure that drives objects together, and is the source of gravity.

Based on this theory, control of gravity by electromagnetism is possible, and would explain how UFOs are able to visit us from other star systems, he said. "If you're going to travel long distances...you want to bend space-time, which is gravity modification-- gravity is the curvature of space-time," he noted, adding that space-time can be changed around a ship itself, turning it into a faster-than-light particle, which would use little energy. The key to making gravity modification is to create a vortex of electromagnetism which allows you to change local gravity, and if you do this under a dome it creates an upward pressure on the dome, hence a flying saucer," he continued.

Brandenburg also reviewed his research with Vince DiPietro and Richard C. Hoagland into the Face on Mars, and Cydonia artifacts, as well as presented evidence that the Red Planet may have been wracked by a nuclear catastrophe, like a bomb of a million megatons. A rare isotope, xenon 129, is found on Mars, and is associated with nuclear explosions, he detailed.
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