Linda Multon Howe | Baltic Sea Object, Göbekli Tepe & Creation of Homo Sapiens, August 3, 2012


August 3, 2012–Linda Moulton Howe, is an American investigative journalist and documentary producer-writer-director-editor who is currently based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In addition to television, Linda produces, reports and edits the science, environment and earth mysteries news website, Linda also reports monthly science, environment and earth mysteries news for Coast to Coast AM and weekly news updates for Dreamland Radio, Linda has written four books. She joins us to discuss how the mysterious Baltic Sea object, Göbekli Tepe and the creation of Homo sapiens all connect together to form a vivid picture of humanity’s past and other intelligent life. ~Red Ice Creations
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Captain Bill Uhouse | Disclosure Project Archives #2


This footage is taken from the over 35 hours of Disclosure Project historical witness testimony archives, gathered in 2000-2001. This excerpt is an interview with Cpt. Bill Uhouse.

2MIN News | Quakes, Weather, Sun, Planets, August 3, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers


Dr. Masaru Emoto | The True Nature of Water, August 2, 2012


Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He graduated from the Yokohama Municipal University where he studied International Relations. In 1986, he established the I.H.M. Corporation in Tokyo. In 1992, he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently, he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. He is currently the head of the I.H.M. General Research Institute, Inc., the President of I.H.M., Inc., and the chief representative of I.H.M.'s HADO Fellowship. In his first book, The Message from Water (in three volumes), Emoto documents his findings of what he calls "the true nature of water," discovered in his study of the effects of human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas, and music on the molecular structure of water. He has also publishedThe Hidden Messages in Water, and his work was popularized through the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?

Emoto has discovered many differences in the crystalline structure of water collected from a variety of sources around the planet. Water from pristine mountain streams shows beautifully formed geometric designs when frozen, and polluted water shows definitively distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures. Emoto photographs these molecular changes in water by freezing droplets and magnifying them under a dark field microscope.

Joshua Parker on Rife Machines, TeslaTech 2012, August 3, 2012


Rife historian Joshua Parker provides an overview of Rife Machines and demonstrates a frequency generator and plasma-tube arrangement capable of generating the complex frequencies used in experimentation by Royal Rife in the 1930's. Parker describes a resurgence of interest in Rife machines, which many believe to be capable of destroying viruses and bacteria in the body without damaging surrounding tissue by using targeted resonant frequencies.

According to Parker, misinformation exists on Rife machines that has led to improperly constructed machines being sold to unaware experimenters. Parker indicates that a Rife machine must combine audio frequencies with a radio-frequency carrier in order to meet Royal Rife's original specifications, but that many of the machines currently on the market only produce audio frequencies and thus fail to meet Rife's original design specifications.

Parker's Rife machine demonstration includes showing a frequency generator capable of producing coupled audio & RF frequencies connected to foot-long plasma tube that Parker indicates can effectively dissipate as much energy as a much longer antenna would have formerly required. As a Rife historian, he describes his knowledge in this area as primarily involved with helping others to understand the research of Royal Rife and how Rife machines actually work.

New World Next Week | Bandar Dead?, Flash Crash Knight, Harvest Solution, August 2, 2012


Story #1: Syria Reportedly Eliminated Bandar Bin Sultan In Retaliation For Damascus Bombing
Saudi Silence On Intelligence Chief Bandar's Fate Denotes Panic
Where Is Prince Bandar? By Pepe Escobar

Story #2: Wave Of Volatile Trading Unsettles U.S. Markets - Flood of Errant Trades Is A Black Eye For Wall Street
NYSE To Cancel Trades In 6 Stocks Affected by Glitch
Latest Market Glitch Shows 'Trading Out of Control'
Background: 2010 Flash Crash On Wikipedia
Related: Ron Paul Says Don't End Fed — Just End Secrecy

Story #3: Harvesting Hope - Community Garden's First Harvest Goes To Food Bank
Related: Chick-Fil-A Fans And Critics Take To The Streets
Oregon Man Jailed For Illegal Water Reservoirs

Roger Tolces | Surveillance & Harassment


July 28, 2012–John B. Wells welcomed Roger Tolces, a private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, who discussed how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy as well as the various technologies currently being used to manipulate individuals. "The people that are attempting to control our minds and control everything really don't care about personal life when they want to get something done... nothing stands in the way," he said. Tolces suggested Aurora, Colorado shooter James Holmes may have been a black ops victim in a staged event meant to undermine the second amendment and advance gun control legislation. According to Tolces, this legislation is in direct conflict with the vision of the Founding Fathers who desired a nation of armed citizens as insurance against government tyranny.

James Holmes could have been a victim of a DNA-based form of mind control, he suggested. Tolces said he first learned about such a mind control technique after decoding secret Russian spy documents. Based on patented voice-to-skull (V2K) technology originally proposed to help the deaf hear, bio-coded directed energy is specifically tuned to an individual's DNA algorithm and can be used to make that person hear voices, he explained. These non-stop voices can go on for weeks at a time and ultimately drive a person to act on the psychologically defeating message, Tolces speculated. He claimed to have had clients who were victimized by this technology.

Tolces also commented on the NSA's new multi-billion dollar data center in Utah and provided some background as to why the facility was constructed. In the wake of 9/11, President Bush allowed NSA supercomputers at Fort Meade to tap into major telecom providers to monitor communications, he said. The Fort Meade location eventually ran out of power so construction on a new facility began, Tolces continued. "Every phone call that you make, every email that you send, every text message, all that information now is going into the supercomputers in this new location," he warned. Bank statements, credit card purchases, stock market accounts, IRS tax filings, medical records, and passport/travel information will also be stored and data mined there, he added. This is a massive fourth amendment violation and will likely be used to control people in power, Tolces contended.

2MIN News August 1, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

India Power Blackout

Sterling Allan on TeslaTech 2012


PES Founder Sterling D. Allan provides commentary on TeslaTech 2012 and outlines his favorite technology picks for this year's conference.

Given his journalistic experience & extensive network of scientific contacts, Allan's opinion is greatly valued by thousands of innovators as being authoritative on emerging energy technologies worth investigating.

Loren Coleman | The Copy Cat Effect & The Aurora Shooting, August 1, 2012


Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists. He has also been an instructor, associate professor, research associate, and documentary filmmaker, in various academic university settings, since 1980.

Loren has written extensively in the social sciences, having authored, coauthored, or edited several books, including the critically acclaimed Suicide Clusters. His newest book examines the role of media and cyclic violence in The Copycat Effect: How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow’s Headlines.

Loren joins us to discuss the Aurora shooting and The Copycat Effect. He’ll discuss suicide clustering, twilight language and harmonic dates and names. He shares his interesting analysis covering synchronicities, patterns and oddities in relation to the Aurora shooting and James Holm, which he refers to as a “Red Dawn” event. ~Red Ice Creations
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Walter Cruttenden | Cosmic Influence, July 30, 2012

Source:,, Information Machine

Walter Cruttenden
Amateur Theoretical Archaeo-Astronomer and Author of the Binary Theory of Precession

Ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught there is no cycle and there was no higher age on earth. But recent archaeological and anthropological evidence suggests that long before the classical Dark Age mankind had knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, advanced engineering techniques and many other capabilities that don’t easily fit the linear paradigm.

The myth and folklore from multiple yet unrelated cultures hint at a pre Babel consciousness that goes beyond the limits of the five senses, implying abilities that are the subject of much research today. If there was such an historical time on earth and the cycle is real then it must have a natural cause akin to the powerful celestial motions that produce the diurnal cycle of day and night or the annual cycle of the seasons.

This talk explores the possibility that the precession of the equinox (the movement of the stars across the sky – at about 50” per year), which so fascinated the ancients, has been misdiagnosed and may be the observable of our solar system in motion. Beyond producing changes in our ionosphere, magnetosphere, and the ebb and flow of the ice ages, it might also be the indirect mechanism resulting in the waxing and waning of consciousness implied in the writings of great men from Hesiod to Newton.


Source: Sight Systems vimeo

A short futuristic film by Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo. 
Graduation project from Bezaleal academy of arts.
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