GRTV | Bitter Past: Pope Francis and Argentina's Dirty War, March 19, 2013


Last week over a billion Catholics around the world watched as the Vatican conclave elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the next Pope. But now, as researchers like Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa are pointing out, Bergoglio's past points to his likely involvement in crimes against humanity. This is the GRTV Feature Interview with your host James Corbett and our special guest Professor Michel Chossudovsky. -James Corbett

Ammach in America Bob Dean & Bob Brown, IUFOC 2013


The Ammach Project at the Open Minds IUFOC with veteran Robert O Dean, and the original Congress co-founder Bob Brown.

Interviewed with Joanne Summerscales, Dean gives an account of the SHOC report on UFOs, in Europe, during the cold war.

Bob Brown describes how he co founded the IUFOC with the late Wendelle Stevens and gives a unique insite into the Congress beginnings and the Billy Meier case, and how it was trashed by the two big US UFO organisations of the time, for nothing more than spite!

Brilliant insghts and wonderful tales, from two of the greats in US ufology. Wonderful insights from veterans in the field, and the I-UFO-C

3MIN News | Fukushima, STARWATER, Global Update, March 19, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

US Solar
Mars Water

Cancel The Cabal's interview with Max Igan, March 14, 2013


This is Cancel The Cabal’s interview with the legendary Australian philosopher/radio host Max Igan. Max and I go over a myriad of subjects, such as the newly elected Jesuit Pope (aka, Black Pope), One People’s Public Trust, the sovereignty movements, history of the illuminati, and the pyramid power structure of the elite criminal cabal.

Ross Hamilton, Jim Vieira & Hugh Newman | Giants, Mound Builders & Etheric Energy, March 17, 2013


March 17, 2013–In this roundtable discussion, we’ll talk about lost civilizations, mound builders and giants. In the second hour, we focus on etheric energy, enchantment of the landscape and reawakening the grid of the planet. Douglas Ross Hamilton is author of several books including The Mystery of the Serpent Mound, A Tradition of Giants, Wonders and Mysteries of the Great Serpent Mound, and his newest Star Mounds: Legacy of a Native American Mystery. He also volunteers at Serpent Mound as both interpreter and tour guide and has been studying the mysteries of the Ohio Valley earthworks for years, offering new ways to approach the earthwork studies.

Hugh Newman is an earth mysteries and esoteric science researcher who has authored two books. He also organizes the Megalithomania Conferences, co-edits Avalon Rising magazine and coordinates talks, films and workshops at numerous festivals.

Stonemason and historical detective, Jim Vieira’s research over the last 20 years has led him down a bizarre road of intrigue and mystery surrounding the races and built structures of Ancient America. Vieira has compiled thousands of accounts of giant skeleton reports as well as town and county histories to make the case that the history of our past has not only been deliberately covered up, but is vastly different then what we are told. -Red Ice Creations
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Dr. Leo Sprinkle | Ammach in America


Veteran experiencer the Brilliant and humerous Dr. Leo Sprinkle explains much of his personal and wonderful experiences. Interview by Jo Summercales for the Ammach Project in America, during the International UFO Congress at Fort McDowell, Arizona, in Feb 2013.

4MIN News | Magnetic Storm in Progress, March 17, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

4MIN News | Solar Storm Arriving Soon, March 16, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

The Planets

Paul Connett | The Fluoride Fraud, March 14, 2013


March 14, 2013–Dr. Paul Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College. Since 1983 he taught chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he specialized in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology but retired in 2006. 
Paul Connett has researched the literature on fluoride's toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 17 years. He helped found the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and has given presentations on the dangers of fluoridation to legislative and research bodies around the world. This has included invited presentations to both the US EPA and the US National Research Council. With two other authors he published the book, "The Case Against Fluoride" in 2010.

In the first hour, we discuss fluoride propaganda and science. We’ll hear about the history of fluoride from dental research to economic interests, including the collusion between the U.S. government and fluoride producers. Paul talks about the dangerous effects of fluoridation ranging from arthritis to brain damage and what can exasperate its effects. Connett discusses the true science behind fluoridation and the CDC’s and EPA’s knowledge of it. Why is fluoridation being forced upon Americans and even being recommended for babies? In the second hour, Paul talks about the stigma behind those who oppose water fluoridation. Why aren’t European scientists speaking up although America is poisoning its water supply? Later, we talk about solutions and what we can do to stop water fluoridation. -Red Ice Creations
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3MIN News | Huge Solar Eruption as another one Strikes Earth, March 15, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Volcanic Lightning [Martin Rietze]
Feb Temps

Peter Joseph and Cenk Uygur | The Zeitgeist Movement Interview TYT, March 15, 2013

Source: TZMOfficialChannel youtube

The Corbett Report | How to Defeat CISPA Once And For All!, March 16, 2013


From SOPA and PIPA to ACTA to CISPA to the TPP and now back to CISPA, internet activists have been caught up in a deliberately bewildering game of whack-a-mole with freedom-crushing legislation. Now, ISPs are doing an end run around the whole legislative process altogether and voluntarily collaborating with the entertainment industry to spy on their own customers.

All of this is enough to leave concerned netizens demoralized, and in the war of attrition that is exactly the goal. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore a real, grassroots, alternative solution to the problem of internet censorhip that can help to end this government/corporate control over our communication once and for all.
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