Egyptian army ousts President Morsi and suspends constitution, July 3, 2013


After four days of massive protests, the people of Egypt have got what they wanted. According to reports, a military coup has has ousted President Mohamed Morsi after the people demanded that he step down due to his inability to turn the country around. Since Sunday, millions have taken to the streets to showcase their dissatisfaction with the current administration, and RT's Paula Slier brings us up-to-date as people celebrate in Tahrir Square.

5MIN News | ISON, Solar Flares, Pierre-Marie Robitaille, July 3, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

The EyeOpener Report | Obama's War on Whistleblowers (and what to do about it), July 2, 2013


The gulf that exists between the Obama of the campaign trail and Obama’s actions since taking office has been glaringly obvious since the very beginning of his presidency, from his promise to close Guantanamo to his promise not to employ lobbyists to his promise to increase governmental transparency; there have been no shortage of examples of Obama’s duplicity. Until recently, however, his arch defenders have merely covered their eyes and pretended not to see these glaring hypocrisies, decrying his opponents as racist and Obama as a well-meaning president who has been hampered by Republican interference.

One of the clearest and most remarkable signs that Obama was not what he claimed to be has always been the war on whistleblowers his administration has been waging since the moment he took office. This war, unprecedented in scale or scope in the history of the United States, has been waged quietly for years, apparently out of sight of the fawning media and Obama-supporting Democrats.

Join us for this week’s EyeOpener Report to examine Obama’s ruthless and belligerent war waged against whistleblowers and truth-tellers, and find out what to do about it.

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Jeff Rense & Michael Collins | Fukushima Radiation In The US

Source:, Shocking Plane Radiation On Flight From Chile To US

Clip from June 17, 2013 - guest Michael Collins on the Jeff Rense Program.

Shocking Plane Radiation On Flight From Chile To US
Exclusive to 
From Greg on the Oregon Coast

This is STAGGERINGLY bad news and shows, clearly and positively, that Fukushima Radiation is THICK in the atmosphere above even the Southern Hemisphere. It gets worse over North America and the U.S.

Note...and note carefully - a CPM (Counts Per Minute) reading of 100 is a mandatory HAZMAT Quarantine EMERGENCY in the State of California. Get that? The shocking readings shown in the photos below are what the passengers were breathing and fully-exposed to during the flights from Chile to Atlanta and then across the US to Portland, Oregon.

The US EPA is fully aware of this situation but does nothing to inform the flying public. The AIR over North America is heavily saturated with radiation from Fukushima Daiichi. The government's response...Don't Worry, Be Happy! Enjoy The Radioactive Friendly Skies! When many develop cancers in the years ahead, no one will connect these deadly dots. Our thanks to Greg on the Oregon Coast for taking these photos and having the care and concern to take his Inspector Plus geiger counter on his trip. Your government will NEVER tell you what you are about to view...
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Alan Abbadessa-Green, William Klaus & Douglas Bolles | Sync vs. Conspiracy & The Dark Side of Sync, July 1, 2013


July 1, 2013–In 2011, author and researcher Alan Abbadessa-Green published The Sync Book, a collection of 26 essays on synchronicity. This led to the creation of Sync Book Press and the publication of three additional books: The Sync Book Vol.2 (with 26 new contributors), Accidental Initiations by Andras Jones and Winter's Labyrinth by Douglas Bolles, a writer living in Boise, ID.

Douglas contributed to the first volume of The Sync Book and then helped dream up Sync Book Press in a cabin in the Cascades. Douglas is also the co-host and co-creator of the Sync Book Radio podcast 42 Minutes, which is a weekly conversation about meaning with the interesting artists and thinkers of our day.

William Klaus, a Catholic Transformer, also contributes to The Sync Book Vol 2. He blogs, he bloviates, he bartends. He is a post-Jerry Deadhead, a witness to the genius of Phish and is able to read and enjoy Finnegans Wake. In the first hour, the three will discuss the sync vs. conspiracy dichotomy. We talk about how sync allows one to put together a unique view of the universe. Also, we converse on how sync plays a role in pop-culture. In the second hour, we'll dive into the dark side of sync and how some struggle with it.
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Tom Paladino | Tesla Applications For Healing, July 1, 2013


Nikola Tesla, the progenitor of radiant energy research, sought to tap into the rarefied pulse of a primal energy existing everywhere in the universe. Although Tesla's intention was to make free energy available to mankind, his discoveries appear to have healing value as well.

After 25 years of research, Tom Paladino appears to have effectively harnessed radiant energy -- also known as prana, qi, zero point energy, orgone, or scalar energy -- for the remote healing of pathogenic disease. He is the pioneer of the pathogenic cleanse, a technique that causes bacteria, pathogens, and viruses to disassemble or fall apart. Even diseases previously thought incurable, such as herpes, Lyme disease, and HIV/AIDS have diminished or disappeared altogether under scalar wave light treatment.

Scalar energy has useful applications in nutrient therapy as well, able to assemble vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fatty acids inside the cells. Additionally, it can be used to balance and harmonize the chakras (endocrine system). In the shadow of looming disease epidemics, both congenital and communicable, scalar wave light treatment stands to revolutionize the way medicine is practiced today. Join us with remote scalar energy healer Tom Paladino and discover a new paradigm in healing.
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Snowden makes his first statement from Moscow, July 1, 2013


The anti-secrecy website Wikileaks has now released a letter that was allegedly written by Edward Snowden. It says: "The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon. Although I am convicted of nothing, it has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person.

Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right. A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum." Meanwhile, earlier today, we found out that an anonymous Russian official told the LA Times that Snowden has now filed for asylum in no fewer than 15 countries. For reaction on the letter and the latest from the Snowden saga, RT Political Commentator Sam Sacks and Abby Martin, the host of Breaking the Set, join

4MIN News | New Volcano, Quake Factor Potential, July 1, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Back in Time Series | Edward Witten - String Theory and the Universe, July 1, 2010


2010 Newton Medal winner, Edward Witten speaks to an audience at the Institute of Physics in London. He helped progress our understanding of the fundamental theories in physics. He touches on gravity, quantum mechanics and string theory.

Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio | NASA Future Strategic Issues and Warfare Discussion, June 30, 2013


Tonight’s show, because of the seriousness of the situation at hand, will be available in its’ entirety for download and dissemination. Max Igan joined the broadcast to help us analyze this PowerPoint Presentation (also available below in its’ entirety) from 2001 recently released by the U.S. Air Force and NASA.

This is definitely the future of society unless the people realize their power and fight back against the globalists. More documents and presentations related to the “2025″ plan can be found here. “Paths to Extinction” (a document relating to weather modification and weather warfare) is also highly relevant to the discussion and reading it is strongly encouraged in order for our listeners to understand what we are discussing.
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NASA | Future Strategic Issues and Warfare

Energy from Space 2.0 and June 30, 2013 News

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Patrick Henningsen | Syria, Snowden, NSA & the Whistleblower Circus, June 28, 2013


June 28, 2013–Patrick Henningsen, an independent journalist currently based in London, is the managing editor of 21st Century Wire, which delivers news and exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, climate change, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street.

In the first hour Patrick talks about the situation in Syria as Britain and France, together with Israel and US support are destabilizing the country. Fake revolutions with the aid of Google and the National Endowment for Democracy are reshaping and reforming countries faster than any invasion could. We also discuss the NSA surveillance debacle and Ed Snowden in the main stream media. Henningsen explains how whistleblowers have now become an intricate part of the geopolitical game.
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