The Eyeopener Report | Mind Control in American Politics, January 28, 2014


Having been immersed in the left/right facade their entire lives, many have begun to see the world and those around them through that prism. Either someone is on the same "side" as they are, or they are the enemy. There is no room for nuance, no subtle distinctions to be made, no room for alliance or cooperation on matters of great import.

Perhaps most devastatingly, there is now little room for any analysis of the powers behind the political throne, the oligarchical financial interests that could care less whether this or that President has a "D" or an "R" next to their name, whether a Prime Minister is "Labour" or "Conservative," whether an MEP identifies with the "left" or the "right." Deprived of this understanding of the real nature of political power, the public is truly powerless to identify the real problem at the root of today's political crisis, let alone even begin to address it.

Aaron Franz | Transhumanism Goes Mainstream, Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, January 28, 2014


According to a recent Huffington Post piece, ‘articles and mentions of transhumanism and life extension science tripled in 2013 in major media’. The number of those that identify as ‘transhumanists’ are also on the rise, and in 2012, Italy elected the world’s first transhumanist politician. To discuss the rise of transhumanism in the mainstream, Guy Evans was once again joined by the author, filmmaker and researcher Aaron Franz of the -Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast
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New Edward Snowden interview (Full Video) | NDR, January 25, 2014


After six months of preparation, author Hubert Seipel managed to lead the world's first television interview with Edward ‪#‎Snowden‬ after his flight from Hong Kong. Published Jan 25th 2014.

Edward Snowden, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, tells German TV that NSA is involved in industrial espionage and that he fears for his life.

NSA's big nose in big business: Snowden says agency spies on industry, January 27, 2014


The NSA agency is not preoccupied solely with national security, but also spies on foreign industrial entities in US business interests, former American intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden, has revealed in an interview to German TV. Read more at »

Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton | Oligarchical Control of Modern Life

Source. Radio 3Fourteen,  

January 22, 2014–Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton are the creators of Truthstream presenting a teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we live in. Aaron is a writer, research and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports.Melissa is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist.

We'll begin discussing dangerous food additives and chemicals, which leads us into an all encompassing conversation about the "Trifecta of Doom" surrounding the control of modern life. This trifecta includes genetically modified foods, technology and Agenda 21 mingled with social propaganda. Aaron also explains how oligarchical collectivism is seeking ultimate control of the human soul yet this is done incrementally. Infertility, eugenics, chemicals and vaccines are all part of the bigger oligarchical picture. -Radio 3Fourteen
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UFO Over Brazil Dropping Spheres | OVNI en Brazil soltando esferas, Recorded, November 2013

Source: jmhz71 youtube

Edit 24/01/2014 OVNI en Brazil soltando esferas Record 11/2013.

The Asia-Pacific Perspective | National Sovereignty vs. Immigration?, January 25, 2014


Welcome back to The Asia-Pacific Perspective, that monthly show where James Corbett of and Broc West of break down all the latest news and headlines from the Asia-Pacific region. In this month's conversation:

Story 1:

Philippines eyes more US warships

Philippines military starts deployment of troops in Spratlys

China Building Second Aircraft Carrier, Two More In The Pipeline

Japan drops 'no-war' pledge

Story 2:

Rights group slams Australia's treatment of asylum seekers

Not At War with Asylum Seekers

Australian PM defends secrecy over border protection

Story 3:

Mega Default In China Scheduled For January 31

China to allow 5 private banks

Max Igan | How You Are Enslaved And Why You Dont Know It, January 25, 2014


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 7 - The Peoples Voice TV - American Voice Radio.

New World Next Week | Who is Behind the Ukrainian Riots?, January 23, 2014


Story #1: Ukraine Opposition Sets 24-hour Deadline As Protests Rage
Putin Scores a New Victory: What Really Happened In Ukraine
Ukraine Texts Citizens: Hey, We See You're In a Mass Disturbance
Reddit: Ukraine Revolt Livestream
State Of Emergency Begins As Thailand Copes With Protests
Geneva II: Day 1 of Syria Peace Talks Ends on Fragile Ground

Story #2: US Judge Rules IP Address Does Not Prove Online Piracy
NSA Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers

Story #3: Homeland Security Special Agents Hold Up Google Glass Moviegoer
Google Unveils 'Smart Contact Lens' to Measure Glucose Levels
Bonus: Interview w/ Cale Sampson on 'The Big Picture'
Interview w/ Howard Sounes on '27'

Dr. Eric Karlstrom | Weather Warfare and Mind Control


January 13, 2014–Dr. Eric Karlstrom discusses geo-engineering, weather manipulation and related topics.

Man has been changing Earth’s environment to suit his own needs for thousands of years. During the 20th Century, however, the scope and scale of such changes expanded exponentially. Powerful and exotic technologies now exist which allow almost unimaginable control over Earth, sea and sky, but where did they come from? Who controls them and to what end? And why are they shrouded in a veil of secrecy and denial?

In a web that connects the Nazis, NASA, mind control, 9/11, chemtrails and climate change, Dr. Karlstrom exposes a shadowy network of government, corporate and military agencies pursuing a dark and dangerous agenda which has the potential to threaten all life on Earth and the stability of the planet itself.

The People's Voice | Rev. Kevin Annett discusses Vatican Crimes & Child Rape


November 2013: Jeanice Barcelo interviews Rev. Kevin Annett about the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican crimes, crimes against humanity, child rape, child torture, child trafficking, genocide of indigenous peoples, and satanism.

GRTV Backgrounder | Justifying the Unjustifiable: Deconstructing the Lies of the NSA


As the public finally becomes outraged over the NSA's illegal spying, members of government and the corporate media wage an information war to misdirect that anger to issues of less importance. To counteract this, a bold new citizen-led initiative to nullify the NSA is now gaining momentum around the United States. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
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