Neil Sanders | Mind Control Tactics, MK Ultra, Techniques, Black Box, Hypnosis | June 20, 2016


The Ultimate Guide and Source for Mind Control tactics discussed in this podcast with Expert Neil Sanders. What is real and being used now for Mind Control?

Newsbud Report with Peter B. Collins | June 20, 2016


Coming up in today’s Newsbud interview, military whistleblower Joe Hickman reveals how exposure to toxic burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan have exposed tens of thousands of our veterans to cancers and chronic health problems…he says it’s the new Agent Orange scandal…we’ll also look at the debt crisis in Puerto Rico, the roles of Bill and Hillary Clinton in post-earthquake Haiti, and the corruption conviction of Alabama’s Speaker of the House, who was exposed by the work of independent journalists.

Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News Room | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | June 16, 2016


Tonight Jon Rappoport discusses the connections between the Orlando shooter and the FBI...the very things that the mass-media is not reporting only Jon can do, and do well...and then we open up the phone lines...

Interview start 32:00 min.

Freeman Fly | The Mark of the Beast and Technology


Do you know what the Mark of the Beast looks like? Find out what the Satanists say about its origins. Is your TV demon possessed? Katy Perry tells your children to bring ET spirits into their souls. What messages and movies have we sent to extraterrestrials? What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel these entities into our dimension.

What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN. What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order? Why did the Pope quit and what is the Vatican saying about aliens?

Max Igan | Terrorism Comes From Government | June 17, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 260 - American Voice Radio, June 17nd, 2016.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering | Ark Midnight with John B. Wells | June 18, 2016

Source: Source:,

John B. Wells and Dane Wigington talk about chem-trails and all things geoengineering as they take calls from listeners and answer some puzzling questions.

Dane Wigington

The Corbett Report | Sibel Edmonds | Khomeini Was An American Stooge | June 17, 2016


Last week I reported on the recently declassified cables that show how Ayatollah Khomeini had a secret channel with the US through which he negotiated his return to Iran during the 1979 revolution. Today Sibel Edmonds of joins us to discuss these newly-released documents, their significance and historical context, and her own experiences living through the revolution.

Show Notes:
Another ‘Conspiracy’ Confirmed: Khomeini Had A “Secret Channel” With The US
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Uniting for a Revolution … and the Morning After
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Project AJAX, CIA, False Flag Ops & the Illusion of Home-front Sanctity
Support the Kickstarter fundraiser
BFP / Newsbud YouTube channel

New World Next Week | White Collar Robots Are Coming For Your Office Jobs | June 16, 2016


Story #1: Florida Attorney Says Growing Vegetables Not a Fundamental Right
Media Monarchy: “Urban Food”
State Rainwater Harvesting Laws and Legislation
Help Stop Laws that Make Feeding Homeless Illegal

Story #2: Meet Betty The Robot, The Perfect Office Manager
NWNW Flashback: Davos Robot Eclipses Davos Man as Gloom Descends on Elite (Jan 2016)
Robot Escapes Testing Grounds, Disturbs Traffic In Russia
Soylent Green – FLNWO #04

Story #3: US Draws Up Rules For Commercial Moon Travel
Wikipedia: Outer Space Treaty Of 1967
See Satellites, Space Junk Circling Earth In Real-Time
NWNW Flashback: Congress Passes Space Mining Act With No Growth Limits (Nov 2015)

Gardens More Powerful Than Presidents + Beating Nestle & Turning Off CCTV
FBI Says US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low; Murder Rate Down 49% Over 20-Year Period

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines:
Senate Votes For Equal Slavery for Women
Will Israel Use Another Euro Football Tournament As Cover For War?
Brexit And Collapse of EU All But Certain Now?

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 16, 2016


The Russians are shooting down our drones over the Crimea... but is that the real story here?
-Joseph Farrell

The Russians Have Already Shot Down Numerous US Drones Violating Crimean Airspace

The Corbett Report | Jerry Day | Science, Technocracy, and Social Control | June 14, 2016


Science is a method to help us answer questions about the physical world...but in this age of military/university partnerships, government grants and industry-funded research, who's asking the questions? Jerry Day of joins us today to discuss the new technocratic overlords and how the tool of science can be wielded as a weapon of social control.

Show Notes:
Minivanjack on YouTube
Our New Technocratic Lords

Science and Technology as instruments of social control

Jim Marrs | The View From Marrs | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | June 14, 2016


Jim Marrs joins the show once again and we cover the current events around the world...including the Orlando shooting, Hillary, Trump and UFOs...the recent sighting at CITD...and we take a bunch of phone calls...great show, great conversation...and a really great guest. Enjoy.

Interview start: 31:12 min.

Max Igan | Mind Control in the Modern World | June 10, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 259 - American Voice Radio, June 10th, 2016.
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