Tom Campbell | Virtual Reality: How Love Works in a Simulation | Part 1 of 3 | Dec. 19, 2016


EBTV with host Evita Ochel and returning guest Tom Campbell in a dialogue about the nature of love, what it really means and how to apply it. - Part 1 of 3.

Topics covered in the video include:

1. An explanation of love from an MBT / LCS perspective. (2:25)
- difference between love vs. need
- understanding unconditional love
- how to optimize or destroy the simulation system
- the destructive potential of grouping together
- how fear relates to love
- fear-based tendencies (13:39)
- love-based tendencies (15:05)
- qualities of a love-based life (18:35)
- qualities of a fear-based life (18:57)
- being love vs. acting out love

2. The energy signature and frequency of love in a simulation. (25:29)
- what is Ego and its role in love and fear
- how beliefs sabotage new insight
- fear creates Ego and beliefs
- how to identify Ego
- the 5-step process for becoming love
- the antidote to fear
- the role of observation
- the struggles we face as humans: “a struggle of fear and ignorance, against love and understanding.”

3. Is love a building block or by-product of the simulation? (44:00)
- an explanation of information and entropy
- how to maintain low entropy
- the fundamental nature of love
- how the system allows us to grow into love (51:56)
- the importance of choices in the process of growing up - what is the most important thing to do to save the world (56:08)

4. Does living based on “other” instead of “self” allow people nearest to us to treat us “poorly” and should we still love them for doing so? (58:23)
- seek low entropy choices for the system as a whole
- abusive relationships = high entropy situations
- being a person of love = more power
- how being a pacifist ties in
- the challenge of practicing discernment (1:13:13)
- morality and the importance of intent in making the right choice
- the importance of taking action even if we are not sure if it is the right choice
- applications to romantic partnerships; will males get walked all over if they are loving (1:21:44)

5. How to deal with opposing views, especially regarding current politics. (1:24:14)
- strategies for handling difficult or negative topics
- letting go of Ego, fear and beliefs
- we need to deal with what is; how we deal with it is what matters

Newsbud Roundtable | Fake News: The Intensification of Information Warfare | Spiro Skouras, Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett, Kurt Nimmo | Dec. 19, 2016


In this week’s Newsbud Roundtable Spiro Skouras is joined by Newsbud Founder Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett of and Senior Producer at Newsbud Kurt Nimmo to discuss Nimmo’s recent exclusive article for Newsbud titled: ‘PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation’. We take a look at the war on free speech, the information war that is in full swing and much more.

Max Igan | How The Magic Works | Dec. 16, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - December 16th, 2016.

Newsbud | Russian-Led Military Alliance Gears to Challenge NATO in Eurasia, as Russia-Japan Draw Closer | Prof. Filip Kovacevic | Dec. 18, 2016


In this eleventh edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the front-page articles from four Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Trud. He focuses on the current state of negotiations between the Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, the geopolitical and military situation in Syria after the fall of Aleppo, the Russian-led military alliance (ODKB) plans to challenge NATO in Eurasia, the new Russian government strategy of scientific and research development until 2035, and the recent false statements on Russian economy by the Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev who, Professor Kovacevic believes, is on his way out of the government.

Alexandra Bruce | Fake News Fake Out | Mainstream Media Attacks! | Dark Journalist, Dec. 16, 2016


Desperate Mainstream Media Attacks Independent Journalists 
In this Media Attacks Special Report, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back dynamic author and the publisher of the ForbiddenKnowledgeTV website Alexandra Bruce. In the wake of the desperate attempts by the Corporate Media to portray the Alternative Media as dangerous to try and stave off their own massive plunge into irrelevance, the media establishment is now trying to hide their failed attempts to manipulate the Presidential Election and put Neocon Democrat Hillary Clinton into the White House with the help of fake polls, biased reporting, behind the scenes collusion and false memes.

Their solution, coordinated at a high level with Social Media figures like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and funded by shady covert actors, like billionaire activist George Soros, was to create a new meme called ‘Fake News’ to label independent sites and citizen journalists who expose their unethical behavior and report news in an unfiltered way to the public as a threat to democracy.

Smear Campaign
Their slanderous smear campaign has reached a new low with the publication of a McCarthyite list of Alternative Media websites in the Washington Post that were supposedly in league with Russia according to a discredited website called PropOrNot (Washington Post eventually added an addendum to the article featuring the list saying they couldn’t vouch for the source).

The pathetic attempt to create a conspiracy theory that paints the brave independent voices who give the real truth to their readers with minimal resources as somehow traitorous, harkens back to the red scare tactics of the 1950’s and shows that the Mainstream Media is caught in a death spiral.The shocking disinformation tactics show they are unsure of how to redeem their falling numbers, bailing advertisers, and destroyed reputation that is in tatters especially since they unabashedly lied to the American people during the election in order to curry favor with the corporate power brokers that are attempting to install a Global Government.

Alexandra sees a coordinated campaign targeting Independent Media financially, and trying to shut as many of them down as possible by blocking them on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media outlets. Whether you’re a Liberal Democrat shocked by the media character assassination of Bernie Sanders, a Libertarian repulsed by the intrusion of the CIA into the limelight with false propaganda about Russia, an Independent disturbed by the use of the Green Party and Jill Stein as puppets with behind the scenes Clinton-funded recounts to delegitimize the election, or a Republican shocked by the threatening pressure on electors and 24/7 negative coverage of President-Elect Trump, now is the time to unmask the cowardly trolls in charge of the Corporate Mainstream Media and reveal them as the true purveyors of 'Fake News.'

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 15, 2016

Source:'s finally happening... Vladimir Putin has become the first Russian head of state to visit Japan. But there's something lurking between the lines of this article: 'Onsen summit': Vladimir Putin meets with Japan's Shinzo Abe to 'heal rifts

Jeff Rense & Preston James | Mass Mind Control & Cyber War


Clip from December 13, 2016 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | The Open Source Seed Revolution | Dec. 15, 2016


Story #1: Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For Second Time In Decade
Deutsche Bank Advised... Poorly
Rupee plunges 42 paise against dollar

Story #2: IMF Chief Lagarde On Trial In Paris Over Negligence Charges
NWNW Flashback: IMF’ed - Lagarde Under Investigation In France (Aug. 28, 2014)
Wikipedia: Rodrigo Rato
Bush War Crimes Lawsuit Gets Heard In California Court
Justice for Neocons: Lawsuits Challenge American Status Quo
Saleh v. Bush oral arguments
The Case Against Kissinger

Story #3: Open-Source Seed Producers Are Changing Global Food Production
Free the Seed! Introducing the Open Source Seed Collection
Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines: Pipeline Spills 176,000 Gallons of Crude, 150 Miles From Dakota Protest Camp

Headlines: Pipeline Spills 176,000 Gallons of Crude, 150 Miles From Dakota Protest Camp
UK MPs Claim Russian Hackers “Probably” Swayed Brexit Vote
Bill Gates Says Trump Could Be New JFK

Sam Osmanagich | Why The Elites Want To Keep The Secrets Of Bosnia's Pyramids Hidden | Dec. 13, 2016


About Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D. is Bosnian-born Houston (USA) resident author, researcher and businessman.

He discovered an ancient pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina consisting, to date, of eleven artificial structures: the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, the Bosnian Pyramid of Love, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth, Vratnica Tumulus, Dolovi Tumulus, Ginje Tumulus, KTK Tunnels, Underground Labyrinth “Ravne” and “Ravne 2” tunnels.

He has established non-profit and non-government "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work.

He used to teach (2012/2013) at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina as Anthropology professor, in particular Bosnian megalithic sites.

The Corbett Report | The Abnormalization of Dissent | Dec. 13, 2016


The spin, lies, manipulation and deceptions are coming so fast and thick it’s increasingly difficult to document them all, let alone analyze them. But in the broad sweep of recent events we can see a common theme emerging: the abnormalization of dissent. And when political ideology boils down to nothing more than “real” and “fake” the control of political discourse through language itself is almost complete. Can outright censorship be far behind?

Show Notes:
MEPs sound alarm on anti-EU propaganda from Russia and Islamist terrorist groups
House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting “Russian Propaganda” Websites
What I Learned From the Prop or Not Propaganda List
The Kremlin’s Trojan Horses (Atlantic Council)
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
Tucker Carlson destroys Dem. Congressman over supposed Russian interference in the election
Clinton allies look to leverage Electoral College
Fake News King Brian Williams Lectures MSNBC Viewers on Dangers of Fake News During Election
Italy’s Most Popular Political Party Is Leading Europe In Fake News And Kremlin Propaganda
Hillary Clinton slams ‘fake news’
Manufacturing Normality

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | Donald Trump and Fascism in America | Dec. 12, 2016

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we look at Donald Trump and the alt-right movement and the attempt by the establishment to portray them as dangerous fascists. Behind the sensationalistic and misleading headlines designed to frighten the American people and widen the political divide, there is another story: how the United States has consistently supported, enabled, and coddled real fascists in Europe under Operation Gladio and backing fascist dictators in Latin America. We also examine the fascist and authoritarian character of the corporate oligarchy.

Show Notes:
Orwellian euphemisms like “post-truth” and “alt-right” are perfect for whitewashing fascism
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Newsbud | Synthetic Terrorism: Federal Court Upholds Another FBI-Manufactured Terror Case | Dec. 10, 2016

Source: Newsbud on Twitter

This week the 9th circuit court of appeals upheld the conviction of the would be Portland Oregon Christmas tree bomber. The federal court rejected the defense’s argument that the FBI had entrapped the defendant and that the FBI unconstitutionally collected his emails without a warrant. Not only does this ruling uphold warrantless surveillance, it also legitimizes the government's tactics to manufacture terror plots against Americans.

Show Notes:
FBI’s Warrantless Collection of Emails Upheld by Federal Court
United States Court Of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit
Convicted FBI Sting Target Challenges Investigation, Domestic Surveillance; Ends Up With Nothing
Newburgh Four: poor, black, and jailed under FBI 'entrapment' tactics
The FBI & the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
FBI Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2017
WTC 1993 was an FBI job
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