Thomas Williams & Randy Maugans | Public Service Broadcast: Alt-media Circus | May 25, 2019

Source: Offplanet Radio

Thomas Williams and Randy Maugans take on the hijacking of the alternative media by clowns, criminals and agency stooges: The Corey Goode/David Wilcock/GaiaTV axis; Jay Weidner's mea culpa, the persecution of Kevin Annett, the Aviary Group of MJ12; Contact In the Desert, the time loops of failed Project Looking Glass and CERN; Jirka Rasavy, CEO of Gaia TV, Lucifer, and Drunvalo Melchezedek; Linda Moulton Howe, Dark Journalist, and the echo chamber....more

Cory Daniel | Magic of Thought Resonance | Freeman TV | May 25, 2019


Are you helping the technocratic totalitarianism? Wikipedia has successfully positioned itself as the world’s collective subconscious mind. As the default digital encyclopedia, Wikipedia provides updated information on a minute by minute basis and scripts the narrative of our collective psyche.

A natural countermeasure to this would be to build, fund and deploy a new repository of default “facts” which would be available for free and appear to be unbiased so as to discredit from the outset any idea that the information contained therein was actually weaponized propaganda. Soft propaganda. An insidious form of propaganda which sits on the back burner, ever present, much the same way the subconscious mind does. It does not force its opinions and ideas however it is hardwired into the infrastructure itself and operating in the exact same manner. You see, the conscious mind pulls continually upon the subconscious in order to generate its baseline reality.

Cory Daniel is a 3rd generation Phoenician, writer/researcher and professional guide currently living in the Phoenix area. Roaming the Big Sandy Valley, Cory studied religion, physics, poetry, botany, philosophy, primitive survival, traditional archery, and the occult. Here he rode for a local ranch, working cattle the old way, and teamed up with an old prospector to explore the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Cory currently enjoys work as an Interpretive Guide in the Valley of the Sun and is devoted to decoding and reverse-engineering the esoteric symbolism embedded within the city of Phoenix, Arizona.

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How to Take Action Against 5G | Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall | May 24, 2019


BioInitiative Report
Physicians for Safe Technology
RFNSA Website

The Nimitz Encounters | Full Movie | May 26, 2019

Source: The Nimitz Encounters youtube

November 2004, 90 miles of the coast of Mexico near San Diego, California, the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises when unexplained events occurred. No one could have predicted what would soon confront the world's most advanced naval war ships and fighter jets.

Aerial craft would appear that forever changed all those that encountered them. The answers to the question of “what are they?” remains unanswered by the sailors and the US Gov. After years of cloaked secrecy the true story can finally be told. With multiple witnesses from the ships, their first hand testimony is impossible to deny. Our film features CGI re-creations as told by the sailors and naval aviators that witnessed them.

Aside from the historical fictionalized dialog (no one recorded the radio conversations), the story itself is based on the facts of the case, including official US government docs, witness statements, news reports and official timelines. See for links to the official documents.

Some military personnel have requested their names be removed or remain anonymous, out of respect for their privacy we have changed names and details to protect their identity. All similarities to persons living or dead is unintentional. The producers have made every attempt to verify details and deny any liability for errors or omissions. -The Nimitz Encounters

Ronald Green | It's About Time | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 26, 2019


Ronald Green discusses his book 'Time to Tell: A Look at How We Tick'.

Whether or not time is ultimately an illusion, the matrix of clocks, calendars, timetables and deadlines which regiments our lives is not what it at first appears to be. We frequently experience objective clock time very differently from the subjective time which marks our inner lives, that bittersweet feeling of time flying when you're having fun.

Quantum physics is also suggesting some perturbing possibilities about the nature of time: do past, present, and future somehow co-exist? Can events in the present or even the future affect past events, so-called retro-causality? Is there really such a thing as the present moment? Can anything exist outside of time?

As the days, months, and years roll by, and our daily routines trundle along, we don't care to think a great deal about time, its inexorable march little more than a one-way trip towards the annihilation of everything we are. And yet, we are creatures of time and in time, dwelling on the past, worrying about the future, all the while being encouraged to 'live in the moment'.

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S0 News | Huge Volcano Appears, Laser Lunacy, Galaxies | May 24, 2019


Max Igan | A World Run By Criminals | May 23, 2019

Source: Techpost youtube,

Trent Lapinski interviews radio host and activist Max Igan about the criminal nature of World governments, social credit scores, 5G technology, Internet-of-Things, artificial intelligence, ancient civilizations, propaganda, and the true nature of our reality.

Trigger warning: We discuss the true unfortunate nature of reality.

Ryan Gable | The Disclosure Deception & The Rise Of Conspiracy Cults | May 23, 2019


Press For Truth | Trudeau’s DIGITAL CHARTER And The $600M Media BAILOUT Explained!!! May Canadian Journalism RIP | May 23, 2019


In the wake of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand the Christchurch Call To Action was announced and the Trudeau government took that opportunity to launch Canada’s own Digital Charter to “fight online hate and extremism”…but who is going to decide what constitutes hate?

Meanwhile 8 Canadian organizations have been selected to sit on a special advisory panel tasked with recommending news operations for participation in a $600 million media bailout!

In this video Dan Dicks and Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth break down the true agenda behind the digital charter and the $600M bailout that are both designed to silence critics of the Trudeau government in the lead up to this years federal election in October and to control the ideas and opinions of the masses moving forward by maintain total control over the media.

The Black Vault | Lt. Col. Lawrence Tacker Interview | UFOs In The Air Force | December 4, 1960


The following audio was collected by UFO Investigator Rob Mercer, and digitized to preserve it's history. This audio recording is part of the “From the Desks of Project Blue Book” Archive.

For more info: From the Desks of Project Blue Book

S0 News | Solar-Climate Punch, Galactic Sheet (Nova Trigger)| May 23, 2019


New World Next Week | FBI (Partially) Releases (Redacted) Photos of 9/11 Dancing Israelis! | May 23, 2019


Story #1: Newly Released FBI Docs Shed 9/11 Light on “Dancing Israelis”
PDF: “FOIA Release of 9/11 Dancing Israelis thru the FBI”
Five Apparent Israeli Spies Arrested for Puzzling Behavior at Time of First WTC Attack
9/11 Suspects: Dancing Israelis

Story #2: After Opposition Support “Deflated”, U.S. Targets Venezuela Food
Obama Signs Off On Sanctions Against Venezuela (Dec. 18, 2014)

Story #3: Monsanto Spied On Both Sides Of Pesticide Debate In At Least 7 European Nations
Monsanto Spied on Friends and Foes to Sway Opinion on GMO, Herbicides
Bayer Has Now Lost Over 44% of Its Value Since Its Monsanto Merger
Bayer's Management Face A No-Confidence Vote Over Monsanto Deal
Episode 340 – Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
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