Linda Moulton Howe | New Sun images, Coronavirus update & Viewer Q&A | Jan. 29, 2020


- New Sun images from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
- Updates on Wuhan Coronavirus 2020-nCoV
- Interview with Dr. Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Viewer Q&A

Press For Truth | CEPI (funded by Gates) Grants INOVIO $9M To Develop Vaccine Against Coronavirus nCoV-2019 | Jan. 24, 2020


If you’re asking the question cui bono (who benefits?) you need to follow the money. As the deadly Wuhan coronavirus is spreading around the world, some biotech companies have announced early work to look for a vaccine that could prevent the disease.

Inovio was one of those companies who was granted $9M dollars from CEPI (COALITION FOR EPIDEMIC PREPAREDNESS INNOVATIONS) who in turn is being funded by The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth follows the money to find out who the winners will be in the race to develop a vaccine for nCoV-2019 and from what he can tell, Gates and his project Inovio are slated to come out on top making millions, if not billions for those involved if this epidemic spreads to a global pandemic.

S0 News | Climate Mutiny, Dusty Plasma, Seismic Surprise | Jan. 29, 2020


The Corbett Report | Rock the Vote! - #PropagandaWatch | Jan. 29, 2020


We all know that the powers-that-shouldn't-be don't put together a decades-long propaganda campaign to condition the public to believe in the plain, simple truth. So why have they spent decades (if not centuries) trying to condition us to believe that voting is important and effective?

Today on #PropagandaWatch James explores the propaganda campaign surrounding voting and what it tells us about the statist indoctrination system we live under.

Clif High | Critical thinking - Coronavirus, Peptides, Fragile, Antifragile, BDECK, C60 | Jan. 28, 2020


Health discussion in the developing age of coronavirus. Ways to be anti-fragile including system support by BDECK & C60 & peptides & medicinal mushrooms. Wrap up to the Cancer Ward series.

Collodial Silver
Hand wash stations
Seed oils

Max Igan | Australian Fire Series Part 8 - Climate Fraud & Agenda 21 | Jan. 28, 2020


Phil Demers | Smooshi The Walrus, Marine Parks, & Animal Intelligence | Jan. 27, 2020


Phil Demers is a former professional marine mammal trainer. He is best known for his relationship with a captive walrus named Smooshi that he imprinted on when she was young.

Their relationship garnered the attention of the mass media for its uniqueness. Demers left his position citing allegations of negligent treatment of the animals and unhealthy conditions. Since that time, he has dedicated himself to the release of Smooshi the walrus, and defending himself against the relentless legal battle from his previous employer.

S0 News | Sun-Heart Effect, Quakes, Severe Storms, Magnetic Field | Jan. 27, 2020


Dr. Jack Rasmus | Neoliberalism: From Expansion to Stagnation


Dr. Jack Rasmus discusses his newest book, "The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy from Reagan to Trump", with an emphasis on the practice of neoliberalism as opposed to the economic ideology which obscures its class basis; neoliberalism as the third major capitalist restructuring of the 20th century as a response to the crisis of capitalism in the 1970s; the four economic policy areas, i.e., fiscal, monetary, industrial and external, that require restructuring as capitalism evolves into a new crisis; the fallacies of neoliberalism; government policy encourages offshoring of US manufacturing; global dollar recycling into US treasuries to support the twin US deficits solution; financialization of the economy; shadow banking; deregulation and privatization; neoliberalism socially destructive.

New World Next Week | Banksters Warn of Green Swan Collapse Unless They Get A Carbon Tax | Jan. 23, 2020


Story #1: Russian Reforms - Is Putin Planning for His Successor?
Transcript: Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly
The Russian Prime Minister Resigns And No One Knows Why
Meet Xi Jinping, President For Life (Mar. 25, 2018)

Story #2: The Green Swan - BIS Urges Climate Action to Prevent a New GFC
Climate Emergency: Lagarde Says ECB Must Step Up Action (Dec. 3, 2019)
UN Appoints Mark Carney to Help Finance Climate Action Goals (Dec. 1, 2019)

Story #3: Leaked Proposal Shows EU Considering 5-Year Ban On Facial Recognition
Hundreds of US Police Departments Using “Dystopian” Face Recognition App
Michael Maharrey on Facial Recognition Pushback

Linda Moulton Howe | Wuhan Coronavirus, Drone Mystery & Viewer Q&A | Jan. 22, 2020


- Wuhan Coronavirus update
- Drone mystery and strange lights in Platteville, Colorado
- UFO event in the Gulf of Thailand in 1995

S0 News | Cold, Electrostatic Dust, Electromagnetic Universe | Jan. 22, 2020


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