S0 News | Solar Eruption, Earth Discharges, Geoelectric Pathways | Aug. 31, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Covid-Gate, The Political Virus | Aug. 29, 2020

Source: GlobalResearch.TV.com

The national economies of 193 countries, member states of the United Nations were ordered to close down on March 11, 2020. The order came from above, from Wall Street, the World Economic Forum, the billionaire foundations. And corrupt politicians throughout the world have enforced these so-called guidelines with a view to resolving a public health crisis.

Millions of people have lost their jobs, and their lifelong savings. In developing countries, poverty and despair prevail. We are told the it is V the Virus which is responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment.

The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty.

And then Joe Biden tells us that the US economy must remain in a lockdown to save lives. What utter nonsense. Has he analysed the underlying causality? I am sure he has! He’s lying on behalf of Big Money.

According to Michel Chossudovsky, politicians have presented the Virus as performing a political decision making role.

It’s The Political Virus: They are telling us is that the virus is the sole cause of unemployment, poverty and bankruptcies. According to Joe Biden “Covid is …destroying millions of jobs and small businesses”.

Claire Edwards | What On Earth Is Going On? | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: ageoftruth.tv

CLAIRE EDWARDS is with us once again via a livestream. In this presentation she will present and share with us a very special document which she calls a GROUNDBREAKING document, with major revelations about what is really going on on our planet right now. Claire Edwards is a former United Nations Staffer in Vienna and Editor and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.


Claire Edwards will present a document drawn up by a group of experts that comprehensively explains what is happening on our planet right now and why. It is also a self-help manual for a situation unprecedented in human history.

download document

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Article: Face masks make you stupid

Jasun Horsley | Freedom From Fear #1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: legalise-freedom.com, auticulture.com

Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point.

In this episode, Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt explore the origins and purpose of fear, how fear can cause us to overlook the most important things in life, and how fear of the future stops us living in the present.

We also discuss the pandemic of fear triggered by the current coronavirus crisis, the collective insanity infecting human consciousness, and how the root of all human fear ultimately lies in our fear of death. -legalise-freedom.com

download mp3

Dr. Rima Laibow | Vaccine and Nutrition Expert on The Vinny Eastwood Show | Aug. 28, 2020

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com, OpenSourceTruth.com, TruthAboutCoronaVirus.com

Jay Dyer | A Tour Through Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, JaysAnalysis.com

Tonight, we dive into the deep, dark and mysterious undertones hidden in Tinsel town's biggest films. After years of scholarly research, our guest has compiled his most read essays, combining philosophy, comparative religion, symbolism and geopolitics and their connections to film. You will watch movies with new eyes, able to decipher on your own, as the secret meanings of cinema are unveiled.

Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. He has been featured on numerous popular shows and podcasts and in debates with some of the world's top debaters.

New World Next Week | World Rising Up Against the Lockdowns As Protests Mount | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: “Unite for Freedom” Protest on August 29th
Coronavirus Protests Across the World
BREAKING: Germany Bans Coronavirus Protest; Berlin Senator labels protesters “right wing extremists”

Story #2: The Carney/Freeland “Green Reset” Shapes Canada’s ‘New Normal’
Chrystia Freeland Sworn In As Finance Minister; Parliament Prorogued

Story #3: CRISPR - New Genetic Engineering Techniques Pose Numerous Risks
PDF: “Broadening the GMO Risk Assessment In the EU For Genome Editing Technologies In Agriculture”
Glyphosate Herbicide Harms Even GM Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybeans
Could Injectable Microrobots One Day Run In Your Veins?
Florida Approves Release of 750 Million GM Mosquitoes Amidst Public Outcry
Suspect In #TaosCompound Case Found Incompetent To Stand Trial
United Arab Emirates Sells Out Palestine for Israel
Australian Drones to Find People Not Wearing Masks, Driving Too Far From Home

Sibel Edmonds | Full Report: The Censored Biden Record & Track Record! | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: Newsbud.com

About Sibel Edmonds
Sibel Edmonds is founder, editor and publisher of Newsbud, founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), and author of the acclaimed books Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, and The Lone Gladio, a Political Spy Thriller. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award. Ms. Edmonds is a certified linguist, fluent in four languages, and has an MA in public policy from George Mason University and a BA in criminal justice and psychology from George Washington University.

Brien Foerster | Thorough Exploration Of The Mexico Museum Of Anthropology In Mexico City | Aug. 26, 2020

Source: hiddenincatours.com

Tim Murphy and Tom Campbell | Synchronicity and Fermi's Paradox 3/3 | Aug. 27, 2020

Source: mybigTOE.com, Digital Philosophy youtube

In this interview, Tom Campbell answers critical questions that Tim Murphy had about his theory as he worked on a philosophy thesis related to its morality code. Also, Campbell answers critical questions that his professors had about his theory.

Tom Campbell is a retired NASA physicist, consciousness researcher, and author of "My Big TOE." He argues that our universe is not physical, but rather is a simulation created by a vast consciousness field of which we are all a part.

According to Campbell, this consciousness field is at its most fundamental level, a digital information system evolving toward lower-entropy states. The purpose of the simulation, Campbell contends, is to provide a challenging environment that offers small individuated units of consciousness (like you and me) the opportunity to overcome their fear (a high-entropy state) and move toward love (a low entropy state) over many experience packets (lifetimes). -Tim Murphy

Derrick Broze | Conscious Resistance, The Technocratic State, & The Freedom Formula | Aug. 26, 2020

Source: thehighersidechats.com, DerrickBroze.com, theconsciousresistance.com

Derrick Broze is an activist, journalist, and the Founder and CEO of The Conscious Resistance Network, an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, & community organizing.

Derrick is also involved with FreedomCells.org a great resource for finding like-minded people ion your area.
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