Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 21, 2024


What's going on in the US NAvy? Joseph suspects there is an ongoing purge in the officer corps... but there are various reasons for it, and they might all be working in tandem:

Navy Fires Commander of USS Ohio -- 3rd Submarine Skipper Relieved in 7 Months

Max Igan | Mind Controlling The Masses | Mar. 21, 2024


The Corbett Report | Burn, Hollywood, Burn! with Irina Slav | Mar. 20, 2024


Today energy market analyst and fiction writer Irina Slav join us to discuss her recent article, "Burn, Hollywood, Burn!" We discuss the shady, well-funded groups that are working to insert climate propaganda into more and more Hollywood programming and how the clumsy, ham-handed sermonizing of the climate doomsayers is likely to fall flat with the public.

Show Notes:

Andrei Martyanov | Putin's Victory and The Global Paradigm Shift | Mar. 20, 2024

Source: Fiorella Isabel youtube

I have a long chat with author and military analyst Andrei Martyanov on Putin's recent victory, the state of the Ukraine war, multipolarity, global conflicts, Russia's modern political structure, where the US/WEST are going, and where Russia is going.

"Infectious Replicatable Defective means a weapon." Dr. David Martin COVID 2023 Int'l COVID SUMMIT

"Pfizer 1990--the very first spike protein vaccine for corona virus--isn't that fascinating? That we were told the spike protein is a new thing that we just found out...filed the first patents for coronavirus in 1990."

"Most of you don't know that coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was first isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified, in 1965, as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences as a human 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model, was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in the human population."

"But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important--because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, "an infectious replicatable defective clone of coronavirus". Listen to those words: infectious replicatable defective. For those not familiar with (the) language, let me unpack that for you: 'infectious replicatable defective' means a weapon."

The Corbett Report | Guerrilla Marketing – #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 19, 2024


Between fighting the online censors and fighting to break through the wall of noise distracting the average smartphone zombie, it’s getting harder and harder for activists and infowarriors to reach people online with real news and information. So, what can people do in the real world to gain attention and get the word out about important events? From postcards to trash can fliers to good old fashioned homemade signs, join James for this week’s Solutions Watch as he explores the exciting world of guerrilla marketing.

Show Notes: 

Dark Journalist | Kona Blue UFO File vs. Blue Enigma Code Revealed! | Mar. 16, 2024


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on KONA BLUE, a UFO program he revealed last year and that the Government just recently admitted exists. DJ will reveal the steganography of the KONA code and Blue Enigma Space Mystery and how it relates to the secret development of X-Technology!

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 14, 2024


What's up ...or rather, down ... with Boeing and United airlines? 

Links & Articles

New World Next Week | Where's Kate? | Mar. 14, 2024


This week on the New World Next Week: The CDC says it's just the flu bro as Trump praises the 4-year coofiversary; Boeing whistleblower ends up dead as pilot warns the enemy is within; and Princess Kate is dead until proven otherwise . . . or something.

Photo Agencies Refusing To Publish Portrait of Kate Middleton With Her Children Over Concerns It Was Manipulated
Kate Photo: Princess of Wales Seen After Saying She Edited Mother’s Day Picture
Forget the Occupants… FIVE Tires?!?😳
Kate’s Photo a Fake?
What? Another Kate Middleton Post? Yea. This Edit Blew My Mind.
Video: Evidence the Mother’s Day Photo Was Photoshopped
It’s clearly the same photo. They need to just do better, or just tell us what’s going on…
Prince William “Beside Himself” Over Kate Middleton’s Decision to Step Away From Royal Duties: Report
Stephen Colbert Trolls Prince William’s Alleged Affair With Rose Hanbury Amid Kate Middleton Drama
Thomas Kingston: Remarkable Life of the ‘Relentlessly Optimistic’ Royal Found Dead at 45
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Just Let Them Rob You & Don't Fly, Stay In The Pod | Mar. 14, 2024


Henrik covers the disintegration of law and order in Western societies and more in No-Go Zone March 14, 2024.

Veritas Radio | John & Bonnie Mitchell : Silent Frequencies: Exposing the Covert World of Sonic Manipulation and Mind Control in Media | Hour 1



Tonight, we venture into the hidden depths of the media's most clandestine practices - sonic manipulation and mind control. We're joined by Veritas veterans, John and Bonnie Mitchell, who have dedicated their lives to uncovering these veiled technologies.

The journey begins with John's unsettling discovery of secret sonic weapons embedded in a popular movie. This revelation opens the door to a world where infrasound and ultrasound are not mere scientific phenomena, but tools for covert influence and harm. We'll delve into the intricacies of a mysterious wave file, an apparent breadcrumb in the larger scheme of media manipulation.

Bonnie, with her wealth of experience, sheds light on the alarming health effects associated with these hidden frequencies. Drawing parallels to the notorious Havana Syndrome, she reveals how deep the roots of these technologies run, entwined within the fabric of our daily media consumption.


After retiring from distinguished careers in the United States Merchant Marines, John Mitchell and his devoted partner, Bonnie Jean Mitchell, embarked on a mission that would reshape their lives and illuminate hidden truths. Together, they founded, a platform dedicated to unveiling the secrets and disinformation perpetuated by the clandestine forces within the government. Their journey led them to delve into the intricate world of mind control techniques imposed upon the unsuspecting masses. In 2012, John and Bonnie unveiled the unsettling reality of Digital Mnemonic Mind Control through their research.

Bonnie Jean Mitchell, a luminary in her own right, stands as the visionary founder of She is a multifaceted researcher, accomplished author, and a lifelong contactee with extraterrestrial entities. For over two decades, Bonnie has provided guidance and solace to individuals navigating the enigmatic realms of paranormal and metaphysical experiences. Her literary contributions include the insightful books "Journey with the Star People" and "The Shift: A lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness."

In 2014, John and Bonnie made the daring choice to leave the United States, setting their course for Uruguay in South America. Today, their focus remains steadfastly fixed on the spiritual battle being waged as humanity seeks a transformative paradigm shift in consciousness. You are invited to join their thought-provoking Awakenvideo Livestream, hosted on Rumble, every Friday night at 6pm EST, where they continue to shed light on vital issues shaping our world.

Max Igan | The Game Continues - Their Prize Is Your Soul | Mar. 13, 2024


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