Dr. Rauni Kilde | Bases 5-Mind Control

Source: MILES JOHNSTON undergroundvideouk.com

In the initial video above, sections from the master camera tapes and the hard drive were removed by sources invisible and unknown.

The first interview with Rauni had vital sections deleted by hostile agencies. In this re-interview Rauni discusses a major UFO Conference in Moscow, with 3 high ranking US Military. She roundly condemns the Swine Flu racket as a fraud similar to the 1976. She is under constant harassment as was proven when major sections of the 1st interview destroyed in London.

Arturo Robles Gil | Yellow Ufo filmed, Mexico

Filmed by Arturo Robles Gil, Mexico

Laura Knight-Jadczyk | The Cassiopaeans

Source: projectcamelotproductions.com

Los Angeles, April 2010
I went to France in February to interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk. She lives in an 18th century French chateau with her extended family. She and her company--both operate out of this splendid but ancient building. Heating 10 foot ceilings is not an option so in winter, Laura and her crew gather in the old fashioned kitchen around the wood burning stove to eat and share stories.

We were privileged to be guests there for a couple of days during the filming of this fascinating interview. Laura is a brilliant researcher into the nature of consciousness, the matrix and the underlying psychology of pathology. In addition, she has created a unique approach to a recurring telepathic contact with an ET group who call themselves the Cassiopaeans.

Using a Ouija board (also known as a spirit board) and a small group of people, she made contact and then in a series of controlled experiments verified the level of material she was receiving (whether her source could be trusted) by asking questions then researching the answers and checking on the veracity and intention of the source in predicting future events... In touch with this source for roughly 16 years, she and a small group of people have accumulated a vast amount of information. She has never stopped questioning or researching what she is getting.

Laura's intelligence is tenacious and uncompromising. Her inquiry into the supernatural, past lives, and the unknown has taken her down many roads. Along the way, she became a hypnotist, an exorcist and a highly perceptive chronicler of what it means to be human.
Kerry Cassidy

Ed Haslam | Cancer Conspiracy

Source: coasttocoastam.com

April 15, 2010
Appearing for the full four hours, former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does.


While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator.According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.

Richard C. Hoagland | Obama's Mars Mission Plans

Fredereick Burks | Mind Control

Source: Miles Johnston undergroundvideouk

February 2010—International UFO Congress—Fredereick Burks former language interpreter in the US Department of State discusses mind control.

VERITAS - Melinda Leslie | Abductions and Covert Ops

Source: veritasshow.com

April 16, 2010
Researcher/experiencer Melinda Leslie discussed her recent work on abductees who claim to have been interrogated, and sometimes re-abducted by covert/military operatives, after their initial alien encounter. The phenomenon, often referred to as MILABS (military mind control and abduction), can occur in several stages. Starting off on a low level with hearing noises like someone is listening in on phone calls, it can graduate to being watched and followed, confronted and told not to speak out, and harassed by low-flying black helicopters, she detailed. Some abductees encounter a "minders scenario" in which an operative wins their trust with insider information about their alien interactions, but then can become controlling and manipulative, she said.

Melinda Leslie has been public with her own abduction experiences for 20 years, researched covert-ops involvement in abductions for 17 years, and interviewed over 50 abductees with this involvement. For 9 years Melinda was the Director of a UFO lecture series hosting the most prominent names in ufology. In addition to her abduction work, Melinda has been a paranormal researcher for over 25 years and a founding member of the Orange County Paranormal Researchers, a group which has conducted formal investigations for 9 years. Melinda has been able to recall many of her experiences consciously, without the aid of hypnosis. She is what UFO researchers call a conscious abductee. While she has had virtually the entire range of UFO experiences, one of her most dramatic occurred in July 1991 while driving with two friends through the Los Angeles forest. All three experienced a two-hour-long abduction into a metallic craft piloted by grey-type ETs.

The Day Before Disclosure Official Teaser

NewParadigmFilms — 16. April 2010 — This is the official teaser for the documentary The Day Before Disclosure by New Paradigm Films. The feature film will shed new light on the UFO phenomena and the ET presence and premieres in May 2010. See www.newparadigm.no for further information.

Alex Collier Earth Transformation Conference January 2010

Alex Collier at the Earth Transformation Conference Hawaii January 7-10, 2010.

UFO BRIGHT LIGHTS filmed over Sortavala, Russia, March 16th, 2010

Very strange lights filmed in the Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia March 16th 2010 over Sortavala.

John Searl | New Energy Science

Source: coasttocoastam.com

13 April 2010—Filmmaker Bradley Lockerman and the “Godfather of Free Energy” Professor John Searl discussed Searl’s invention of a magnetic generator and how he believes the device could save our planet from economic and environmental disaster. “Scientists are ‘yesterday people’,” Searl declared, “but inventors are a special group of people who see the future and they bring the future out into reality.” Lockerman, who has been investigating Searl’s research since 1994, called the inventor's tale “the wildest story I've ever heard in my life.”

Recounting his remarkable story, Searl detailed how he first conceived of the device via a series of recurring dreams. Years later, he assembled the early prototypes of the invention and saw that it mysteriously floated, non-stop, upwards. Eventually, Searl managed to develop a means of controlling the device. It was during this time that sightings of his experiments in England were dubbed ‘UFOs’ by an unsuspecting public as well as the newspapers who knew of his work but desired to keep it under wraps. Should the technology ultimately be used to create a vehicle, he claimed that it could travel from London to New York in 15 minutes and a trip to the moon or the ISS would be the equivalent of “a bus ride.”

Klaus Dona | The Hidden History of the Human Race

Source: projectavalon.net

Bill Ryan:
I first met Klaus Dona, an Austrian artifacts researcher, in July 2009. His Project Camelot interview was extremely well received, and many people wrote asking for a follow-up. So I'm delighted to bring you more.

This video is a 45 minute slideshow, with a personal commentary from Klaus. It's data-rich, detailed, intensive, absorbing, and may contain more startling information about the history of the human race in one place than any other video you've ever seen.

The journey we embark on covers Atlantis, reptilian humanoids, the Anunnaki, ancient symbolism, ancient science, an ancient global language, and much more. This is astonishing material, which has my highest recommendation. Enjoy.
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