Bix Weir on TMRN, December 10, 2011


Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents:
Bix Weir on TMRN Radio, December 10, 2011.
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Colin Andrews, Ellen Whitehurst | Crop Circles & 2012, December 12, 2011


December 12, 2011–Electrical engineer and researcher Colin Andrews coined the phrase "Crop Circles" 30 years ago. He discussed his research into the mysterious phenomenon, and its possible connections to the Mayans' calendar cycle ending in 2012. During a two-year period starting in 1999, he received funding from Laurance Rockefeller to study crop circles in England, and came to the conclusion that only 20% of them were real, i.e. not man-made-- a conclusion that angered many in the crop circle community. He found that the formations not made by humans, were with a few exceptions, "consistently of the more simple variety... [with] non-complex geometries."

As to who or what is creating the circles, Andrews suggested that it could be a "higher mind," such as an extraterrestrial species that's interacting with humans, as the messages evolve. While a low-level of directed microwave could account for the plant changes, the designs themselves contain mathematical, astronomical, and natural information, and fascinatingly, they are often "placed [in the field] in response to an individual's thought process, [or] prayer or meditation," he reported, citing a personal instance where a Celtic cross design appeared in a field near his home, after he made a mental request for it.

One crop formation depicted our solar system, and specifically referenced the date of September 2033, which Andrews was intrigued to discover corresponded to another end date for a different Mayan cycle. The date of 12/21/12 has a rare astrological alignment, and Israel and Iran may be drawn into a nuclear conflict around this time, he continued. Andrews also touched on encounters people have had with ET-type beings at crop circle locations, as well as a strange incident that occurred on the British TV network, ITN, when a metallic-sounding voice interrupted the program in 1977 and claimed to be an alien.

Nature of Luck
First hour guest, author Ellen Whitehurst talked about the nature of luck. She cited four ways a person can enhance or improve their luck-- maximize your chances for opportunities (such as networking), listen to your intuition or trust your gut instincts, expect to receive good fortune, and turn a negative situation into a positive one. She also suggested that the last thing you see before going to sleep, and the first thing you see when you wake up should be something that makes you feel positive and purposeful.

News segment guest: Frosty Wooldridge

Michael Murphy | Chemtrail Agendas, December 7, 2011


(Michael's interview starts at 40 minute mark!)

Journalist, filmmaker and political activist Michael Murphy discussed the agendas behind chemtrails (a type of 'geo-engineering' method). Chemtrails which differ from regular contrails, are sprayed from airplanes, and dissipate into what looks like cirrus cloud cover, which actually blocks the sun, he explained. Geo-engineering models suggest chemtrails can be used for weather modification. For instance, putting aluminum oxide particles into the atmosphere will have a desirable cooling effect, but in the long term the aerosols act as a blanket, and will lead to warming by trapping the heat in, he cautioned. There has been secrecy regarding the full scale deployment of this technology because it causes toxic environmental effects, and is detrimental to human health, he added.

Rain tests have shown there are toxic levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium that were not there before chemtrails came into usage, he reported, adding that these substances are associated with respiratory illness, high blood pressure, and possibly even cancer. Murphy postulated that corporations are clandestinely using chemtrails to manipulate natural systems including weather and soil, in order to foster marketing opportunities for goods and services tailored to the new environmental conditions being created. For example, there are GMO seeds that are sold as drought and aluminum resistant, he said.

Additionally, through geo-engineering and projects like HAARP, weather and atmospheric alterations are being adapted as warfare techniques, he suggested. For those who wish to take a stand against these developments, Murphy recommended visiting the Coalition Against Geo-Engineering.

First Hour: On the 70th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, author Craig Shirley talks about how the attack reshaped America.

News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Robert Zimmerman

Tercer Milenio | UFO sightings in Crimea, Ukraine, December 12, 2011

Source: tercermilenio youtube

Marilu Carrillo presents videos of an object filmed by several witnesses over Crimea, Ukraine.

Adrian Salbuchi | Hack'n'Slash Economics: 'Europe made fit one-size bed', December 11, 2011


Efforts by European leaders to shoe-horn a range of diverse countries into a rigid financial cage are doomed to fail. But that's all part of a long-term plan for a global super-currency which can only bring more hardship to ordinary working people.

In Greek mythology, Procrustes was the son of Poseidon, God of the deep blue seas. He built an iron bed of a size that suited him, and then forced everybody who passed by his abode to lie on it. If the passerby was shorter than his bed, then Procrustes would stretch him, breaking bones, tendons and sinews until the victim fitted; if he was taller, then Procrustes would chop off feet and limbs until the victim was the "right" size...

Adrian Salbuchi, political analyst, author, speaker and commentator talks to RT about the EU summit outcome.

Breaking: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border, December 11, 2011


According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of "Al-Mafraq", which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border.

According to one Jordanian military officer who asked to remain anonymous, hundreds of soldiers who speak languages ​other than Arabic were seen during the past two days in those areas moving back and forth in military vehicles between the King Hussein Air Base of al-Mafraq (10 km from the Syrian border), and the vicinity of Jordanian villages adjacent to the Syrian border, such as village Albaej (5 km from the border), the area around the dam of Sarhan, the villages of Zubaydiah and al-Nahdah adjacent to the Syrian border.

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Clif High on TMRN, December 9, 2011


December 9, 2011–Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Clif High.
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Jordan Maxwell - G.O.N.O.B. Interview, December 9, 2011


Jordan Maxwell - G.O.N.O.B. Interview 12-09-11. Jordan Maxwell on Global Opposition to New Order Bolsheviks Radio with Aaron Wilson. Recorded on December 9th, 2011. We can become independent from governments and national grid etc. We can do that by been self sufficient. We dont need the govenments or any company to come and free us. We can free ourselves. By becoming self sufficient. That's all we need do. We may still need to depend on a government for now on some things such as law and order and roads, street lighting certain buildings and organizations but we dont need them to support us on things we can support our selfs etc-cont-

George Ure on TMRN, December 3, 2011

Source: ‪‬, ‪‬, ‪‬

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Joshua Hart | Stop Smart Meters!, December 8, 2011


December 8, 2011–Joshua Hart is Director of Stop Smart Meters! He has worked in the energy industry, as a transportation planner, environmental advocate, and freelance journalist. Growing out of the grassroots group Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters, started in June 2010, Stop Smart Meters! has now evolved into an advocacy, media outreach, and direct action organization providing activism consultation and advice to dozens of local groups sprouting up who are fighting the wireless 'smart' meter assault.

We'll discuss how the smart meter debacle is a huge threat to our health, safety, privacy, and wallet. Also, how it is an opportunity for spying, centralized power and corporate control. Joshua tells us why Smart Meters are a false solution to the green movement. He'll get into the specifics of how these meters operate. We will talk about the dangers of wireless technology, the smart grid propaganda and the inappropriate ways utility companies are demanding and enforcing the installations of these meters. Later, Joshua tells us about a utility company that has been spying, following and attempting to get info from his organization as though it is a military operation. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Engineered Euro Crash | William Engdahl on GRTV, December 9, 2011


The leaders of the EU prepare for a summit this week as the Eurozone continues to spin out of control. But how did the collapse begin, and who will profit from it? Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview with F. William Engdahl.

Mack Maloney | Wartime UFOs, December 6, 2011


December 6, 2011–In the course of researching his novels, military fiction writer Mack Maloney discovered startling historical records of an increase of UFO sightings near pivotal military events. He discussed a variety of incidents from World Wars I & II, as well as Viet Nam and other battle zones. One of the earliest cases he found dated back to the time of Alexander the Great, when his army was planning a siege on the city of Tyre, and "flying shields" let out a lightning bolt that destroyed one of the city's walls, which allowed Alexander's army to get in. Proceeding WWI, "scareships" were reported by British newspapers in 1909. They were described as dirigible-like craft that emitted huge searchlights and could travel as fast 200 mph.

In World War II, there were reports that crews of allied bombers would see fantastic aircraft flying just 100-200 ft. off their wing. These strange craft, which became known as "foo fighters," would not take action or interfere with the bombings. One of the foo fighters was described as an enormous cigar-shaped, brightly lit craft that flew in formation with the bombers. Incidents such as these led Maloney to theorize that rather than ETs, the UFO occupants were time travelers who came back to observe significant time periods, such as during wars-- to see history as it was being made.

In the "ghost rocket" sightings of 1946, which took place in a remote area of Sweden, hundreds of long tubular objects flying in formation were seen. While they resembled cruise missiles, this was years before that technology was developed, he noted. Maloney also detailed bizarre incidents that took place in Viet Nam, such as when a bright object came down on top of an American base, illuminating the entire area, while all electricity was knocked out; and a UFO that hung over Hanoi for a period of two hours, while the North Vietnamese shot at it to no effect.
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