James Corbett on Journalist Radio | Fukushima 3 Years Later

Source: GlobalJournalist.org, fukushimaupdate.com, corbettreport.com

In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami devastated the eastern coast of Japan. Thousands of people were killed, and scores more were displaced as a result of the natural disaster. The earthquake and resulting tsunami caused the meltdown of a nuclear power station located in Fukushima Prefecture. Radioactive material leaked into the Pacific Ocean, and the area surrounding the plant became irradiated. This led to the development of an exclusion zone around the plant, and the evacuation of cities near the stricken nuclear site.

But more than three years after the event, journalists still struggle to report on what exactly is going on with the region’s recovery and cleanup efforts. TEPCO, the utility that managed the nuclear reactor, has been criticized for not being forthcoming with the public, or with the victims of the tragedy … or, even with the government. Today on Global Journalist, we take a look at what’s going on in Fukushima, and look at some of the challenges reporters face in covering stories like these in Japan.

Jim Marrs in Toronto | Conspiracy Culture, June 22, 2014

Source: conspiracyculture.com, jimmarrs.com

Sunday June 22nd 2014 // CONSPIRACY CULTURE presents Jim Marrs live at the Bloor Cinema, hosted by Richard Syrett of the Conspiracy Show and introduced by Patrick Whyte of Conspiracy Culture. Legendary author Jim Marrs historic first trip to Toronto, Canada. Plus post event words with Jeff of We Are Change Windsor and Mike of Angry Beaver Radio, and book-signing with Jim Marrs at Paupers Pub.

CrossTalk | Chaos Incorporated, July 3, 2014

Source: RT.com

For Washington's neocons the world is a huge playground. In the name of "democracy" they have destroyed one regime after another. Ukraine is now on the agenda. CrossTalking with Robert Parry, Jim Lobe and Francis Boyle. -RT.com

E. Michael Jones | Culture Wars & Catholic/Jewish Conflict | Hour 1 | June 30, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com

 June 30, 2014–Historian and former Professor, E. Michael Jones is editor of Culture Wars Magazine and author of many books, including Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History.

We begin the hour discussing the triple melting pot theory of American assimilation, involving three ethnic groups and three religions: Catholic, Protestant and Jewish. Jones elaborates on the culture war between the Catholics and the Jews. Then, he’ll talk about how sexual “liberation” is used for political control and a form of covert warfare.

E. Michael discusses how the original American culture was taken over and supplanted with a Jewish culture. Later, we discuss the rise of political correctness and blowblack of covert operations. In the member’s hour, Jones explains the relationship between Catholics and Jews and details where their conflict stems from.

He shares his view on what must take place in order for the two to live in the same culture. We’ll move on to discuss mass immigration into Europe and the Jewish role behind multiculturalism, while at the same time Israel maintains the last ethnic racial state in the world. Multiculturalism is having the opposite effect of what we’re told, but this is by design. E. Michael shares a different take on the impact of Islam in Europe. He also comments on Pope Francis who said Europe needs to bring in more immigrants. Later in the hour, Jones talks about how we are witnessing the end of the American empire.

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NSA can spy on 98 percent of the world, July 1, 2014

Source: RT.com

Despite President Obama's January speech limiting the scope of National Security Agency surveillance, a new Washington Post article outlines a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court could turn that notion on its head. The ruling allows the NSA to conduct surveillance on 193 countries around the world. Only four countries in the world are excluded from the ruling: Canada, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez walks us through the latest revelations. -RT.com

Putin to West: Stop turning world into 'global barracks,' dictating rules to others (Full Speech) July 1, 2014

Source: RT.com

Russia's president has blamed turmoil in Ukraine on the country's newly-elected leader Petro Poroshenko. Vladimir Putin also criticized the West for its intention to turn the planet into "global barracks." Read more at: RT.com

Gregory Sams | The State Is Out Of Date | Hour 1 | June 27, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, eternal-knowledge.co.uk, thestateisoutofdate.com

June 27, 2014–Gregory Sams has been a health food pioneer from the 1960's. In 1967, he and his brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger. In the 80's, he also became fascinated with the scientific ideas of chaos theory, so he founded Strange Attractions, a shop dedicated to chaos theory. Sams' lifelong passions, health, culture and consciousness culminated in two books.

He returns to discuss his latest work, The State is Out of Date: We Can Do Better. He'll discuss today's disenchantment over the top-down power structure that increasingly manages our lives vs. the beauty of bottom-up self organization. He explains how we are community animals with built-in empathy; we are good at getting on with each other, organizing best from the bottom up. Our culture's most essential and reliable features came into being without central planning. Top down control by a coercive state has been going on for less than 4500 of modern human's 100,000 years on planet Earth.

Its every variation has eventually failed, often bringing down the civilization than it had fed upon. He says, we can do a better job of things ourselves than can those "in charge," regardless of how much money they have to spend or how good their intentions may be. Gregory criticizes our societal structure that does not serve the majority. Where the state steps into our affairs, problems arise. Gregory explains how the state holds us back from natural order and nature's harmony. -redicecreations.com

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The Truthseeker | Ukraine Gangster State Calls for 'Nuclear Strikes' , June 28, 2014

Source: RT.com

Parliament moves to quit Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Nazis 'regular reconnaissance visits to nuclear power stations'; Billionaire governor, whose Privatbank is top recipient of new IMF bailout, being placed on international wanted list for 'banned methods of warfare and aggravated murder'. 

Seek truth from facts with intelligence expert William Engdahl; economist Professor Michael Hudson; former US intelligence officer Scott Rickard; and the prosecutor who put Yulia Timoshenko's partner behind bars, Martha Boersch. -RT.com

Max Igan | The Power Of Possibility, June 18, 2014

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 2 - Episode 12.

Clifford Stone | Paths To Contact Conference, April 25-27, 2014

Source: stardustconferences.compathstocontact.org, theviralpost.com

Clifford Stone is unique among those experiencing and investigating UFO and ET phenomenon.

He spent 22 years in the US Army as a part of an extremely elite and secret group that was rapidly dispatched to crash sites in order to recover UFO or ET craft, bodies, and artefacts.

Since his retirement from the Army, he has devoted his time to a diligent Freedom of Information Act search of government archives. He maintains that we have knowledge that intelligent life is visiting this planet in craft capable of traveling distances of many light years very quickly; effectively bypassing acceptably known physics.

“I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies that were involved with some of these crashes. Also some of these were alive,” he said.

“While we were doing this, we were telling the American public there was nothing to it. We were telling the world there was nothing to it,” Mr Stone added.

“You have individuals that look very much like you and myself, that could walk among us and you wouldn’t even notice the difference,” he said.

Stone has also claimed to have catalogued 57 different species of alien life forms.
Further, he stresses that our recovery of these ET craft and artifacts, have allowed our government to make staggering scientific gains of great potential benefit to the world.

He maintains, as do many others, that this information is held in deeply secret programs beyond Constitutional controls and safeguards, and that despite the end of the cold war, those controlling these ‘black projects’ have continued to keep these important discoveries to themselves and for motives known only to them.

Sgt. Stone is coming forward with his story to encourage citizens and our elected officials to open investigations and end this Constitutional bypass by a powerful and covert organization operating under our noses and in our skies.

At the opening talk of the Paths to Contact conference, Clifford describes some of his childhood contact with ETs and his life in the military.

Video Part 1
Opening talk of the Paths to Contact conference. Clifford Stone describes some of his childhood contact with ETs and life in the military.

Video Part 2
Clifford Stone explains the meaning of "let no one live in your mind rent free", shows documents from the NASA advanced propulsion concepts program, discusses designs for a flying disc, and sets goals for the next generation of UFO researchers.

Video Part 3
Clifford Stone discusses important topics such as "would you recognize an ET if you saw one" and extraterrestrial artifacts in our solar system.

David McGowan | Covert Ops Behind the Hippie Dream | Hour 1 | June 25, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, davesweb.cnchost.com

June 25, 2014–David McGowan was born and raised in Torrance, California, just twenty miles south of Laurel Canyon. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in psychology and has, since 1990, run a small business in the greater Los Angeles area. He is also a lifelong music fan who still frequently keeps his radio tuned to classic rock stations. McGowan’s previous books include Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, and Understanding the F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion.

We’ll discuss his new book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream. We’ll discuss the dark underbelly of the hippie “utopia.” Many think the hippie movement began in San Francisco but it was actually Laurel Canyon, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. Although LA at that time didn’t have a music scene, musicians were mysteriously drawn to LA and mysteriously converged in Laurel Canyon. We’ll discuss how Laurel Canyon in the 1960s and early 1970s was a magical place where a dizzying array of musical artists congregated to create much of the music that provided the soundtrack to those turbulent times.

Also floating about the periphery were various political operatives, up-and-coming politicians, and intelligence personnel - the same sort of people who just happened to give birth to many of the rock stars populating the canyon. Also integrated into the scene was a guy by the name of Charles Manson, along with his murderous entourage. And all of the canyon's colorful characters - rock stars, hippies, murderers, and politicos - happily coexisted alongside a covert military installation.

We’ll talk about the creation of the “hippie” style, which didn’t appear to happen organically. David also talks about misconceptions surrounding the hippie movement. -redicecreations.com

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Breaking The Set | Justification to kill Americans, dystopic riot drones & Iraq creates strange bedfellows, June 23, 2014

Source: RT.com

Abby Martin on the recently-published government memo authorizing the targeted killing of American Anwar al Awlaki, highlighting how the US distorts law to justify assassinating its citizens. Recent protests in Albuquerque, NM, call attention to the police department’s rampant abuse. Then, soon-to-be used riot control drones, capable of shooting paintballs and plastic bullets at up to 80 projectiles per second. RT’s Manuel Rapalo goes over a few of the most insane ways cartels are smuggling drugs into the US. Finally, Middle East expert Phyllis Bennis discusses how the instability in Iraq and Syria could potentially force the US into negotiations with Iran in an effort to stabilize the growing insurgency of ISIS extremists. -RT.com
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