Truthstream Media | We Are Truthstream Media | April 4, 2021


Dark Journalist | X-Series 100 (2) | Mystery Schools Revealed! Steiner Sarobia & Stelle! | April 3, 2021


Important Books from this Episode:
In Search of the Miraculous
P.D. Ouspensky

Spiritualism, Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy: An Eyewitness View of Occult History
Rudolf Steiner

The Ultimate Frontier
Eklal Kueshana

Isis Unveiled
Helena Blavatsky

Secret Teachings of all Ages
Manly P. Hall

Autobiography of a Yogi

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | April 2, 2021


Dr. Wallach describes the many reasons you should not skip taking Essential Fatty Acids!

S0 News | Uranus is Flaring, Dark Energy Is Magnetism | April 1, 2021


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | April 1, 2021


Today's news is from the Japanese Red Cross, courtesy of CAF bringing this to my attention.
The original article is here: 

You can copy and paste the Japanese ideograms into this program for the translation I used: 

There's also further news from the UK about some adverse reactions in pregnant women to some of the "vaccines" including loss of their babies:  Number of Pregnant Women suffering Miscarriage after having Covid Vaccine increases by 483% in just 7 weeks

Press for Truth | Josh Sigurdson | Vaccine Passport To Travel?…More Like A Vaccine Passport TO LIVE YOUR LIFE!! What You NEED To Know!! | March 31, 2021


What was considered conspiracy theory just six months ago is now a conspiracy fact…vaccine passports are a real thing, if you want to travel you’re going to have to take the jab (or at least that’s what they want you to think)!

First it’s passports to travel, then to enter buildings, then to work, then to live. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about his travels during Covid-19(84), the implications of what “vaccine passports” will mean for society and most importantly what you can do about it NOW in order to protect yourself and your family from big brothers intrusion into your lives.

Caroline Cory | Consciousness and Superhuman Abilities - YOU Are ALL That! Here’s What it Takes | March 31, 2021


It was this Seth insight channeled by the late Jane Roberts who said, “Consciousness creates reality. Not the other way around.”

Simple and powerful. But is this a scientific fact or a just postulate that can only be relegated to esoteric opinion?

According to consciousness researcher and filmmaker Caroline Cory, not only is the science there to show that consciousness is the primary ingredient to all of reality - both seen and unseen, but she’s got the experiments to prove it.

In her latest film: Superhuman - The Invisible Made Visible, some of the most mind bending feats of humankind, when put to the test, using innovative but rigid methods show without a shadow of a doubt that each of us have capabilities far beyond what most could ever imagine.

Remote viewing, psychokinesis (or PK),telepathy, even the ability to read while being completely blindfolded are all possible.

More than possible, there are people on this planet right now who are demonstrating these abilities every single day. This is how they live.

So what can WE learn by understanding and knowing the science that backs these claims up?

Caroline shares powerful information that will no doubt turn you on your ear, but also turn the volume up on your ability to plug in using some powerful and proven techniques.

The next step? How you can be a Super Human! -Alexis Brooks

Linda Moulton Howe | Abductee Tyler Jones Interview Part 2 | March 31, 2021


“Zombie Gene” discovery
- Univ. Of Illinois - Chicago researchers discover some brain cells come alive again after death

180-day countdown report
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon says “it could be profound and affirmative”
- “I think it’s going o raise a lot of questions”

Part 2 of interview with “Tyler Jones” from Gadesden, Alabama
- “alien machined that levitate in the air…being used to build pyramids”
- “it was Giza”
- “they decided to make another being…mixed it with their DNA”
- greys “were genetically engineered”
- humans “…were their children”
- 7 tall blondes beings met with 12 US officials some time in the 50’s

Red Ice TV | No-Go Zone: Biden Tax Hike, SEC Targets LBRY/Odysee, The Post-Human Era Has Begun | April 1, 2021


Nick Hinton | The Saturn Time Cube, Tyler, & The Plasma Apocalypse | April 1, 2021

Source:, What Iff Podcast, The Institute For Folly

Today the great Nick Hinton joins THC to talk about the vital content he’s released, often in the form of Reddit/Twitter threads. We also talk about his two books The Saturn Time Cube Simulation & The Aquarian Singularity, both only available through Direct Message. Nick is also the host of the What Iff Podcast & the Founder of The Institute For Folly.

S0 News | 12K and 100K Cycles Resetting, Spraying the Sky | March 31, 2021


Richard Dolan | UFOs Over the Channel Islands. What We Know & Don't Know | March 30, 2021


The website The Drive has recently publicized a fascinating series of UFO encounters by the U.S. Navy in the vicinity of the Channel Islands, off the coast of Southern California, in July 2019.

These encounters seem to be every bit as dramatic as the well-known Tic Tac UFO encounter of 2004, although we still lack much information. Richard Dolan discusses what we know about these events, as well as the many gaps in our knowledge.

See the Drive article here: Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed By Mysterious 'Drones' Off California Over Numerous Nights

Journalist Danny Silva reported on this a year ago. See here: Navy Vet Claims USS KIDD had UFO Encounter in 2019
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