Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jim marrs. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jim marrs. Sort by date Show all posts

Jim Marrs | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 16, 2015


Jim Marrs joins us once again and we discuss the breaking news about John Podesta and his UFO Disclosure tweet, the possible DHS shutdown, ISIS, UFO history and why global banking is connected to everything...ufology, war and conspiracy.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Fall Of The Republic, July 9, 2014


Clip from July 9, 2014 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | The Danger Of Telling The Truth


Clip from June 27, 2013 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Linda Moulton Howe | Part 2: Interview w/Jim Marrs, Viewer Q&A | Nov. 4, 2020


- COVID-19 update
- England to lock down for 4 weeks
- Dr. Fauci warns “The United States could not possibly be positioned more poorly”.
- US has nearly 10m cases, 238k deaths

- Part 2 of 2007 Interview with Jim Marrs talking about his book “Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare”
- “People living underground and people living in domed cities…due to continued ozone depletion.
- Ingo Swann remote viewed Jupiter and Mars
- “… a circular object came out to meet the Phobos 2 spacecraft”
- “NASA has gone to extreme lengths to cover up these facts…they are keeping secrets about UFOs and activity on Mars.”
- “The people in charge don’t want remote viewing used generally…so that the public does not get a clear picture”
- Ingo Swann’s April 27, 1973 remote viewing session on Jupiter
- “Tremendous winds…crystals in the atmosphere…an enormous mountain range..crystal cloud cover”

- Phobos 2 failed mission from 1989
- spacecraft appeared to be spinning out of control after encounter with UFO

Jim Marrs | Revelation Of The Beast Revealed | Infowars | July 25, 2015


Journalist and author Jim Marrs breaking down his latest book Population Control and the truth corporate owners don't want you to discover.

Jim Marrs | NWO Suppressed Technology, July 7, 2013


Journalist and researcher Jim Marrs joins to discuss documented, real-world alternative energy systems being suppressed, and other technologies that are viewed as disruptive by the so-called 'elite' controllers. Also discussed the glance at the myriad of unfolding scandals negatively impacting Obama's second term, and plow through a host of other breaking news items.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Most Of What We Think We Know Is Wrong


Clip from August 28, 2014 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jeff Rense, Harry Cooper, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire | Amazing German Antarctic Discoveries In 1938


Clip from May 13, 2016 - guest Harry Cooper, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Another Fireside Chat


Clip from January 8, 2014 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense.

Jim Marrs | Essence of The JFK Assassination, The Coup Against America, October 27, 2013


American investigative journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs joins Alex in studio to break down all the big news in America.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Population Control


Clip from July 23, 2015 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Pushing Obama On UFO Disclosure


Clip from April 01, 2015 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Linda Moulton Howe | 6 Galaxies in a Black Hole, Pt 1 2007 Interview w/Jim Marrs, Viewer Q&A | Oct. 28, 2020


- 6 galaxies discovered already formed in super massive black hole

- COVID-19 long term damage
- lungs and heart muscle damage
- can cause small blood clots and weaken blood vessels
- herd immunity called into question as antibodies appear to decline

- Remote viewer “Lyn” Buchanan saw future agrarian society,

- 2007 Interview with Jim Marrs talking about his book “Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare”
- Remote viewing testing
- Project STAR GATE

Jim Marrs | The World Media Conspiracy | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Jim Marrs joins us for a complete look at the world-wide media conspiracy that is all around us...from ISIS, Paris, San Bernardino, the POTUS race, money and UFOs...everything is manipulated and we are being lied to, everyday.

Jim Marrs on JFK, 9-11 and Ancient Civilizations, November 21, 2013


Best selling Texan author/journalist Jim Marrs on JFK, 9-11 and Ancient Civilizations.

Jim Marrs | Trillion-Dollar Bailout Conspiracy, American Revolutions & Wikileaks


December 9, 2010
Jim Marrs is a former newspaper journalist and a best-selling author with focus on conspiracies and cover-ups. He's written "Crossfire", "Alien Agenda", "Rule by Secrecy" and "The Terror Conspiracy". His latest books are "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and "The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy". In this program we pan across the geopolitical spectrum and discuss zombie banks, how trillions of dollars went down the drain in bailouts, the history of the United States and the emerging global socialist dictatorship. We also talk about the Wikileaks distraction, Julin Assange, the control of the media and the attempts to control the internet. The TSA are now terrorizing Americans and visiting tourists, haven't the so called "terrorists" achieved their objective? Topics discussed: US tax dollars, the creation of money, power, Benjamin Franklin, American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Knights of the Golden Circle, American Civil War, Financial Stability Board, socializing the banking system, charity & help, corporate control of the media, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, control of the Internet and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Jim Marrs | Our Occulted History


In Our Occulted History, Marrs goes beyond the revelations of his classic Alien Agenda and illustrates how human civilization may have originated with non-humans who visited earth eons ago...and may still be here today.

Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? is an extensive survey that includes a mass of well-documented scientific and historical texts and sources. It will change the way you view the origins of mankind and the current state of society.

No subject is too controversial for Marrs, an award-winning journalist whose other investigative works include Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, the basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK; Rule by Secrecy; and The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy.

Jim Mars | The View From Marrs | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Jim Marrs is our guest and we have a conversation covering all of the current events including the election, puppet masters, Syria, Iran, ISIS, UFOs and disclosure, a little Russia, the economy, mass-media and the Illuminati...a great show that almost got out of control a few times...good stuff.

Interview Start 33:00 min.

UFO Congress Special


February 24, 2011–Joining George Noory, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented guests live from the KFYI studio in Phoenix, who were attending the International UFO Congress this weekend. First up was ufologist Stanton Friedman who talked about being a presenter at the Saudi Arabia Competitiveness Forum that had a keynote address by former U. S. President Bill Clinton. At the Forum, Friedman participated in a panel about the search for other life in the universe with Michio Kaku, Nick Pope, and Jacques Vallee. The panelists each expressed different takes on the ET question, with Friedman arguing we're being visited from other planets, and how this has been covered-up in a 'Cosmic Watergate.'

Author and researcher Jim Marrs spoke about his investigation into the "mystery missile launch" off the southern California coast on Monday, Nov. 8, 2010, videotaped by a news helicopter. The US govt. backed the story that the picture recorded was simply an aircraft leaving a contrail, which he finds preposterous. Linda pointed out that Hillary Clinton commented that the missile could be a show of force by China. Marrs engaged remote viewer Lyn Buchanan to target the incident, and he viewed it as a missile launched from a submarine as a test to see if it could be tracked by radar (though he didn't identify its source).

Appearing with Linda for the third hour, Travis Walton discussed his dreams of blond humanoids that have occurred since his abduction in 1975. The dreams, he surmised, showed glimpses of what happened to him during his 5-day abduction aboard the UFO. He first saw 'marshmallow'-like beings wearing red jumpsuits, then a human-looking blond male came in, who had coarse blond hair, and strange gold eyes that might have been artificial. Later, he interacted with a group of similar-looking blonds. It's possible that the blonds brought him back to life, after his injury from the UFO's beam, he added. Some of this material along with additional illustrations is included in a new edition of his book, Fire in the Sky.

During the last hour, Linda spoke about her new report that dispersants released during the BP spill may be slowly killing off sea life in the area, and she, Stanton, Jim, and Travis took calls from the listeners.

Misguided Laws
First hour guest, attorney Jonathan Emord shared updates on the combined efforts of the FDA & FTC to suppress dietary supplements, as well as a plan to replace all incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) by 2012. This mandate is misguided, he said, as CFLs contain mercury that is toxic if a bulb breaks.
News segment guests: Douglas Hagmann, Gerald Celente

Peter Levenda | Osama, Hitler, and The Master Plan, July 1, 2011


Did you know that the day they announced the death of Osama bin-Laden, is also the day they announced the death of Adolf Hitler? May 1st, 1945 and May 1st, 2011. 66 years apart. Ironically, we have no corpse for either of these anti-Semitic murderers. No grave site. No shrine. No jamrahat Mina, for stoning the Devil during a dark pilgrimage. So ... when coincidences multiply and words seem unequal to the task, we bring Peter Levenda to discuss these and many more geopolitical topics. This show is for all those who have suffered and died because of ideologies and stupidities. For religion and race. For redemption and revenge. All those. Jew and Muslim. American and Arab. European and African and Asian. For all those cold and broken hallelujahs.

Peter Levenda is a native of the Bronx, New York, and has been investigating and writing about the connections that exist between politics, religion and history since the 1970s. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, was published in 1994 and bears a foreword by Norman Mailer. Since then, he has published Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, a three-volume magnum opus that searches for the meaning behind some of the most famous historical events in American history, from the Salem witchcraft trials to Jonestown, from Operation Paperclip to the weaponizing of the paranormal, from the serial killer phenomenon to the Manson Family and beyond, and exposes some of the strangest aspects of American political assassinations and their relation to a shadowy -- yet well-documented -- group known as "The Nine". His research has taken him to Chile during the Pinochet regime to investigate Nazi war criminals, to China, India, all over Southeast Asia, and throughout Europe and Latin America. His work has been praised by Paul Krassner, Jim Hougan, Dick Russell, Jim Marrs, Whitley Strieber, Katherine Neville, and many others. He has appeared numerous times in television documentaries on the influence of occult beliefs on the development of the Nazi Party: on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, TNT, Discovery, etc.

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