Illuminati Symbolism in Hollywood Movies


25. April 2010 — The pyramid and the all-seeing eye. An ancient occult symbol that shows up in religion, churches, Egypt, alchemy, on money, artwork, logos, crop circles, business models, architecture, food, pharma, government and fraternal organizations. Why? This symbol has been a great catalyst for philosophical, religious and political debate. Watch as we trace the pyramid and eye throughout history from Ancient Egypt and Sumer, leading up to the Masons and pop-culture of today. Then, we ask movie goers at the 33rd Gothenburg International Film Festival why this symbol is showing up in Hollywood movies again and again. With all the big film budgets and creative teams available, why the constant use of the pyramid and eye? Let's explore the origins, possible meaning and purpose behind the pyramid and the eye symbolism, for some of us, a symbol we see everyday.

The Bilderberg Group


May 24,  2010 — In the second half of the program, investigative journalist Daniel Estulin reported on the clandestine activities of the Bilderberg Group, who will soon be holding a meeting in Spain. On June 1, 2010, he'll make history, being the first journalist to give an address on the Bilderberg Group in the European Parliament in Brussels. "Bilderberg isn't a secret's a medium of bringing together the world's most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time it is that combination that is the worst enemy of humanity," he stated. Among the members are CEOs of the leading corporations, bankers, and European royalty, he said, adding that it's not so much about a New World Order, but rather a "one-world company limited...the control of corporations at the expense of government."

"Bilderberg is positioning itself to destroy the United States dollar," Estulin revealed, citing a source who is a US Bilderberg delegate. He also talked about his new book, Shadow Masters, which draws connections between governments and secret service agencies (like the CIA) working together with drug dealers and terrorists for their mutual benefit.

Space Roundtable


May 26,  2010 — In a 4-hour special, Buzz Aldrin, Richard C. Hoagland, Howard Bloom, and Robert Zubrin discussed the future of the space program, and how branching out to space is more important now than ever. "A nation that looks up, goes up; a nation that looks down goes down. A nation without a sense of a new frontier begins to cave in upon itself...nations make their own resources by opening up radical new frontiers," said multi-disciplinary scientist Bloom, who argued for America staying in the forefront with their space program. One asteroid has up to 17 trillion dollars of resources, with minerals like platinum and lithium that are used for electric vehicles, he noted.

Bloom said he supports private efforts such as Elon Musk's Space X rocket, as well as Aldrin's Unified Space Vision. Joining him in the first half of the show, Apollo astronaut and rocket scientist Buzz Aldrin outlined a plan in which NASA could land on the Martian moon Phobos in 2022 and set up a base, with eventual landings on Mars itself by 2031. Aldrin also said that he supports an international effort to develop the moon with partners such as China and India.

In the second half of the program, founder of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin and C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed and sometimes debated space issues. Zubrin stated he was not in favor of the Obama space plan, and that instead "our goal should be to send humans to Mars by the end of the decade." Hoagland believes Obama has taken bad advice (from John Holdren in particular) in formulating NASA's mission plan. He also talked about the artificiality of NASA's moon Phobos. Zubrin disagreed that Phobos was artificial and argued that we shouldn't bother building a base on it, when the real discoveries (and settlements) were to be made on Mars.

Jordan Maxwell | Close Encounters and other stories


24. Mai 2010 — Bill Ryan: I recently had the great privilege of talking with Jordan Maxwell, fresh after our May 2010 visit to the Vatican, about some of his personal stories and experiences - some of which are astonishing by any standards. One or two he had told in his September 2009 Interview with Project Camelot, but the majority are new. He has shared these with the public before.

There's nothing here about the workings of the Illuminati or the New World Order. Instead you'll be watching Jordan presenting a series of extraordinary and fascinating personal experiences - any one of which would be significant to most people watching this video - but Jordan has MANY. Kick back and enjoy the presentation. Much of this is new material. NOT to be missed.

Setting History Free: Graham Hancock & David Wilcock


Bringing together two inspirational investigators of our hidden past and uncertain future, this unique dialogue between David Wilcock and Graham Hancock takes us on a roller-coaster ride through the wonders of ancient civilisations and into the mysterious nature of reality itself. What is the Ark of the Covenant? Why is its loss the greatest riddle of the Bible? Has its final resting place been found? What do the Great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza teach us? What was the function of the Osireion and other awesome megalithic sites of unknown origin found throughout Egypt? Were the high knowledge and magic of ancient Egypt brought to the Nile Valley by the survivors of an earlier civilisation around 12,500 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, an epoch referred to in the Book of the Dead as Zep Tepi, "The First Time"? The possibility of a great lost civilisation Atlantis by any other name was the focus of Hancock's book Fingerprints of the Gods and the dialogue considers the evidence for this exciting idea -- including out-of-place artefacts and technologies, ancient maps of the world as it last looked more than 12,500 years ago, and the mysteries of the Mayan calendar. Is it a computer for calculating the end of the world? Or do its prophecies of a great change to come speak to us of a joyous rebirth of human consciousness after 21 December 2012? Join Hancock and Wilcock as they discuss Angkor in Cambodia, Baalbeck in the Lebanon, underwater ruins submerged by rising sea levels all around the world at the end of the last Ice Age, and the alleged monuments and a gigantic sculpture of a human face on the planet Mars. The dialogue concludes with a paradigm-busting investigation of parallel realms and universes, spirit beings, shamanism, visionary plants, and the role of altered states of consciousness in exploring and understanding the full mysterious spectrum of reality.

Bill Ryan from Project Avalon interviews David Icke | HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES


24. Mai 2010David Icke talks with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon about his newly published (May 2010) book: HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES.

Art Bell Somewhere in Time with Steven Greer


Saturday May 22, 2010
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/15/01, when Dr. Steven Greer talked about the successful National Press Club conference regarding ET Disclosure.

Joseph P. Farrell | The Banking Monopoly


May 2010—Expert in alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell presented his premise that ancient and modern international bankers have practiced a kind of racketeering (hence his nickname for them 'Banksters') that relates to concepts in physics. Both physics and finance can be thought of in two different ways. One is a closed system, based on scarce resources, energy or money. The other is an open system, in which energy is in abundant supply, "and where money in turn reflects this by being a creation of the state, and therefore a debt-free instrument of exchange," he detailed.

The former is the system we've been living under, "where you have a private banking monopoly issuing monetized debt...the money always carries an interest bearing load on it, so there's always going to be money that's in short supply of the demands of the economic system that it's in," he said. Any bank including the Federal Reserve can never issue interest, they can only lend money into circulation, so that there's never enough money to pay the interest on the principle, he continued. A state, however, can issue debt-free money yet past US Presidents such as Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy all ended up assassinated after they tried to change the banking system, Farrell pointed out.

The Federal Reserve is not a government enterprise-- it's a privately held joint-stock company that's "no more federal than Federal Express," Farrell quipped. However, now, the corporate elite bankers are on the defensive-- "they've made too many enemies around the world," with countries like Russia and China, he noted. Politicians such as Ron Paul are on the right track, calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve, he commented. New energy technologies like zero point are being suppressed by both governments and the corporate elite, as "they are wanting to monopolize this technology for themselves," as well as keep it out of the hands of terrorists who might hold the world hostage, he added.

John Urwin | The Machine


John Urwin wrote the following in an email to me, just a few days ago:

"I am a 71yr old reitired ex- UK special forces operative (about which I have written a book namely 'The Sixteen'). I wrote my book because I was trying to hopefully make contact with others who had also been a part of this ultra covert and highly skilled unit - the reasons for its being so highly covert was that both British Intelligence and the Government of the day (we're talking late '50's here) had been infiltrated to the highest level by what is known by some today as 'The New World Order'.

There is a lot of detail I could go into about The Sixteen and what their objectives were. How they came to be, why, and what they were hoping to achieve and the difficulties we encountered, things which I didn't expect. you could say 'it was out of this world'."

Based in the Middle East during the highly volatile period after the Suez crisis in the late 1950's he and a team of 15 operatives blended into the ranks of the British military by day and were sent on covert operations at night and when necessary. In this audio interview you will hear John talk about his unconventional training by what can only be termed an off-world group. He and the others received, in a matter of 4 hours, special skills that even today are not able to be duplicated or deciphered by our best military minds.

Pictured in the video is the gift given to him by the Egyptian Special Forces Unit 777 an award that bears the inscription" to: John Urwin, The best anti/counter terrorism specialist in the world."

He is currently being contacted by military organizations seeking access to his skills. But beware: he is not interested in supplying these secrets to anyone working with the NWO.

He is looking for a new publisher for his book. Unfortnately he has received nothing from the sale of this relatively obscure book so far... But that is about to change, no doubt once you hear what he has to say.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010

Preview: Mel Fabregas from VERITAS interviews Jay Weidner - Life After Death, Ancient Texts & The Vril


Gary McKinnon Stays in UK—No Extradition


below: Video from BBC London with Gary McKinnon’s Mother Janis Sharp about the adjournment of the pending court hearing prior to the announcement that UK Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to an adjournment.

Norio Hayakawa - Dulce | UFO Files Radio


Jerry's previous interview with Norio Hayakawa conducted prior to the March 29, 2009 Dulce Base Conference:
Norio Hayakawa has been going to Dulce since the 1980s and has been investigating the paranormal activity as well as the UFO sightings by the natives in this small northern New Mexico town. In this program about Dulce he tells Jerry about his experiences and what he thinks has been happening in Dulce. Was there an ET base there or is it fiction? Norio thinks the natives of Dulce will come forward and tell the true story of their experiences at a conference or forum he is having in Dulce on March 29th.
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