Dr. Brooks Agnew | Remembering the Future: Physics of the Soul and Time Travel

Source: otherworldradio.com

Brooks A. Agnew, Ph.D. is a commercial scientist and engineer with more than 17 years of field research in Earth Tomography. His patents have revolutionized photopolymer applications, digital imaging, and high-speed manufacturing processes creating more than 5 thousand jobs. His technology is used on at least two planets to explore for water and other compounds.

He was a featured scientist in the video documentary on HAARP: Holes in Heaven and the national Japanese science program Galileo. He co-authored the national best selling The Ark of Millions of Years.

He is currently the leader of NPIEE, managing trustee of the Phoenix Science Foundation, a board member of the Star Dreams Foundation, and spokesman for the ICIS Peace in Space Initiative to be presented by Dr. Agnew to the United Nations in 2007. He currently resides in Western Kentucky.

Tonight in our special 2-hour interview we will be speaking with Dr. Agnew about his latest book Remembering the Future. We will also speak with him about the exciting upcoming INNER EARTH EXPEDITION scheduled for August 2010 and so MUCH more! ~Other World Radio

Dr. Agnew's sites: Phoenix Science Foundation, North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE)

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The Ten Commandments of the Native American Indians

Music: Rhythm of the Heart by Ah-Nee-Mah. 
The title of the CD is Ancient Visions.

Back In Time Series | Boyd Bushman about Anti-Gravity and Other Cutting-Edge Scientific Developments

Source: theparacast.com

Boyd Bushman
Senior Research Scientist
Information Machine "Back In Time Series" brings you an interview with
Senior Scientist Boyd Bushman, November 4, 2007.

Senior Scientist Boyd Bushman talks about anti-gravity and other cutting-edge scientific developments. Find out why this may indeed be one of the most controversial shows ever aired on The Paracast.

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Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, 1986 to 2000 (and present consultant), Mr. Bushman has participated in Advanced Aircraft Concepts as a member of the technical team. He has conducted European Theater Tactical Fighter performance analysis, coordinated customer interface and development performance concepts. He developed laser, electro-optical sensor, and power systems. He developed and taught analysis courses. Several million-dollar contracts were obtained directly from him. Bushman holds 26 US Patents and classified Patents.

Texas Instruments, 1979-1987, Mr. Bushman worked on the development of laser guided smart bombs, Tank Mounted Infrared FLIR systems, focal plane arrays and GPS Systems all of which are currently deployed as major components of Tactical Land Air and Sea systems.

From 1976 to 1979 Mr. Bushman was a Manager at Parsons International of Iran, Mexico and then Louisiana with the U.S. department of Energy's Strategic Oil Reserve Program. He managed a division of Trans Universal Finance Company in Southern California. Funding was obtained for high multimillion dollar projects.

At Hughes Aircraft (Now Ratheon), 1968-1976, Mr. Bushman was the Manager/Technical Liaison officer to the Infrared Sensor Division (SBRC Santa Barbara Research Center). He was involved in technical description and financial disbursement. Systems were deployed to aircraft and satellite systems.

At Electro-Optical Systems (Now Ratheon), 1966-1968 as Program manager, he developed and produced Night Vision Image Intensifier Systems for military night operations. These are similar to night vision goggles used by pilots. Mr. Bushman achieved sustained production of hundreds of units per month.

1963-1966, General Dynamics (Pomona), he coordinated the analysis, test and development producing the Redeye (Now Stinger Missile). The development and testing was achieved in concert with Sidewinder Missile Development team at China Lake Test Facility in California. Mr. Bushman coordinated the computer based operations analysis and system performance analysis for missile development and manufacture.

Here are 3 of his 26 filed patents from the US Patent Office:

1. #6,028,434 100% Test Computer Printed circuits emit ultraviolet frequencies which identify its correct or defective operation. Only 1% to 10% are now tested.

2. #5,999,652 THREAT WARNING - Detection of aircraft and missile plume.

3. #5,982,180 TESLA LIGHTNING - A 500,000 volt, low current strike will trace directly through soil to landmines. Mapping the strike identifies the mine.

Dr. Ede Frecska | DMT Entities and Ayahuasca

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

September 5, 2010–Dr. Ede Frecska discusses his contribution to the work, Inner Paths To Outer Space, contacting DMT Entities and the Ayahuasca ceremony.

Ede Frecska

Ede Frecska is Chief of Department at the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Budapest, Hungary. He received his medical degree in 1977 from the Semmelweis University in Hungary. He then earned qualifications as certified psychologist from the Department of Psychology at Lorand Eotvos University in Budapest. Dr. Frecska completed his residency training in Psychiatry both in Hungary (1986) and in the United States (1992). He is a qualified psychopharmacologist (1987) of international merit with 15 years of clinical and research experience in the United States, where he reached the rank of Associate Professorship. During his academic years, Dr. Frecska's studies were devoted to research on schizophrenia and affective illness. He published more than 50 scientific papers and book chapters on these topics. In his recent research he is engaged in studies on psychointegrator drugs and techniques, his theoretical work focuses on the interface between cognitive neuroscience and quantum brain dynamics. He is specifically interested in the mechanism of initiation ceremonies and healing rituals. Dr. Frecska is a member of several professional organizations (APA, ECNP, CINP), and has received grants and awards from a variety of sources (NARSAD, NIAA).

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Bob Koontz, John Hutchinson | The Hutchison Effect & Antigravity

Source: coasttocoastam.com

August 31, 2010–Experimental nuclear physicist Dr. Bob Koontz, and independent researcher John Hutchison discussed the Hutchison Effect, and such topics as antigravity, Tesla technology, UFO propulsion, free energy, and the Philadelphia Experiment. The Hutchison Effect "was an accidental discovery I made way back in 1979 when I was replicating a lot of Nikola Tesla's machinery...I was playing with this high voltage equipment and started noticing that certain things would happen like objects moving around by themselves a little bit," said Hutchison. "You cannot explain this effect with conventional physics," noted Koontz, who views this work as far more important than the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN.

Koontz characterized Hutchison's experiments as highly sophisticated-- he used one-million-volt Tesla coils to create electromagnetic fields that induced scalar effects or antigravity-- such as levitating heavy objects, or turning metal into jelly. A kind of antigravity shield could be used in a craft or spaceship, Hutchison outlined. By canceling inertial effects, spacecraft could make sharp right turns, and through jumping into subspace or hyperspace, ships could move as fast as they want and not collide with anything, said Koontz. "It doesn't violate the laws of physics to produce free energy-- it's a zero point process," he added.

Not unlike the purported Philadelphia Experiment, Hutchison said he's had samples disappear and reappear during tests. "I've had other samples where the steel itself is aging in time," for every day about 10 years ahead in time-- according to a study the Max Planck Institute conducted on one of the samples, he reported. Hutchison, who has a YouTube channel featuring videos of levitation and many of his experiments, said he is currently focused on developing free energy and new propulsion systems.

Andrew Johnson | Chemtrails and Climate: Evidence in Plain Sight

Source: checktheevidence.com

Jordan Maxwell and Dave Corso, September 2, 2010

Jordan Maxwell and Dave Corso, September 2, 2010

Andrew Johnson | Diary of a Truth Seeker

Source: veritasshow.com

From early childhood, Andrew Johnson had an overly developed sense of wonder. He had a UFO sighting during his youth. In 2003, he watched Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project video and expanded his pursuit of the truth. He then heard of Dr. Judy Wood and her evidence analysis about September 11, 2001. As a computer programmer and teacher, Andrew can connect the dots more than the average person. Andrew looks for clues that lead him to the big picture. During this show, we discussed 9/11, Chemtrails, Gary McKinnon, and life on Mars. This is truly the diary of a truth seeker.

Andrew Johnson grew up in Yorkshire, England and graduated from Lancaster University in 1986 with a degree in Computer Science and Physics. He has mainly worked in Software Engineering and Software Development, for most of the last 20 years. He has also worked full and part time in lecturing and tutoring (in Adult Education). Now he works for the Open University (part time) tutoring and assessing students, whilst occasionally working freelance on various small software development projects.

He became interested in “alternative knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project. He has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and Anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorities to address some of the most compelling data that is available. His website is checktheevidence.com.

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Nancy Talbott | Scientific Anomalies Behind Crop Circles & The Work of John Burke

Source: redicecreations.com

September 2, 2010
Nany Talbott from the BLT Research team is with us today. B L T stands for Burke, Levengood and Talbot. The team have been doing scientific research related to the crop circles phenomena for a long time. They have been focusing on analyzing soil samples, crop nodes in and outside of circles. They have also looked other plant abnormalities when it comes to growth of crops inside circles. Nancy has also in the last few years been interested in the case of Robbert van der Broeke, a Dutch gentlemen who have in various ways have been connected with the crop circle phenomena, he has been able to predict where circles are going to appear. We talk more with Nancy about this in our second hour. We begin the first hour to talk about man made circles, genuine circles, John Burke’s work and research into crops, seeds and the relationship to megaliths and natural earth energies. We talk about his work on crop fertility and his “Stressguard machine” technology. Topics Discussed: Man Made Circles, Energy, Germination Studies, Levengood, Microwaves, Visible Signs, Expulsion Cavities, Steam, Moisture in the Plant Stem, Node Bending, Angular Momentum, Stretching, Electrical Pulses, Ion Avalanches, John Burke, “Stressguard”, The Global Crop Diversity Trust, Increased Growth Rate in Seeds, Megalithic Sites, Fertilizers, Temporal Lobe Instability, Geomagnetic Abnormalities, Electromagnetic Voltmeter, Dolmens, Megalithic, Pyramids, Light Displays, Sacred Sites, The Shaman, “Seeds of Knowledge, Stones of Plenty”, Magnetometer, Electrostatic Voltmeter, Increased Energy at Sun Setting and Rising, Chalk aquifers, Atmospheric Plasma Discharge, Ground Electrical Charge and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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The Deep Politics of Mars | Andrew Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

June 9, 2010–Round table discussion with Andrew D. Basiago of Project Pegasus and Alfred Lambremont Webre of Expolitics to discuss the Deep Politics of Mars.

Andrew D. Basiago, is a lawyer, writer, and 21st century visionary and the team leader of Project Pegasus. He is an emerging figure in the Disclosure Movement, who is leading a campaign to lobby the United States government to disclose such controversial truths as the fact that Mars harbors life and that the United States has achieved “quantum access” to past and future events.

He has been identified as the first of two major planetary whistle blowers predicted by ALTA, the Web Bot project that analyzes the content of the World Wide Web to discern future trends.
His official websites are: Project Mars and Project Pegasus

Alfred Lambremont Webre‘s book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law In the Universe, first defined the formal field of Exopolitics (the study of law, governance and politics in the Universe).

Alfred Webre is a space activist who works with others to prevent the weaponization of space and transform the permanent war economy into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative, Space Age society, re-integrating with a larger, intelligent Universe society.

Alfred Webre is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS); and coordinates the Campaign for Cooperation in Space. He is an On-Air Host on Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM.

Alfred hosts Exopolitics Radio on Nova M Network, 1480AM KPHX (Phoenix) every Saturday at 8 PM Pacific Time (11 PM Eastern Time).

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UFOs & ET Visitation | Timothy Good

Source: coasttocastam.com

August 30, 2010–One of the world’s most respected authorities on alien phenomena, Timothy Good, discussed the staggering evidence for UFOs, and the possible colonization of Earth by extraterrestrials. One of the most disturbing aspects to ufology is the number of military deaths since the late 1940s, he noted. When the military opened fire on UFOs, there was retaliation on a large scale, and "I would say that conservatively hundreds of military pilots have lost their lives." The Roswell craft, he suggested, was shot down by US military. According to one statistic, more than 3,500 pilots (including commercial) have seen UFOs, he stated.

Regarding the existence of ETs, Good said "I am convinced, and have been for decades, that they are here,"-- some are based on Earth, and have a vested interest in our planet. He has come to believe human abductions and the developing of hybrids was done for the ETs' benefit rather than ours. Cross breeding and genetic experiments have been conducted on a colossal scale, and the intention behind the hybrids is "to create a passive human race incapable of violence," thus setting us up for conquest, he warned.

Good also recounted an interesting episode in 1989 when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey was planning a traveling exhibit on UFOs & aliens, and certain high ranking officials were reportedly considering lending out real UFOs and alien bodies for the display. However, after Good published details about this in his book, Alien Contact, the exhibition was canceled. He also spoke about various contactee cases, such as the Italian "Friendship" group, whose contacts with ETs were said to begin in 1956. Good reported that many recent sightings in the UK were due to Chinese lanterns, but there was also an increase in triangular craft. The US, he added, has acquired advanced craft propulsion from recovered alien vehicles.

Clif High on TNS Radio, August 30, 2010

Source: TNS Radio

Clif High, Webbot on TNS Radio August 30, 2010.
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