James Gilliland | UFO & ET Contact at the ECETI Ranch

Source: redicecreations.com

November 4, 2010–UFO researcher James Gilliland joins us from the ECETI ranch at Trout Lake, close to Mount Adams in Washington State. The ECETI ranch is a UFO hotspot that is regularly visited by UFO enthusiasts and investigators who are curious and interested in having a first hand experience with UFOs, orbs, light trails, spontanous healing and other phenomena. We discuss the ongoing contact experiences that James and many other visitors are having with UFOs, extraterrestrials and intraterrestrials. We also discuss the UFO community and how the establishment seems to be getting ready to use UFO and ET disclosure for their own purposes and agenda. Other Topics Discussed: background on the ECETI ranch, Kenneth Arnold, flying saucers, non-interference, NWO crowd, major shifts, alignment with galactic plane, quantum leap in consciousness, Annunaki, catastrophy, chemtrails, weather modification, HAARP, humanity waking up, genes of the gods, junk DNA, victim mode, UFO community, clean technology, UFO/ET community infiltration, war industry, dependent, fake alien invasion, Wernher von Braun, visiting the ECETI ranch.
~Red Ice Creations

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Richard Sauder | Underground Bases and Tunnels

Source: redicecreations.com, Richard Sauder's Website

November 2, 2010–Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is probably the world's foremost public authority, as well as the first person, to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground and underwater bases and tunnels. He is the author of several books and major reports. During the first hour of this program we discuss themes from his book, "Hidden in Plain Sight - Beyond the X-files," an in-depth book on underground bases, combining archival research, on the scene investigation, and first-hand interviews. Sauder takes us into the underground world. Topics discussed: underground bases, insiderd, Phil Schneider, catacombs of Rome, Paris, London, tunnel boring technology developed in the mid 1950-1960's, official documentation of underground bases, Cheyenne Mountain, compartmentalized projects, funding, black ops programs, Pentagon losing trillions of dollars, hydroponic gardens, military, the Mormon church, the Vatican, Scientology, John Williams, Pentagon pneumatic tube, approaching cataclysm, SRI, currency collapse, genetic engineering, GMO's, global seed vault, Bill Gates, Norwegian and Swedish underground bases, underground bases and tunnels in other parts of the world. ~Red Ice Creations

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Max Igan | Truth Frequency Radio October 31, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan touching upon the recent UFO sightings, chemtrails, the importance of clean water and how we can move forward as a humanity who understands our reality.

Niara Isley | ET Contacts and MILABS

Source: Ohio Exopolitics

Niara Terela Isley is a writer, artist and certified body-centered life coach. She is also an experiencer and researcher of all aspects of extraterrestrial phenomena, from government cover-ups, to spiritual expansion of consciousness. As an experiencer of extraterrestrial abduction/contact and her strange milab-type experiences while in the air force, Niara has gained deep insights into the workings of our world and the roles that different groups of extraterrestrials may be playing in it. Today she works to raise public awareness about the reality of extraterrestrials, to shed light on the machinations of the "shadow government" and re-frame it all in a life-affirming and hope-filled vision of where we may be headed as a species from her own life-long spiritual experience and perspective. She was an Air Force radar specialist at Nellis Air Force Base, commonly known as Dreamland. She is the author of the book Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light.

Stephen Bassett | UFO/ET Disclosure & The EU, October 2010

Interview With Stephen Bassett, Founder of Paradigm Research Group.
Valletta, Malta October 2010

‪Richard C. Hoagland‬ | ‪Gods of Cydonia - The Case for Ancient Structures In the Solar System‬

The conclusions presented here will shock and amaze you! Boldly going where no scientists have gone before... The Debate! The Conclusions! The Wonder! Scholars, theologians and scientists came together at the University of Wisconsin for an all-day, mind-blowing discussion on the questions of "God, Man, and E.T." Captured in spectacular cinematic style, packed with stunning imagery, computer animation and a Symphonic music soundtrack, this program is the result of this historic event and compelling, wide-ranging discussion. Hosted by former CNN Anchor, Cheryll Jones.

Richard C. Hoagland - Former CBS Science Advisor for Walter Cronkite, and a former NASA consultant to the Goddard Space Flight Center, is Founder and Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission. Author of the international best seller, "The Monuments of Mars" - now in it's Fifth Edition.

Richard Sauder, Ph.D. | The Richard Sauder Briefing

Source: veritasshow.com

The Richard Sauder Briefing, Introduction by Richard Sauder, PhD
©2010 – All Rights Reserved

The central reality of the early 21st Century is the total certainty of imminent, massive, deep-rooted change in every sphere of reality that is meaningful to the human race. This change will not be long in arriving, not at all, indeed, we are already being buffeted by the first, outlying squalls of the rapidly approaching level-five hurricane that will soon be upon us with the full force of its fury.

The imperial warmongering of the USA government represents an attempt by a certain faction of the self-anointed, so-called global 'elite' to use the American military juggernaut as a violent tool to stage manage the oncoming turmoil. Their objective is to try to control a series of large, upcoming, epochal events that are essentially uncontrollable and unmanageable. But this will not deter those who fancy themselves to be humanity's 'superiors'. They will soldier on, literally, with their aircraft carrier battle groups, their nuclear missiles, their stealth bombers, their genetically engineered viruses, and their rampaging armies equipped with night vision goggles, GPS-coordinated weaponry, drunk on self-induced illusions of patriotism, nationalism, blood, guts and gore.

It is a nightmarish vision they have and they want to impose it on the rest of the planet by brute force. Indeed, they have already begun to do this. If you are an Iraqi who was disemboweled or decapitated by a cluster bomb that came whistling in from an American Air Force B-52 cruising overhead at 40,000 feet, then the apocalypse has already arrived for you. And in this case, the apocalypse is stamped 'Made in America'.

One of the great ironies of our time is that the same American regime that constantly lectures the rest of the world about “freedom” and “democracy” has effectively unleashed the Pentagon on the world as a rogue mercenary force, eviscerated the American Constitution, made torture an instrument of policy, and has created an anti-civil liberties Frankenstein’s monster in the form of the new, sprawling bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security.

This insidious effort to impose an Orwellian, authoritarian regime on the United States and much of the rest of the world is but the latest installment in a long-term program to subjugate the entire planet in a violent, iron grip.

In fact, this ruthless program of social, political, military and economic control has been underway for millennia already, going back to the time of the Roman Empire and even before that, to ancient Babylon and pharaonic Egypt and far back beyond that into the mists of remote antiquity. There is a dark, ruthless, self-destructive splinter buried deep in the warp and the woof of the human species – it is woven into our genetics, our history, our society, our mind. And it expresses, nay, it acts out, in the ugliest ways imaginable, over and over again as the centuries and millennia slowly and bloodily scroll by. We slaughter one another by the millions in warfare and genocide over and over again. We impose cruel and terrible dictatorships. We torture, rape, imprison, sack, pillage and plunder. Again and again and again and again. And we invoke our tribal deities as justification for what we do – Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus, Krishna…

But this vile trajectory of history is fast approaching a decisive turning point. In mathematical terms, the quickening pace of events on this planet is rapidly approaching infinity. There has been a sharp inflection in every aspect of the curve that describes the course of human events on planet Earth. Uncharted waters lie just ahead. Planet-wide chaos approaches, and quickly.

This has most definitely not gone unnoticed by the planet’s self-anointed 'elite'. They realize that the game has entered a new, chaotic, supremely important phase that they must control at all costs, if they are to maintain the system of political, religious, economic and social dominance they have been violently putting in place for the last centuries and millennia.

Hence, the Pentagon has been unleashed, essentially as a mercenary force in the service of great evil, to violently subjugate the human race to a planet-wide, totalitarian control. Monitoring, tracking, surveillance and control of individual humans increase by the day. This is not freedom. This is tyranny, and it aims to impose itself by hook or by crook or by force on every human being on this planet. And that is just part of what we are facing as a species and as a planet.

This briefing book is accordingly intended for the many millions of people who have come late to the realization that: "Hey! Something is going on! Kansas is going bye-bye!" Well, yes it is, the world as you have known it is going away as surely as Dorothy’s Kansas went away in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz
The unsettling news is that you are about to be abruptly thrown into the deep end of the swimming pool, without any advance notice or prior preparation on your part. As you look around yourself, with a rising sense of panic, you have somehow managed to stumble upon my little briefing book, and it will serve you as a sort of compass and miniature life raft. By itself, it won't save you, and it's frankly not intended to do that, because in the end, the stark reality is that you have to save yourself. But it might just help you to make sense of what is happening, enough to get your mental bearings and straighten out your thinking, so that you can make more intelligent judgments that enhance your prospects for not just surviving, but possibly even flourishing in the midst of what is about to transpire on this world.
To wit: a lot of things are getting ready to happen, events are going to transpire that may just be really BIG, and by the time the huge changes are finished even the dullest tack in the pack will have gotten it through his or her head that the global situation has changed unalterably and that the world will not be going back to the way it was before. I have much more to say, so keep reading, and by the way, that is also why my cover photo shows me in a much different guise than I have ever before presented in public. The times are changing, and I'm telling you straight up that if you don't also make some changes in your life and thinking you may not make it, so great will the before and after differences be in the global transition cum transformation that is headed our way at warp speed.

Many of the people who will read this little book will not be familiar with a lot of the material that it presents. Consequently, my task as a writer has been to distill down for the uninitiated in a very few pages the essence of 30 years of conversations and study, and untold thousands of pages of reading that I have done.
In a way, I am something like a human honeybee. Just as the honeybee collects nectar and pollen from myriad flowers and blossoms and brings them back to the hive, so too have I absorbed a large amount of information from myriad sources that I am bringing to the readers of this book. This Briefing Book is then a kind of information honey, or nectar of conscious awareness that is distilled from the lengthy learning process through which I have gone, and made available for popular consumption.

Reality, and this world, are far different than we have been told. There will be people who will pick this book up out of idle curiosity, thumb through its pages, and for the first time in their life, the lights will come on in their mind, scales will fall from their eyes and they will begin to awaken to the immensity of the control program on this planet and how deeply in its grip they are.

You will certainly not be getting a wake-up call from the government. So consider this your alert.

Dr. Richard Sauder is the author of several  books and major reports:
- The Richard Sauder Briefing

- Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, (2010), his latest work on the secret world of underground bases and tunnels.

- The underground bestseller, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? (1995), which represents his first work on the underground bases issue.

- The esoteric Kundalini Tales (1998),which deals with paranormal and mind control themes.

- Underwater and Underground Bases (2001), which expands the scope of his earlier work to include military plans for manned bases and tunnels beneath the seafloor.

- The Sauder Report: Notes From the Underground (soon to be made available), a 770 page compilation of many of the raw technical, military and government documents on which the nuts and bolts engineering aspects of his research are grounded.

Richard was the first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground, and then underwater, bases and tunnels by delving into the open literature of the government, military and industry paper trail.

Richard Sauder is a native Virginian, with an abiding interest in Forteana, unusual information and anomalous paradigm-busting data of all varieties. Beginning in early childhood he has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled, flummoxed and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes.

Some of Richard’s favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, UFOs, human prehistory and remote antiquity, international politics, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns.

Richard has discussed his work on many radio, TV and Internet programs including Art Bell's Dreamland, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the Lou Gentile Show, the Laura Lee Show, Out There TV with Kate and Richard Mucci, Strange Daze with Don Ecker, Jeff Rense's Sightings on the Radio, the Zoh Hieronimus Show, Mitch Battros’s Earth Changes TV, the Uri Geller Show, the BBC, FOX News (Phoenix), Ted Loman's UFOAZ Talks, Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff on BBS Radio, Signs of the Times with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Through the Keyhole with Rich Dolan, Earthfiles with Linda Moulton Howe, and numerous others. He has also spoken at the Whole Life Expos in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, Joan Ocean’s E.T. and Dolphin Conference in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, the Leeds (U.K.) International UFO Conference, the NEXUS Magazine International Conference in Amsterdam, the National UFO Conference in Bordentown, New Jersey, HUFON (Houston MUFON), Orange County MUFON, the 2004 and 2005 X-Conferences in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the Little A’LE’ INN in Rachel, Nevada. Dr. Sauder also has appeared as an invited author at the UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico.

His writings and interviews have appeared in diverse magazines such as NEXUS Magazine, UFO Magazine (U.S. and U.K.), Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Dossiers Secrets d'États, and on many websites such as Karmopolis.be, rense.com, cyberspaceorbit.com, sott.net and others. Richard’s interest in UFOlogy and related phenomena extends back to childhood and has continued uninterrupted into his adult years. His underground and underwater bases and tunnels research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day. He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science. He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas where he independently pursues his research.

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Pierre Sabak | Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon

Source: redicecreations.com

October 28, 2010–Pierre Sabak is the author of "The Murder of Reality - Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon", the first in a series of books called "Serpentigena." In this program we address snake symbolism, the etymological root of words and how the reptile or the dragon have inserted themselves into our consciousness with the help of words, in an effort to manipulate humanity. Pierre demonstrates how many of the classical languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian, Greek, Latin and Japanese have the snake at many word roots. Topics discussed: symbols, origins of the research, etymology, word roots, homonyms, The Koran, Egyptian words, "Illuminotics", language, mind virus, origin of words and language, subliminal programming, the outer mysteries and the inner mysteries, human-angelic bloodline, philology, Latin, Sanskrit, Japanese, proto-language, Bible, scripture, Talmud, Taliban, Thebes, Kabbalah, Djinn, Jeremy Narby's "The Cosmic Serpent", shamanism, Shatani, Shatan, Hebrew, Chitauri, architects of language, angel, Baal, knowledge, Lucifer, light bringer, Venus, Sobek, fallen angels and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Randy Maugans interviews Nick Redfern | Final Events

Source: exotica-radio.com

October 27, 2010–Author and paranormal researcher, Nicholas Redfern joins us for a look into bizarre connections between a shadowy government military-intelligence group called the "Collins Elite", and the ET/UFO phenomena which they believe to be directly "demonic".

Using direct information supplied to Nick by former MUFON investigator and Anglican priest, Ray Boueche; in what can best be termed a vast right-wing religious conspiracy, the group upholds the US is threatened by an imminent Satanic threat, and the country should be locked down under martial law and the citizenry placed under strict Old Testament Law to thwart the "soul snatching" plans of the demonic horde.

These beliefs, by the Collins group, are largely tied to their investigations into the activities of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons' and the "Babalon Rising" ritual instituted by Crowley and Parsons, along with L. Ron Hubbard in the mid-1940s. (See our interview."911 And the Crowley Code" with author William Ramsey for more on this.)

Under the scenario outlined by the group, the American Constitution would be revoked and the nation placed under a type of Biblical Old Testament theocracy/surveillance state with closed borders and severe penalties for interacting with the "demons".

The Collins research also delves into the work of experiencer/researcher, Dr. Karla Turner; and references the early (40 A.D.) works of Emil Schneweis' "Angels and Demons According to Lactantius, as well as Edward Langton's 1949 work. "Essentials of Demonology", and many other seminal works related to demonic/spiritist apparitions.

How ominous are the events reported by Nick regarding this potential theocratic takeover? Are factions of the U.S. government committed to the notion of a lock down and forced conversion to Abrahamic-style nation-state? What is the REAL deception in the ET/UFO paradigm? We find out...

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What in the World Are They Spraying?

Source: realityzone.com

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. DVD. 95 minutes. Support the filmmakers, buy the DVD here.

David Freeman | Emotioneering

Source: redicecreations.com, beyondstructure.com, freemangames.com

October 26, 2010–David heads The Freeman Group, the most active game writing/design consultancy in the business. All the members of The Freeman Group are WGA members (Writers Guild of America), and all have sold scripts to studios or TV series. The Freeman Group specializes in making games more emotionally immersive, which means not just executing great stories, characters and writing, but also building emotion right into the gameplay. David also teaches "Beyond Structure," L.A.'s most popular screenwriting workshop. "Beyond Structure" has been taken by many prominent game executives and designers, as well as scores of noted film and television writers, directors, producers, and executives. In this radio program, David describes "Emotioneering", David's techniques for emotionally immersing the viewer. With a combination of entertainment and art, the audience must be offered a meaningful and emotionally rich experience. Also, we discuss symbolism in movies, focusing on the emotional effects. He says emotion is the reason people go to films, watch TV, and listen to music. ~Red Ice Creations

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Keith Chester | Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II

Source: openminds.tv

October 25, 2010–Keith Chester is the author of Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II. Strange Company is the first in-depth account of unconventional aircraft observed and reported by the military during World War II. It includes the reactions by military commands, their viewpoints, and theories as they struggled to make sense of the observations. Strange Company presents one of the greatest wartime mysteries, one that has been shrouded in ignorance for more than sixty years. And it suggests that while an immense twentieth century war was raging on Earth, there appeared to be someone, or something, from somewhere else, watching us.
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