Bill Ryan | Project Avalon - Live Interactive Conference


On December 14th Spectrum Radio Network did 2 shows one starting at 3:55 Pm Pacific which was a Project Avalon Interactive Conference with Bill Ryan and Avalon members & live BBSRadio listeners.

Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For 27 years he was a management consultant specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients included BAe (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research and alternative medicine (he is trained as a kinesiologist) for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006, having founded Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy.

Camelot was a bold (and highly successful) adventure into cutting-edge investigative alternative media research, generating over 100 full-length video interviews on a number of alternative and controversial subjects addressing some of the most important issues of our times.

Bill is currently based in Europe, but travels widely. Project Avalon is his new site, which he runs independently. He is dedicated to continuing the mission of Project Camelot, addressing current global problems with a spiritual focus and a proactive, practical and community-based approach.

Project Camelot website:

Project Avalon:

Project Avalon Forum:

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William Ramsey | UFO Encounters Live-Occult Hollywood

Source: Exotica Radio

UFO Encounters Live-December 11th, 2010-Special Guest William Ramsey Host Randy Maugans sitting in for Ronnie McMullen.

William Ramsey is the author of “Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order”. His latest project is the video, “Occult Hollywood”, which exposes the hidden---and not so hidden images, messages, and ritualistic number sequences based upon the writings of Satanist High Priest, Aleister Crowley. Ramsey’s original research discovered that key sacred numbers from Crowley’s own prophetic writings, “The Book of the Law” and “The Holy Books of Thelema” were arrayed in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the crash at Shanksville, PA. “Occult Hollywood” details the influence Aleister Crowley has had on the people and films of Hollywood. The video provides a detailed explanation of each hidden signal or marker, and reveals the well-known individuals who created each film at issue. Mr. Ramsey holds a B.A. in history from the University of California, Berkley. He currently resides  in Los Angeles, CA.

William Ramsey previously appeared on the Exotica show: 911 & The Crowley Code

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Lester Velez on Open Minds Radio, December 13, 2010

Source:, tube TZMBigsteelguy

Lester Valez is a Graduate of the University of Vermont. He served as officer in US Army, Field Artillery branch. Currently he is Vice President of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley manufacturer's representative company. Les also serves as the Assistant State Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network , in Northern California, Co-Chairman of the Abduction / Experiencer Research Committee (MUFON) Co-Founder and Vice President of OPUS, (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support).

Lester comes on around 27:50 min. The First 27 min is your latest UFO news.

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov | Full Length Uncut Fixed


This rare interview of Dr. Eugene Podkletnov was filmed at Tampere Technical University in Finland, early 2004. This interview, believe it or, not was conducted by Richard Heene. Before he was known as "Balloon Boy's Dad", Richard was an amateur scientist who flew to Finland in 2004 to interview Dr. Podkletnov. (Heene's voice can be heard in the background as the one asking some of the questions)

For more complete background Information on Dr. Eugene Podkletnov and the subsequent drama of competing theories from a variety of different researchers who jumped on the band wagon, please visit:

Erling Strand | The Hessdalen Light Phenomena


December 12, 2010
For generations mysterious lights have been observed in the remote valley of Hessdalen in Norway. Different types of lights and crafts have been witnessed at various altitudes and at different speeds. The phenomena has been reported to be as large as a house to as small as a soccerball. Lights have been seen hovering for hours and sometimes performing breakneck maneuvers at incredible speeds. Both Norwegian and international researchers have been involved in trying to reveal the true nature of this mystery. There are many theories, from unknown natural energy phenomena to extra-terrestrial visitors. We have Erling Strand with us from the Department of Information Technology at Østfold University College in Norway to talk about his long time investigation and studying of the phenomena. He is a civil engineer from the University of Trondheim and studied electrical engineering with specialized physical electronics and telecommunications. He is one of the founders of what is called “Project Hessdalen” and now leader of the project that has been dedicated to studying this light phenomena. Erling is also the European representative of the Society for Scientific Exploration. Stay with us for an exciting two hours as we explore the many different theories and angles of the Hessdalen light phenomena. Topics Discussed: the Hessdalen automatic measurement station, "Project Hessdalen", unidentified flying objects, Trondheim, light phenomena, automatic instruments, electro magnetic instruments, theories about the lights, different types of lights, sightings, lights observed around the world, geology and minerals, earthquake lights, ball lightning, plasma discharge and the piezoelectric effect. ~Red Ice Creations

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Michael Tsarion | Mind Control & The Metachild


December 11, 2010–This week we welcome back the legend himself, alternative historian, lecturer, author and film maker Michael Tsarion to discuss Architects Of Control and his upcoming film The Metachild.

Alternative historian and author, Michael Tsarion is an expert on the occult history of Ireland and America. Born in Ireland, he has researched mythologies of the world, as well as his own country’s magnificent and mysterious Druidic history. Michael’s work considers the consequences to civilization of extra-terrestrial involvement and answers many of the quandaries that have puzzled other “visitation” experts. It clarifies the disinformation about Atlantis and the lost continents of pre-history and it shows that the orchestrated chaos of today’s world has roots in ancient times. Looking ahead, Michael offers profound solutions for the future. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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Jim Marrs | Trillion-Dollar Bailout Conspiracy, American Revolutions & Wikileaks


December 9, 2010
Jim Marrs is a former newspaper journalist and a best-selling author with focus on conspiracies and cover-ups. He's written "Crossfire", "Alien Agenda", "Rule by Secrecy" and "The Terror Conspiracy". His latest books are "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and "The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy". In this program we pan across the geopolitical spectrum and discuss zombie banks, how trillions of dollars went down the drain in bailouts, the history of the United States and the emerging global socialist dictatorship. We also talk about the Wikileaks distraction, Julin Assange, the control of the media and the attempts to control the internet. The TSA are now terrorizing Americans and visiting tourists, haven't the so called "terrorists" achieved their objective? Topics discussed: US tax dollars, the creation of money, power, Benjamin Franklin, American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Knights of the Golden Circle, American Civil War, Financial Stability Board, socializing the banking system, charity & help, corporate control of the media, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, control of the Internet and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Paola Harris | Close Encounter of the Third Kind: The Reme Baca and Jose Padilla Story


The 1945 San Antonio Crash case

Born on the edge of Ground Zero, living in the shadow of Area 51, two little Hispanic children experienced an extraordinary event occurred in August of 1945.

Jose Padilla, age 9 and Reme Baca, age 7 witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land in the town San Antonio, New Mexico. They were witness to one of the most spectacular events in UFO history.

The new book entitled the same “Born the Edge of Ground Zero, Living in the Shadow of Area 51, will be released February 2011 and is Jose Padilla’s and Reme Baca’s detailed account of what happened in their childhood. They explain what they saw, the actual crash, the creature’s appearances, the pieces they took, the military clean up and an in-depth analysis of the significance of this case.

First printed in The Mountain Mail, Socorro, New Mexico on November 2, 2003 by journalist Ben Moffet, the case was passed to me, journalist/researcher, Paola Harris in May 4, 2009. The desire to finally disclose the details and the kind invitation of Reme Baca, led me to fly to Gig Harbor in Washington State in the Northern part of the United States to interview witness Reme Baca and his wife, Virginia in July 2010. Consequently because he now lives in California, I interviewed Jose Padilla by telephone from the Baca house. During my two day stay, I was able to see and photograph the piece that Jose extracted from the craft and study the detailed analysis of its composition done in Europe.

It is one of the most astounding cases I have ever covered in my career and it helps complete the puzzle of why there has been so many crash retrievals in New Mexico. As journalist Ben Moffet who so beautifully describes the cover-up, we can begin to see where it fits in UFO history.

“It was in this crucible of suspicion and disinterest bred by familiarity that a small contingent of the U.S. Army passed almost unnoticed through San Antonio in mid-to-late August, 1945 on a secret assignment.

Little or nothing has been printed about the mission, shrouded in the "hush-hush" atmosphere of the time. But the military detail apparently came from White Sands Proving Grounds to the east where the bomb was exploded. It was a recovery operation destined for the mesquite and greasewood desert west of Old US-85, at what is now Milepost 139, the San Antonio exit of Interstate 25.

Over the course of several days, soldiers in Army fatigues loaded the shattered remains of a flying apparatus onto a huge flatbed truck and hauled it away. That such an operation took place between about Aug. 20 and Aug. 25, 1945, there is no doubt, insist two former San Antonioans, Remigio Baca and Jose Padilla, eyewitnesses to the event.

Padilla, then age 9, and Baca, 7, secretly watched much of the soldiers' recovery work from a nearby ridge.”

Thanks to the work of Ben Moffet, and now thanks to the witnesses themselves, currently in their 70’s, the world will know see that there was certain extraterrestrial interest in our discovery of the atomic bomb. It opened up a Pandora’s box in human history that cannot easily be closed. It put humanity and possibly other dimensional visitors in danger of total destruction. San Antonio was more than a crash, a sighting, an event. It was a warning that the military today is not heeding, whether it is in the US. or abroad. If we add the courageous testimony Air Force panel led by Robert Hastings and seven retired USAF officers at the Washington Press club on October,27th of 2010 , then we realize the time has come to speak. If these visitors have the capacity of UFOS to either disable or shoot down our nuclear missiles, then we can see that 70 years later, they are taking action.

Ultimately, 1945 San Antonio case presents a peaceful message, a powerful warning to the planet.

Piece removed by Jose Padilla

Photo of the panel that contained piece removed by Jose Padilla
Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo. She has been an investigator of the UFO Phenomena for the last 30 years.

In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which she wrote the preface, translated into Italian. She has just written the preface for the Italian edition of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut’s book, The Way of the Explorer.

She returned to Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 2003 for the American debut of her book - Connecting the Dots; Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena. She debuted her second book in Roswell at the 60th anniversary celebration. It is entitled - Exopolitics: How does one speak to a Ball of Light? Exopolitical Challenges and Protocols for Future Contact and it speaks of the Orb and Light Sphere Phenomena including the spheres seen during StS-75 NASA Footage. Her third book Exopolitics: All the Above is dedicated to George Noory, Coast to Coast AM radio host, has become a best seller. Her latest book - Exopolitics: Gateway to a New Reality, debuting January 2011 is filled with credible witness testimonies interviews and spiritual solutions to transforming Planet Earth.

She is interviewed in the Video Fastwalkers released by Safespace Producer Robert Miles and she appears in New Paradigm Films' UFO and ET documentary The Day Before Disclosure. Her Interview of Canadian Ex Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer has been translated into six languages and is currently on Utube video.

She has spoken all through Europe (Ireland, England Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium) of the importance of full disclosure. Her new non-profit association, Starworks Italia, will promote disclosure and Exo-Political dialogue Worldwide.

She has a regular column in X-Times and Area 51 UFO Magazines, has written for Nexus, Australia and Explora, and Open Minds Magazine - among others publications. Paola lives in Rome, Italy and Boulder, Colorado and has a Masters degree in Education. She teaches history and photojournalism and on-line classes in Exopolitics for Dr. Michael Salla’s Exopolitics Institute for which she in International liaison director.

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Back in Time Series | Russel Targ - Limitless Mind

Dreamland interview by Whitley Strieber from 2004.

T.L. Keller on Open Minds Radio, December 6, 2010


T.L. Keller is the author of The Total Novice’s Guide to UFOs: What you need to know…. Keller is an aerospace engineer who has always has an interest in space exploration and extraterrestrial intelligence. He was a computer systems analyst at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, where he developed a computer system for the management of resources for JPL’s interplanetary exploration projects. His experience in the aerospace and construction industries led to the development of Space MAX: Space Station Construction Simulator, a project management simulator for the construction of the first commercial space station. He has also worked for Douglas Aircraft and British Aerospace.-Open Minds Radio

Julian Assange | Why the World Needs WikiLeaks


Recorded at TEDGLOBAL, July 2010 Oxford, England.

Pierre Sabak | The Theban Priesthood, Adam & Eve's Bloodline


December 5, 2010
Pierre Sabak is the author of "The Murder of Reality - Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon", the first in a series of books called "Serpentigena." Pierre was first with us in October, he is back on the program to continue to discuss and outline his etymological studies focusing on illuminotics. In this program we discuss the Theban Priesthood, the Nephilim and the bloodline of Adam and Eve and the connection to Orion and the Pleadies. Pierre describes the angelic wars and discuss the conflict between the Pleiades (human contingent) and Sirius (fish deities). We also talk about the Nazarenes, the Nazir priesthood, Nazi's, NASA, Aryans and Zionists in our second hour. Topics discussed: division within the priesthood, the Theban priesthood, Pleiades, Orion, bloodline of Adam and Eve, Book of Enoch, Annaki, Titan, Uranus, Erin, Arion, Bipartisan System, ruling through division, Shatani, Human-Angelic bloodline, dialectic, Thebes, Adam ?admon, West Pleadies and East Orion, Serpent, Mars, stone, fountain, Bull, Zeus, Seminary, Moon, Sin and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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