Dennis McKenna & Jan Irvin | Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Entheopharmacology


January 29, 2011–Dennis Jon McKenna is an American ethnopharmacologist, author and brother to well-known psychedelics proponent Terence McKenna.

McKenna’s research led to the development of natural products for Aveda Corporation as well as greater awareness of natural products and medicines. He has authored numerous scientific articles and books. He co-authored The Invisible Landscape with his brother Terence. McKenna spent a number of years as a senior lecturer for the Center for Spirituality and Healing, part of the Academic Health Center at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He is now a senior research scientist for the Natural Health Products Research Group at the British Columbia Institute of Technology in the Vancouver area.

McKenna received his Master’s degree in botany at the University of Hawaii in 1979. He received his Doctorate in Botanical Sciences in 1984 from the University of British Columbia, where he wrote a dissertation entitled Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in Amazonian hallucinogenic plants: ethnobotanical, phytochemical, and pharmacological investigations. His research has included the pharmacology, botany, and chemistry of ayahuasca and oo-koo-hé, the subjects of his master’s thesis. He has also conducted extensive fieldwork in the Peruvian, Colombian, and Brazilian Amazon. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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Ross Hemsworth on Open Minds Radio January 31, 2011


Ross Hemsworth is a TV and radio presenter, currently studying law in the UK. He has worked on paranormal shows for ITV and BBC Worldwide. For many years he has presented the TV and radio show called Now That’s Weird!, and has spoken about his research of anomalous phenomena at conferences all over the world. He is the UK advisor for the International UFO Congress, and lives in the Crop Circle hotspots of Glastonbury. We will be talking about Gary McKinnon, Crop Circles, the UK UFO files and much more.

Red Ice TV - Episode 4 | Symbolism in Logos


January 28, 2011
This episode was filmed in Bath and Bristol, England featuring special guests such as Michael Tsarion, Neil Hague, Ralph Ellis, Leo Rutherford, Neil Kramer, Dan Tatman and Peter Taylor. We also interview a priest, university students, teachers and of course a couple random pub interviews. We begin the show discussing the symbolism of two major corporations, Starbucks and Apple. What is really being said in logos? ~Red Ice Creations

Tropical Cyclone tracking Information and its possible Effects on the Australian Region

Source: SolarWatcher (youtube)

Latest weather and Tropical Cyclone tracking information and its possible effects on the Australian region Feb 1-5

For updated weather information please visit

weather underground link

A.J. Gevaerd interviewed by Frederik Uldall | X-Conference 2010


Interview with A.J. Gevaerd, ufologist and publisher of the UFO magazine Brazil.
The interview was conducted in Washington DC in May 2010 during The X-Conference.

Linda Moulton Howe | Rendlesham, Animal Die-Offs, & Extreme Weather


January 27, 2011–Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared four updates. In her first report, she described returning to Rendlesham Forest with former USAF Airman John Burroughs and Sgt. James Penniston, on the 30th anniversary of their 1980 encounter with lights and a craft of unknown origin. The two believed they located the area in Rendlesham Forest where Penniston touched symbols on a black, glassy, triangular craft. He recalled seeing a binary code of zeros and ones when he touched the symbols. Further, when Penniston was in a hypnosis session, put under with sodium pentothal, he suggested that the visitors in the craft were time travelers from our future, who had come back to retrieve chromosomes to help sustain the children in their time period, she reported. More here.

In the wake of 26 separate instances of mysterious bird, fish, and animal die-offs in December 2010 and January 2011, Linda shared an update on the strangely killed seals off the coast of England and Scotland, which continue to take place in 2011. The seals have unexplained corkscrew slices running across their bodies. She interviewed marine biologist Neil Wellum who has been tracking the occurrences. According to the Sea Mammal Research Unit, the slicing may have been caused by a "ducted propeller system whereby the seals are being drawn through that and these propeller systems in some cases also have a knife cutter, which is designed to cut through rope if it gets around a propeller," he explained. View more.

A leaked EPA document blames Bayer's pesticide clothianidin in the honey bee die-offs, Linda announced in her third segment. She interviewed Tom Theoblad, the owner of a honey farm in Colorado. He received a call from an EPA whistleblower, who revealed that Bayer's registration approval for clothianidin is not based on sound science. Not only is the pesticide toxic to honey bees, but it may also be contaminating soil and groundwater, he warned. Theobald and his colleagues suggest people push for an EPA ban of clothianidin. EPA contact info is posted at the end of Linda's full report.

The extreme weather seen this winter may caused by a rare combination of La Nina in the Pacific and the formation of a North Atlantic oscillation, Linda detailed in her last report. She also interviewed two people about reported changes in the Earth's north magnetic field. Tampa International Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan described repainting compass markings on their runways to reflect the change in location of the magnetic north pole which is moving closer to Siberia. Dr. Stefan Maus of the University of Colorado, suggested it was a natural "westward drift," and that compasses closer to the North Pole would be far more affected by such changes. It will take around 1,000 years from now for there to be a pole reversal, he added.

Theo Chalmers interviews Freeman


Theo Chalmers interviews Freeman about Obama, Human Cloning, and the Coming Space War.

John Major Jenkins | The 2012 Story


John Major Jenkins discussed what he sees happening in less than two years based on the Mayan calendar, how that calendar was rediscovered and the various ways the 2012 idea has been interpreted. The Mayan Long Count calendar was developed around 2,100 years ago in Izapa, Mexico, using data calculated over hundreds of years, he detailed. The reason why they chose the end date in 2012 was to "target the rare alignment with the solstice sun with the Milky Way galaxy," though it is a misnomer to think of this as the end of their calendar, he said.

The other big misconception is the 'doomsday' interpretation, first expressed in a book by Michael Coe in the 1960s, and more recently picked up by the media, and in movies like Roland Emmerich's 2012, Jenkins continued. We in the West tend to associate endings with Armageddon, but that is not the mindset of the Maya who thought in terms of cycles, he explained.

Jenkins also talked about his research at Tortuguero, where ancient inscriptions referenced the 2012 date, as well as some of the historiography associated with the Maya & 2012, including the Harmonic Convergence, and the works of Jose Arguelles, and Carl Calleman.

John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quiché Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and seven books.

As a visiting scholar, Jenkins has taught classes at The Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, The Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, The Esalen Institute, Naropa University and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He has been interviewed on numerous radio and television shows. John has been featured on the Discovery Channel´s "Places of Mystery" series, which continue to be broadcast regularly on the Travel Channel. John's careful scholarship and cutting-edge insights into why the Maya chose 2012 to end a great World Age cycle have been endorsed by the most progressive thinkers of our day.

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Richard Dolan | The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes


Richard Dolan explains some of the high points of the on-going UFO cover-up.

ZEITGEIST: Moving Foreward | Official Release 2011


This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles pending]

On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history.

This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged.

A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.


Release Map:

$5 DVD:

The Energy Conspiracy | AlienScientist Radio Interview


AlienScientist discusses Cold Fusion and the Energy Conspiracy with William Alek:

Italian Cold Fusion Announcement:

Hit Pieces by Popular Science and Discover Newson Cold Fusion:

Other Links:,2933,1...

MIT receives massive funding from the Defense Department:

India Cold Fusion:

Gary Vey | The Never Ending, HAARP, Yemen & The Ark of the Covenant


January 25, 2011
Gary Vey is an investigative researcher who runs the website, a look at life from different angles. This is Gary Vey's exclusive first interview to talk about his research. He joins us from New Zealand to talk about his book "The Never Ending".

Under the name Dan Eden, Gary takes us around the globe from Alaska's real HAARP facility, Colorado's ancient petroglyphs to Yemen, where the palace of the Queen of Sheba holds clues about the buried Ark of the Covenant. This adventure starts in the frozen tundra of Alaska, where he is shown a secret military installation and is briefed by military whistle blowers who warn of a "death ray" weapon that has already caused death and destruction to our atmosphere.

The action then moves to Colorado where some unusual petroglyphs are revealed to be writing in an ancient alphabet and dialect. Gary translates the petroglyphs with a computer program he has written and is shocked at what they reveal. He has translated these so called fire letters or "Proto-Canaanite" language that is giving clues about "the Box of El", what most likely is the Ark of the Covenant.

All of this is connected to an ancient account of a "fire in the sky", something our modern HAARP technology could recreate. This is a fascinating conversation about Gary's discoveries and journey. Stay with us as we journey through his story. Topics Discussed: The Never Ending, HAARP, A-10 Warhogs, the original language, Yemen, temple of Queen of Sheba, box of El, the Ark, Menelek, chambers, Marib Dam, Kingdom of Saba, Ark of the Covenant, the fire letters and more.~Red Ice Creations

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