Clif High on A Fireside Chat - The Shape of Things to Come, November 5, 2011

Source:, Fireside Chat Radio

November 5, 2011–Clif High on a Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic.

Max Igan | OYM Radio Ireland, November 7, 2011


Alan Watt | The Great Transformation, November 4, 2011


James Corbett on Fukushima, the Eurocrats, Sysia and more, November 4, 2011


James Corbett on Fukushima, the Eurocrats, Sysia and more.

Jim Marrs | Nwo Coming Apart at The Seams, November 4, 2011


Jim Marrs at Alex Jones, November 2011.

Andrew Gause |The Federal Reserve: America's New Slave Masters


(Almost) everything you ever wanted to know about the Federal Reserve System but never thought to ask, author Andrew Gause delivers succinctly in this Veritas interview. And yes, the institution, a group of private American banks handed extraordinary powers to profit from the printing, lending and manipulation of American dollars, is bad news for the country, at least as Gause explains it. And no, not much will change as long as the majority of Americans have a near zero understanding of the money system that runs this country.

Andrew is Chairman and CEO of SDL inc. He has attracted a following with thousands of TV and radio appearances. He publishes a newsletter, THE WORLD OF MONEY, in its 20th year, and has authored three books.

The Secret World of Money (1996) challenges a wide range of topics dealing with the history and future of money.

Y2KAOS(1999) examined the y2k problem and made specific recommendations. (One of the few Y2K books still in print!)

Uncle Sam Cooks the Books (2003) Examined Federal accounting activities and accurately forecast the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problem and other monetary shenanigans.

Max Igan on The Vinny Eastwood Show, November 5, 2011


Max Igan on The Vinny Eastwood Show.

Lloyd Pye | The Intervention Theory, November 3, 2011


November 3, 2011–Lloyd Pye is a researcher and author known for his work with the Starchild Skull and Intervention Theory. Lloyd began writing in 1975, then became a screenwriter in Hollywood in the 1980s. In 1995, he found his passion writing nonfiction in Alternative Knowledge.

He returns to Red Ice to talk about his latest e-book, Intervention Theory Essentials. Intervention Theory challenges Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Evolution, by offering plausible explanations for many of the conundrums left unanswered by those other theories.

We’ll discuss how much of what mainstream science professes is not just wrong, but blatantly, willfully wrong. Lloyd begins with the true origins of the universe, including a discussion about the “Intragalactic Terraformers.” Also, we discuss prokaryotic bacteria, the creation of oxygen, stock species and the Cambrian explosion. He says life was brought to Earth on a schedule rather than to have developed here. ~Red Ice Creations
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Max Igan in Conversation with Ian R Crane, November 4, 2011


Max Igan in Conversation with Ian R Crane

David Icke on Alex Jones "Remember Who You Are", November 3, 2011


Dr. Judy Wood presents "Where Did The Towers Go"


This is a 2 hour presentation made by Dr. Judy Wood in Brighton, UK.

Dr. Tapzyana Thomas | Your Lymphatic System


October 31, 2011–Lymphatic cancer survivor Dr. Tapzyana Thomas is a business owner, a healer, and the author of Secrets of the Lymphatic System. Her story defies the medical establishment with incredibly profound implications. In this segment, she shares her transformation from terminal cancer patient with three weeks to live to having a clean bill of health for 28 years.

The lymphatic system, which is one half of the circulatory system, is the most extensive system in the body. All of the water in our bodies is lymph fluid. The blood is 90% lymph fluid and 10% hemoglobin. The lymphatic system is electromagnetic and maintains the health of the entire cellular terrain. As most of us know, blood carries oxygen for cellular respiration, regeneration, and purification of the body. When it is purified, lymph fluid leaves the nodes and enters the heart. It picks up blood platelets that carry oxygen and circulates through the arteries and veins of the circulatory system.

Dr. Tapzyana Thomas has become an invaluable resource for knowledge about the lymphatic system, healing, and wellness. With humility and grace, she brings us up to speed about the new technologies and knowledge necessary for wellness. This is an interview to pay close attention to: Dr. Thomas is a living testimony to the possibilities that are available even when the experts declare you’re out of time.
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