Linda Moulton Howe, Stephen Bassett | Unexplained Sounds, February 23, 2012

Source:,,, New Disclosure Petition

February 23, 2012–In three half-hour segments, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the large number of strange and unexplained horn-like sounds filling the air since March 2011 and possible causes. The phenomenon surfaced after a number of videos were uploaded on YouTube from such divergent places as Norway, Costa Rica, Tennessee and Kiev, Ukraine. Recently, Linda interviewed two witnesses in Tennessee, who in separate locations, heard the Kiev-like horn sounds on January 18-19, 2012. One of the witnesses, retired real estate agent Cindy Smith was packing her car for a trip when the air was filled with the Kiev horn sounds coming from every direction. The strange sounds lasted about 30 seconds and left Cindy frightened, wanting to know what happened.

New Disclosure Petition
First hour guest, UFO disclosure activist Stephen Bassett talked about a new petition he is spearheading, which is posted on the White House/We the People website. In response to a previous petition, the Obama administration declared that the US govt. has no knowledge of ET contact, so the new petition asks for information related to the Rockefeller Initiative which was said to investigate the ET question during the Clinton administration. Bassett noted that the new petition needs to get 25,000 signatures in order to receive a response from the government.

News segment guests: Steve Shenk, Christian Wilde

Open Minds Update International UFO Congress, Day 2, February 23, 2012


Free Energy Device out of Africa tested & ready for the market, February 22, 2012


Last night on February 22nd, Radio Nsearch fulfilled a promise we made to our listeners since the very beginning - to bring out the details of the first working free energy device that the average user can afford. I'm very happy to say, "WE DID IT BABY!" Free Energy is here NOW and nobody is going to stop it this time! Radio Nsearch has done what the US Department of Energy couldn't do with a $24 billion a year budget and over 250,000 employees! We've located a free energy device in production now that can power your home for free!
Here's the show we did with Sterling Allan on this INCREDIBLE free energy device being produced now in South Africa!
More information here:
Article: South African Fuel-Free Generator Preparing for Market

Clif High on Surrounded by Idiots, February 22, 2012

Source: Saline Entertainment Television,

Clif High joins us once again dropping the usual bombshells on the audience. Watch as Bill Xam and Clif discuss the coming issues in March, solar storms, social issues and how the world is going stark raving mad.

Barrie Trower | Health Consequences of Wi-Fi on Children and Pregnant Women


New World Next Week | Virginia Nullifies NDAA, Iran Oil Bourse, Illuminati Pimping, February 23, 2012


Story #1: Virginia Votes to Refuse NDAA
Top Rated Oregon Talk Show Host Calls for States to Nullify NDAA

Story #2: Iran Oil Bourse to Trade In Non-US Dollar Currencies on March 20
Stocks Gained on Greece, Dow Briefly Hit 13,000

Story #3: DSK Arrested by French Police for 'Complicity In Pimping'

Flashback: Sexual Assault Charges Against Ex-IMF Chief Dismissed
Related: Whitney Houston Worth More Dead to Illuminati?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Matthew Stein | Mind Power & Change, February 21, 2012


February 21, 2012–Combining the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, biology, and genetics, Dr. Joe Dispenza discussed how to create change and a new reality for oneself. By the time a person has reached the age of 35, "we've memorized a set of behaviors, emotional reactions, and thought patterns" that have become 95% of our identity..."then, the greatest habit we have to break is the habit of being ourselves," he commented. By repeating the same routines day after day, "we begin to hard wire our brain into very specific patterns that reflect our external world," so to effect change we have to think beyond the environment and conditions in our life, he continued.

Dispenza spoke about "demystifying the mystical," and using meditation to become aware of how thoughts and emotions are functioning-- how a person can see past their mental programming, and identify as the consciousness observing the program. "Meditation, then, is the unlearning process-- it's to become aware of the old self, the aspects of our selves we want to change by going into the operating system of those subconscious programs and bringing them into our conscious awareness so that we have dominion over them," he explained.

Through meditation, we can slow brain wave patterns down, and move into greater coherence, so that one isn't knocked out of balance by external and emotional factors, Dispenza detailed. He also talked about the notion of neuroplasticity-- the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, such as through the process of learning, as well as people who who've experienced spontaneous remissions from illnesses-- they've actually changed their mind, which then changed their health.

Solar Storms & the Grid
First hour guest, engineer and author Mat Stein talked about the possibility of solar flares or storms knocking out the electric grid. Such storms took place in 1859 and 1921, and we are statistically due for another such event, especially with the solar maximum coming up, he noted. In the event of severe solar activity, the electric grid could be knocked out for months or years, because transformers are so difficult to replace, he said. Stein suggested the implementation of a new vacuum tube technology that would protect transformers from melting down-- though the cost of this would be around $1 billion.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Open Minds Update International UFO Congress, Day 1, February 22, 2012


Day 1 of the IUFOC conference in Fountain Hills Az.

Andrew Gough | The Sacred Veneration of the Honeybee, February 21, 2012


February 21, 2012–Andrew has been an enthusiast of the esoteric for decades. He is Editor in Chief of Mindscape - an international magazine, Chairman of The Rennes Group, and former Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences (ISIS). Andrew has also been featured in several documentaries. Gough has written for journals and publications and is currently finishing his new book, The Hidden Hive of History: The Forgotten God of the Ancients.

Andrew is considered an expert on bees and their mythology. We'll explore the sacred tradition that has existed for over 100 million years; the veneration of the honey bee. Gough reveals new insights into Atlantis, the fabled labyrinth of Knossos, the Sphinx, as well as the genesis of religion, politics, the illuminate, and the mysterious seafarers whose hallucinogenic concoctions enabled them to become the drug lords of the ancient world, and rulers of souls in the afterlife. The Hidden Hive of History is about the forgotten god of the ancients; the sacred honey bee. ~Red Ice Creations
download mp3

LaRouchePAC World In Review · The Choice To Be Made, February 20, 2012


February 20, 2012–As LaRouche stated clearly in his simulcast last Saturday, the alternatives before us now are two: to live, or to die. Either we defeat the imminent threat of dark age and war represented by Obama and the British Queen, or civilization is dead. That choice is yours to make, and the time to make it is now.

Turbowolf with Graham Hancock Episode 3 & 4 | Question authority! Meaning of 2012, February 18, 2012


In episode 3 & 4 Graham & the band discuss the meaning of 2012 and current projects.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Real Wealth vs. The Debt Bubble, February 20, 2012


February 20, 2012–
As a former investment banker and Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts spent years learning how the system really works. Now, she spends her time teaching people about that system and how they can invest their time, effort and money in building a system that works to generate real wealth.
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