Jordan Maxwell | Overshadowing of the Human Race, January 3, 2012


January 3, 2012–Jordan Maxwell continues as the preeminent pioneer researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. He returns to kick off another new year. He’ll speak about our crumbling, decaying society and the signs of the slow collapse.

Jordan explains how all roads lead to Rome. Then, he gives his opinion on the Occupy movement and other new revolutionary movements. Later, he explains how God or the spirit, as a higher intelligence is the one who leads us into discovering sacred knowledge based upon our desire to know truth but not all will find it. He shares a bit about his own personal experiences. In the second hour, we’ll begin on the British/Israeli World Federation and September 11th as an important date for the "new kingdom." Jordan moves on to talk about a higher intelligence that has been manipulating humanity for ages, leading and overshadowing us. He says different factions of higher beings are at war with each other. We’ll explore the phenomena of reincarnation, free will, psychic ability and the questions of why, who and where. Jordan ends with a personal UFO story from the 50’s. He also discusses how the Bible doesn’t really say God created man. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Secret about "Men In Black" Full Russian Documentary, English Subtitle

Source: TheoriesOfConspiracy youtube

Corbett Report Radio | Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist, January 4, 2013


Conspiracy theorists Zbigniew Brzezinski believe that organizations of interest work behind the scenes to manipulate world politics. They believe that false flag terror events are used to justify wars of aggression on political enemies. They believe that humanitarian rhetoric is used to mask military aggression, as in Syria. In short, they are realistic observers of world politics, just like Zbigniew Brzezinski. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we here all about the conspiratorial view of history straight from the horse's mouth. ~James Corbett
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2MIN News, January 4, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers


GRTV | War on Syria: Gateway to WWIII, Nile Bowie, January 3, 2013


Now entering its second year, the foreign-funded civil war in Syria continues to drag on, destabilizing the country and causing widespread violence and bloodshed. In their newly-released free online e-book, War on Syria: Gateway to WWIII, Global Research contributors Nile Bowie and Tony Cartalucci examine the roots of this conflict and its potential consequences. Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview with our special guest, Nile Bowie.

Suspicious0bservers | They Should Tell You, January 3, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

The Evidence
Solar System Shift
The Solar Killshot

2MIN News, January 3, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

29th Chaos Communication Congress Panel | Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, William Binney on Whistleblowing and Surveillance, December 27, 2012


Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime Blowing the Whistle on Spying, Lying & Illegalities in the Digital Era.

Panel presented at 29C3 (29th Chaos Communication Congress), 27 December 2012. Speakers are Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, and William Binney. Q&A afterward is not included in this video.

David Weatherley, William White Crow, Tony Kudos | The Black Eyed Children


"They just want to come inside. Across the world, there are a growing number of accounts of strange, black eyed children. They appear on doorsteps, at car windows, hotel rooms and even boats. Their skin is pale, their mannerisms odd and they have one consistent request. They want to be invited inside. What exactly is this growing phenomena? Are they demonic entities? Alien hybrids? Perhaps they are some form of spirit seeking passage to another place. Or, are they simply a modern urban legend born of the computer age" ~David Weatherley

3MIN News, January 2, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

John Lenard Walson | GENESIS 1V 1 1 3, January 2, 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

3MIN News | ISON, A Great Comet? January 1, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

New Year's Aurora
SK Nuke Plant
ISON Article
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