GlobalBEM Transmissions Episode #002 | Foster Gamble - Whole System Strategies, September 2, 2013


At age 14, Foster Gamble had a vision where he glimpsed what he perceived to be the Universe's fundamental energy pattern. He spent the next 35 years trying to figure out the details and implications of what he had seen. That quest took two paths: a scientific journey and an exploration of the human potential to navigate successfully through the challenges threatening our survival. THRIVE represents the convergence of these two paths.

Randy Maugans has spent his adult life seeking the truth about "what's out there", as result of two (known) childhood "contacts" with "something" he could not explain. "OffPlanet Radio" is the natural outgrowth of his interests in the areas of the paranormal, technology, and communications...the "future" caught up with him.

The journey is physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental...we are drawn into a very human battle with forces that seem beyond our comprehension...or ARE they? "They" haven't won, but have awakened sleeping giants who do not accept the proposition that we were thrown headlong into a malevolent universe. Humans can choose to be victims, or choose to be empowered...humans can remain blind, to their peril.

Geneva Business Insider | The Syria Sea Change, September 2, 2013


David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider blog joins for our monthly conversation on world events. This week we dissect the Syrian chemical weapons attack and its geopolitical fallout. We also talk about the sea change that is taking place in public opinion as the people rise up to stop these endless illegal wars of aggression.

Dr. Brooks Agnew | Cataclysm, New Energy rising after Coronal Mass Ejection, Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, 2012 Holland

Source:, ‪‬,

Part one  
Cataclysm, New Energy rising after Coronal Mass Ejection
When the lights go out, and they will most certainly be turned off for a while, the real question on your mind is, "Will they ever come back on?" The answer is, maybe. Where are we without electricity? Where are we without our sophisticated electronics? The truth is, not too far from the days of steam power and horse-drawn vehicles. But is that really where we will be? Or is there hope for another dawn of energy and vehicle science that will save us?

Part two 
Breakthrough Energy and the Marketplace
Energy is quickly becoming a major part of the Cost of Goods Sold for nearly every business and society. The revenues for that energy have been isolated to a few channels of ownership for more than 150 years. For all of the trillions spent researching new ways to dig out the soul of the planet and burn it, hardly a penny has been spent on the energy innovations that could deliver endless supply for even the most remote areas. For all their steel and glass, smoke and steam, the energy industry is stuck in the stone age. You are about to witness a Breakthrough Energy Business proposal that will take the human race into the next age of its evolution, and perhaps even past the stars of our galaxy. v  

Raised in Pasadena, California, Dr. Brooks Agnew spent most of his youth hanging around Cal Tech and the folks who co-oped at Jet Propulsion Labs. He entered the Air Force in 1973 where he became an electronics engineer. After earning an honorable discharge he attended Brigham Young, Western Kentucky, and Tennessee Technological Universities. He has a bachelor's degree in Chemistry, a master's degree in statistics, and a PhD in physics.  

Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013
October 10 - 12th, 2013
University of Colorado in Boulder

The Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013 program promises to be a one of a kind experience within the Breakthrough Energy field. This year's program won't be just for scientists and experts, but for anyone interested in innovation and improving life on our planet.

Courtney Brown | Farsight Global Climate Change Project, OffPlanet Radio, September 2, 2013


In 2008 The Farsight Institute began a 5-year project remote viewing future climate patterns linked to multiple realities, timelines, and events. In this interview, Courtney explains the project, and some of the surprising outcomes. More info.on the project:

We also discuss other Farsight remote viewing projects, including multiple universes/timelines, known as "Remote Viewing the Future with a Tasking Temporal Outbounder", remote viewing of a base on Mars; as well as the skills and disciplines of RV, the theoretical physics behind remote viewing, and Farsight's unique mission to advance the understanding and usage of RV.

Courtney Brown is Director of The Farsight Institute, where he does remote-viewing research. He has spoken internationally at a host of prestigious venues, including various universities, as well as the respected Lucerne gathering of physicists (which was attended by various Nobels) where he was a keynote speaker.

The Farsight Institute is the leading scientific organization publishing studies relating to nonlocal consciousness and remote viewing. Courtney Brown is the chief investigator at the Institute, and the Board of Directors includes Lyn Buchanan and Glenn Wheaton, both of whom are the leading military (now retired) instructors of remote viewing.

Part 2 | Remote Viewing Atlantis

Atlantis: The True Story — Anomalous Geography on Ocean Bottom Suggesting Technologically Advanced Ancient Civilization Evidence

In what may be the most intriguing Farsight Experiment to date, Courtney Brown describes the tasking of an RV project, based on Google Earth surveys of anomalous underwater patterns found in two locations: the Atlantic waters off Morocco and Spain; and another off the coast of Antarctica. Learn the surprising details of how these two locations connect in a disaster believed to be the destruction of Atlantis.

Asia-Pacific Perspective | Syria Stalemate, QE Quivers & Undersea Spying, September 1, 2013


Welcome back to The Asia-Pacific Perspective, that monthly show where James Corbett of and Broc West of break down all the latest news and headlines from the Asia-Pacific region. In this month's conversation (recorded on the morning of August 31st):

Story #1:
As Australia takes UN Security Council reins, not only Syria on the agenda

Rudd suspends campaigning for national security briefing on Syria

Abbott wants to improve Israeli ties

Story #2:

China Warns US Fed Reserve Over QE Tapering Threat to Emerging Economies

BRICS, G20 linked in global affairs

QE Taper May Trigger the Next Global Financial Crisis

Story #3:

Australian spies in global deal to tap undersea cables

No charges laid over GCSB's illegal spying of Dotcom

Strip searches approved in massive police powers boost for Brisbane G20

RT | Escobar: Obama's military solution is desperate Hail Mary pass, August 31, 2013


More than a thousand protesters in London chanted "Hands off Syria" - that was before Obama left no doubt that the country will be target. There were similar scenes in Germany - close to the same amount of anti-war activists there said only a sovereign and independent Syria, free of foreign interference would make peace possible. And that sentiment was echoed in Paris - while supporters of Syria were out in force in Turkey too. Pepe Escobar, an Asia Times roving Correspondent who's covered the Syrian conflict since it began almost two and a half years ago, joins RT to talk about Obama's announcement on

RT | Obama decides to strike Syria, seeks congressional approval, August 31, 2013


President Barack Obama says he has decided the US should take military action against Syria in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack that reportedly took over 1,400 lives. However, he will first seek authorization from Congress.

Putin to (Nobel Prize winner) Obama: 'Think about future Syria victims', August 31, 2013


The Russian president has expressed certainty that the strategy for a military intervention in Syria is a contingency measure from outside and a direct response to the Syrian government's recent combat successes, coupled with the rebels' retreat from long-held positions. Read more at

The Corbett Report | Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?, August 30, 2013


Given that the pretext for attacking Syria is falling apart before the public's eyes, why is the US preparing to wage war on that country? Who benefits from the ongoing destabilization of Assad's government? What will the Middle East look like if the Sunnis take over Syria? What is Israel's role in this? What do Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have to gain from a war in Syria? And what does Bandar Bush have to do with all of this? Join us today on The Corbett Report as we discuss these and other pressing issues as the world stands on the brink of yet another US-led Middle Eastern military adventure.

Show Notes & MP3

Paul Hellyer | Politics & Government | Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012, Holland


Paul Hellyer is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics.

Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject. At 88, former Canadian Cabinet Minister Paul Hellyer is still active as ever and engaged in a wide variety of world issues, the most urgent of which is the world monetary and financial system.

Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013 
October 10 - 12th, 2013
University of Colorado in Boulder

The Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013 program promises to be a one of a kind experience within the Breakthrough Energy field. This year's program won't be just for scientists and experts, but for anyone interested in innovation and improving life on our planet.

CrossTalk: Syrian Sequel (Pepe Escobar vs. Stephen Schlesinger), August 30, 2013


Would American direct intervention in Syria be about justice? Can its purpose be clearly defined? Is this a way to send a message to Iran? And has President Obama backed himself into a corner this time? CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar and Stephen Schlesinger.

Don't fall for this again!

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