Comet ISON Mysteries Continue | Space News, December 8, 2013


In November 2013, skywatchers around the world eagerly awaited the approach of Comet ISON. Dubbed the "Comet of the Century" by several in the media, some astronomers had predicted a stupendous cometary display as Comet ISON approached its perihelion. The comet was also the subject of countless bizarre speculations. However, despite the heightened expectations, ISON ultimately proved to be somewhat of a fizzle.

The Corbett Report | 10 Climate Myths Busted (in 60 seconds!), December 9, 2013


The Corbett Report presents a one minute debunking of 10 common climate myths.
Transcript & Sources

Brien Foerster | Ancient Technology and the Great Flood | Truth Connection, December 8, 2013


Brien Foerster, Rob Arnold, Josh Toms, Emily Jane Arnold, Sam Mason and Trevor Thompson

This episode on Truth Connections featured the creators behind the groundbreaking documentary Awakening Truth as well as Brien Foerster, an internationally renowned researcher on the Inca culture, the megaliths and elongated skulls of Peru and South America. Awakening Truth focuses on investigating the ancient past in order to figure out new sustainable ways to work with the environment in the present.

Brien is also busy with other projects that will turn into published books. Some of the topics he will be covering are the mysterious stone monuments of Peru that predate the Inca kingdom, he wants to search for the lost continent of Mu and research the ancient history of Hawaii.

So far, Brien has had several appearances on Ancient Aliens, he has written 8 books, he's had numerous radio interviews, and he lives with his wife in Peru.

Mandela's Legacy, Eurozone Woes | Geneva Business Insider, December 8, 2013


David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider blog joins us once again for our monthly conversation on economics, finance and politics. This month we tackle the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, the latest in the Eupocalypse with the latest abysmal stats out of France, and a new Swiss initiative to provide every Swiss citizen a guaranteed basic income.
Show Notes & MP3

Max Igan | The Energetic Universe, December 6, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 2 - The Peoples Voice TV.

Superwave Update with Dr. Paul A. LaViolette, December 6, 2013


Dr. LaViolette has been president of the Starburst Foundation since 1984, where he has conducted interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, geology, climatology, psychology, and cultural anthropology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. in systems science from Portland State University.

He has conducted occupational safety research at Harvard University, and served as a solar energy consultant to the Club of Rome and Greek government. He has also consulted Hughes Aircraft on ways to improve company innovation. In 1993 he reverse engineered the B-2 bomber's classified propulsion technology and more recently has disclosed and explained the microwave beam technology used to propel vehicles developed in the super secret Skyvault Project.

He is the originator of the subquantum kinetics physics paradigm and also discoverer of the galactic superwave phenomenon, the notion that cosmic ray outbursts from the galactic core periodically trigger major shifts in the Earth's climate. In testing this theory he became the first to discover high concentrations of cosmic dust and gold in ice age polar ice. He is author of six books, which include Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Genesis of the Cosmos, Subquantum Kinetics, Earth Under Fire, Galactic Superwaves, and Decoding the Message of the Pulsar.

1984: Warning or Conditioning? | Questions For Corbett #012, December 6, 2013


In this edition of Questions For Corbett, James rolls up his sleeve and answers your burning questions, from Arafat's polonium poisoning to land ownership to KAL 007, JP Morgan, predictive programming and everyone's burning question: who is the British woman who introduces the podcast?
Show Notes & MP3

Johan Oldenkamp | Creation of Man & Understanding God’s Ten Commandments, December 4, 2013


December 4, 2013–Johan Oldenkamp is an all-round scientific researcher, based in the Netherlands, who has successfully unified all sciences, philosophies and religions into a logical whole that he has named Wholly Science. Wholly Science integrates all knowledge concealed in ancient scriptures with all modern-day findings.

Oldenkamp is the author of 27 books, including 'Understanding God; The Wholly Science Handbook' and 'Wholly Science – Understanding the Process of Creation.' Johan was a professor of knowledge transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship at the Stenden University. In the autumn of 2008, he consciously resigned that appointment, in order to devote all his time, energy and savings to the further development of Wholly Science.

In this program, we discuss the creation of man, the structure of reality, God's Ten Commandments and the human experience. As we proceed in the second hour we speak more about the perfection of nature and the balance in the natural system around us. Johan will discuss what he aspires to change and transform. We talk about the world as a teacher and how our aspiration to change it, may not be something that will benefit us in the end. We observe brutality in nature and feel separated from it. Later, we discuss gain, power, the need for control and the fear of death. Johan explains the structure of reality, the purpose of man and the goal.
download hour 1 mp3

Clif High | Web Bot Trends 2014, Veritas Radio | Segment 1



During this 5-Year Anniversary presentation with Clif High, we discussed (among many topics): BRICS, Bitcoin, ISON, FEMA, US/NSA surveillance, Fukushima, strange weather patterns due to the expanding Earth, the dying mainstream media and financial system, meteors, simultaneous volcano eruptions, chemtrails, the Federal Reserve and the new soon-to-become chairman Janet Yellen.

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, December 5, 2013


This is a summary of news headlines from the United States and around the world as reported by Democracy Now! on Thursday, December 5, 2013.

Jeremy Scahill on "Dirty Wars" and U.S. National Security: VICE Podcast 009

The VICE Podcast is a weekly unedited discussion which delves inside the minds of some of the most interesting, creative, and bizarre people we know within the VICE universe. This week, we speak with Jeremy Scahill, national security correspondent for "The Nation," whose work covering America's special operations [forces] and targeted killings in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia is chronicled in the recently released documentary, "Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield." As the U.S. continues to expand its use of covert counterterrorism measures worldwide, Scahill argues that far from making Americans safer, U.S. covert counterterrorism measures are in fact undermining national security.

Risk Expert: "High risk" of Nuclear Holocaust at Fukushima Update, December 3, 2013

Source: MsMilkytheclown1 youtube

Tepco Adviser: Fuel is damaged in two Fukushima pools — 150 billion Bq/m³ of Cesium-137 at Unit 3, possible second explosion after 3/11 — "Certainly appears something of significance occurred".

ISON UPDATE/Large Debris Moving Fast, December 4, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Ison is a V shaped debris field with objects that are miles wide least 21 large ones.. they are moving at 2 million miles per day. Ison is moving away from Secchi A at that speed which makes it appear smaller from that camera each hour.. THE ROCKS ARE DARK NOW. They will become darker as they move further from the sun over Earth..They will not become smaller.
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