Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs | The Stupidity Of The American Voter


Clip from November 17, 2014 - guest Texe Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Extraordinaria grabación de un OVNI sobre Mixquic | Special recording of a UFO near Mixquic, Mexico City


November 2, 2004–Fernando Delgadillo recorded a large disk-shaped object near Mixquic south of Mexico City.

Jason Erb | Canada’s Identity Crisis | Hour 1 | Nov. 17, 2014


November 17, 2014–Jason Erb has been writing for his blog, Exposing Faux Capitalism, since the start of the global financial collapse of 2008 and has been hosting his own weekly radio show since 2012. Jason covers economic, financial and political issues from a unique and uncompromisingly fact-based perspective.

In the first hour, we’ll talk about the Ottawa shooting when Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, an Islam convert fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a Canadian soldier and then launched an attack in the nearby Centre Block parliament building. Jason talks about Canadian-Islamic relations and what may arise from this event. Will it lead to increased support for Israel? Then, we’ll talk about diminished free speech in Canada, including Arthur Topham’s case.

download hour 1 mp3

BPEarthWatch | Giant Coronal Mass Ejection/Earth Facing | Nov. 18, 2014


James Horak | Q & A with Kevin Smith and Guests | Flashback 2010


For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:

LA Marzulli | Nephilim | The Evidence | Freeman TV


This is never before seen evidence of the Nephilim's interaction with planet Earth in the ancient past and in the present with alien abductions. LA Marzulli presents his new book, On the Trail of the Nephilim II.

S0 News | Big Earthquakes, Solar Flares, Record Cold, Nov. 17, 2014


Max Igan | Our Governments Are War Criminals Lets Arrest Them


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 04.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato

Download Full Episode MP3

Richard Alan Miller, Paul Moller | X-Files LIVE | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 12, 2014


Paul Moller of Moller International joins us first...back with us after the network problems when he was first scheduled to be on the show...he discusses every aspect of his flying cars, what they can do, how high, fast, far and safe they are. We also cover how you might get a speeding ticket on the Highway in the Sky...then Richard Alan Miller, the man behind Fox Mulder's charactor in the X-Files joins us once again for a discussion about his one-hour conversation with the ET Kril at Area 51.

Jeff Rense & Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Breakthroughs In Nanotechnology


Clip from November 10, 2014 - guest Dr. Richard Alan Miller on the Jeff Rense Program.

Arthur Topham | “Hate Propaganda” Legislation in Canada | Hour 1 | Nov. 12, 2014


November 12, 2014–Canadian born Arthur Topham has a background in Political Science and Education. Since 1999 he has been the Writer, Journalist, Publisher & Editor of Due to the fact that the website has been sabotaged on a number of occasions over the years the information on it only goes back to June of 2006.

Arthur will talk about the pressures of Jewish lobbyists in Canada to remove his site, specifically B'nai Brith Canada. Its materials posted sparked two attacks from the lobbyists, the first occurring in 2007 when he was charged with a sec. 13(1) "hate crime" under the legislation contained in Canada's Human Rights Code. The second attack occurred in 2012 when he was charged under the Canadian Criminal Code, sec. 319(2) "Hate Propaganda" legislation with "willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin."

He’ll talk about these charges, his arrest and the upcoming trial before the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Arthur discusses the history of such “hate propaganda” laws in Canada and how they came about. He’ll also talk about the former sec. 13 legislation which was used by the lobby groups for decades to stifle criticism of Israel and discussion concerning anything related to Zionism both on and off the internet.

download hour 1 mp3

The Asia-Pacific Perspective | G20 Brisbane: Police State Lockdown Begins, Nov. 13, 2014


G20: The Bizarre Items Banned From Brisbane CBD
Entire Hospital Wing Allocated For G20 Overlords
Queensland Police to Use Surveillance Drones to "Combat Crime" Ahead of G20 Conference
#FalseFlag Watch: Australian Intelligence Officials Fear Hacker Attacks During G20 Summit
Brisbane Lockdown Sees Exodus as Police Outnumber G-20 Delegates

G20 Coverage & Updates: Peoples’ Summit in Brisbane | TOTT News
Agent Provocateurs Caught Disguised As Protestors At G20 Pittsburgh
Police Provocateurs at Montebello SPP Summit
Press For Truth: Into The Fire (Full Film)
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