Brien Foerster | Massive Megalithic Mountain In The Jungle Of Bolivia | Jan. 27, 2015


Located in the high Bolivian jungle, Samaipata is a unique ancient megalithic site whose creators are as of yet unknown... -Brien Foerster

Military Advanced Technology Whistleblower | Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB Participant || Advanced Technology Memory Recall | Part 2


Former Project Avalon forum member, GoodETxSG speaks with Christine in this second interview recorded via Skype on November 23rd 2014. It is important to note that recalling memories is the process that all people use to view past events, in no way is this meant to indicate that the memories are not real.

GoodETxSG: "During the time I was speaking out on the "ET AI Threat" and the danger of the Human "AI Prophets" pushing their "Agenda" I was having technical issues constantly while trying to discuss these topics. At the end of this interview we end in mid thought while talking about symptoms of "AI Infections"... This entire interview was plagued with technical glitches, strange "Noises" and disconnections. If not for the talent of a good friend who is a Commercial Music Editor and quite a professional indeed non of this Part 2 would have been salvaged. My thanks to him."

With the publication of the first audio which came about when GoodET was able to vocalize his memories for the first time. The recording was made during a private recall session between Christine and GoodET in his home, previous to this moment he had been experiencing memory recall however had not been able to speak about these experiences.

The impact that the release of this video had was surprising and presented us with a difficult course to navigate. It had the effect of awakening in many others their own buried memories. GoodET and myself along with other moderators on the forum began receiving emails and private messages from those who wanted to tell their own stories. It became quickly apparent that while we worked effectively with our best intentions and heart felt compassion we also we not adequately prepared or had the proper format to provide the safety and expertise to lead so many through the potentially treacherous mind field of embedded triggers.

There is a deep story here and one that perhaps with time will be told in a coherent and truthful manner. Right now the layers are still peeling back, it is important for anyone involved and watching to maintain an open mind and heart.

We are still uncovering our long hidden memories that we know will lead us to our origins.
We extend the sincerest gratitude and honor to all Truth seekers whose courage and resilience has broken down some of the most difficult barriers in seeing our way through these dark games.

Bio "GoodETxSG"
Private Industry Exp­erience:
20­+ Years Exp­erience Physical & IT Securit­y Support ­in Banking­ Industry ­- Federal ­Reserve Ba­nk (& U.S. Treasury Department Shared Office) & 4 Other International Banks & One of the Largest U.S. Company's in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Vaccine Creators)., Counter ­Electronic­ Surveilla­nce, Risk ­Assessment­, Executiv­e Protecti­on.

Army­ :
C4I "Black Op's & SSP Experience": 17 + 20 Years Experience - 1976-1987 (w/some recall work done in 89 through 98) in various "Programs" that "Fall Under" the "MILAB" Umbrella, ("20 & Back", Age regression.) Programs including "I.E. Support" for "Earth Delegations" (Off World Federation Conferences), 6 Years in "SSP" assigned to Non Military R&D Vessel (ASSR “ISRV”– (Auxiliary Specialized Space Research) Interstellar-Class Vessel, & "Intercept/Interrogation Program's"

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Interview Part 1: Project Avalon | Military Advanced Technology Whistleblower - Part 1

Zen Gardner | The View of America From OUTSIDE America & Reaching the Tipping Point | Far Out Radio | Jan. 26, 2015


Zen Gardner is back with us for another visit, a check-up, from the neck up, as well as taking our heart temperature. Last month Zen when “home for the holidays!” And after being outside of the American clut-ture, he has some interesting observations.

Then we’re going to get into a very interesting and empowering essay Zen posted on January 24 – last Saturday, titled, “Reaching the Tipping Point – It’s Up to Each of Us.” Zen explained a new resource for those of wishing to connect with people involved in projects of positive change, the Full Circle Project.

Dennis Fetcho | Secrets of the Hidden Kosher Mark & The Rabbinical Tax | Hour 1 | Jan. 23, 2015

Source:, Kashrut

January 23, 2015–Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch," is the author of the Illuminatus Observer, a blog focusing on the Hermetic Qabalah. He is also the host of Inside the Eye - Live!, a news and current events streaming media radio talk show. Dennis is an American expat living in Amman, Jordan, working by day as a business strategist, specializing in telecommunications, aerospace, and defense.

Dennis is here to speak about the secrets of the Kosher tax along with some of the other big anti-trust issues that are corroding Western values. Dennis begins with an explanation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, a deregulation law that allows the sale of supplements as food with no need for proof of effectiveness or safety, resulting in an explosion of sales.

Then, he describes how Kosher food certifying organizations crept in and took advantage of the boom, creating a multi-billion dollar annual market. Dennis tells about how the entire supply chain of any product that carries the prestigious Kosher mark must be certified, right down to the utensils used in processing facilities.

He clarifies the differences in non-Kosher vs. Kosher standards in food processing, and explains how these Laws of Kashrus are simply superstitious traditions passed down from the Bible. Further, Dennis illustrates the countless items of food that are already inherently Kosher, along with items that are impossible to substantiate and place into this category.

We also take a look at where the profits are going, the preferential treatment given to Kosher certified products in stores, and the extortion-type fees that are paid to Rabbinic Field Representatives.

download hour 1 mp3

The Corbett Report | Jeff Berwick Invites You to Anarchapulco | Jan. 26, 2015


Today James is joined by Jeff Berwick of and the Anarchast podcast to discuss Anarchapulco, the first international anarchist/anarcho-capitalist conference of its type that will be held in Acapulco, Mexico from February 24th to March 1st, 2015. With speakers including Luke Rudkowski, Dan Dicks, Roger Ver, Cody Wilson and James Corbett, as well as musical acts, special events and workshops, Anarchapulco promises to be an educational (and fun) celebration of liberty.

Show Notes & MP3

Jeanice Barcelo & Dr. Rebecca Carley | White Coats, Black Medicine | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Jan, 26, 2015


We welcome two of the leading edge researchers/practitioners in the field of alternate healing practices, and outspoken critics of the medical profession, to discuss the trauma-based practices in child birthing; ne0natal care; about the violent paradigms of intrusive technology deployed against natural, healthy physical, emotional, and psychological development of children; including: formula bottle-feeding, 
Circumcision (male)
Cord Clamping
, Epidurals, Female genital mutilation
, In vitro fertilisation, Oxytocin (synthetic) (trade names: Pitocin and Syntocinon), Vaccinations during pregnancy, Ultrasound

We also cover the subjects of “Frozen Angels”, the Israeli practices of harvesting eggs and sperm from dead subjects and the creation of “gollum” (soul-less human-like entities); how Israeli Jews have been caught in the lucrative illegal trade of human organ harvesting in Kosova, India, Haiti, Chad, Belarus, Nicaragua, Peru, Nicaragua, Philippines, Turkey, Ukraine, China, Palestine and other countries; the spectrum of psychopathy of human conception and life trauma. -OffPlanet Radio

The book, “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine” available here:

Links: The Hidden Tyranny (of The Jews)

Download mp3

Peter Dale Scott | Deep State: Secret Government CIA FEMA & The Doomsday Network | Dark Journalist | Jan. 25, 2015


In this exciting and revealing special two hour Dark Journalist episode he welcomes University of California, Berkeley Professor and Former Canadian Diplomat Peter Dale Scott. Professor Scott has just released his controversial new book "The American Deep State,” which exposes the truth about covert forces that constitute an unelected, unaccountable, shadow government.

The "Deep State,” a concept that Professor Scott created over decades of research, posits that a secret system operates alongside the public state and utilizes intelligence contractors, the NSA, CIA assets, Wall Street, and corporate big oil funding to manipulate the public with what he refers to as "Deep Events," such as 9/11, the Iran-Contra scandal and the JFK Assassination, for profit and control.

He also investigates an obscure official channel called the "Doomsday Network” which provides a blueprint for the mass detention of American citizens under shadowy plans like Rex-84, Project Endgame and the so-called "Continuity of Government” that involves FEMA emergency policies being utilized by the Deep State to get around public scrutiny. These plans also include a process for the suspension of the constitution and the implementation of martial law!

Together, Dark Journalist and Professor Scott will examine how drug trafficking is a corridor of funding for the Deep State and how journalist Gary Webb, the subject of the recent movie “Kill the Messenger,” was destroyed because he came too close to the truth. Webb was trying to reveal that Covert Intelligence operations were assisting the explosion of drugs in major US Cities.

Professor Scott explains how Deep Politics has been the dominant feature in presidential administrations regardless of the two-party system, from Kennedy to Reagan to Obama. He explains that there was a fierce battle with the public state which the Deep State won and now their militaristic vision is the norm in worldwide foreign policy. He goes even further and reveals a murky coalition of intelligence services, arms dealers and financial networks that colluded to influence global geopolitics called “The Safari Club.”

Stunning, enlightening, unnerving and shocking, this is the most intense episodes of Dark Journalist yet. You don’t want to miss this one!

Tim Swartz | America’s Strange And Supernatural History, GIANTS, Cannibalism, Ghosts | Far Out Radio | Jan. 23, 2015


Tim Swartz is an author and paranormal researcher. This was Tim’s 33rd visit on Far Out Radio. Tonight we talked about his latest book, America’s Strange and Supernatural History” co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley.

It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

Tonight we talked about his latest book, "America's Strange and Supernatural History" co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley. It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

In our limited time we touched on the issues of what is it about the Ohio Vally and northeast that is so strange and unusual. In the book there is a map of North America with markers for over 1000 reports of the discovery of the remains of Giants in America. So, how we can determine the validity of the accounts of these very unusual finds? And lastly, we touched on the psychic and paranormal stories connected to America's Founding Fathers, including Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson. -Far Out Radio

The Corbett Report Turns 300 | Jan. 24, 2015


As The Corbett Report podcast turns 300, James takes a moment to reflect on the past, present and future of the podcast and the website. What value does this podcast bring and why does James do what he does? Join us today as we ponder these questions and set a path for the future of the alt media.

Show Notes & MP3

David Icke |  Political & Royal Paedophillia, Cover Ups & Leon Brittan | Richie Allen Show


New World Next Week | Millionaires for Carbon Control! | Jan 22, 2015


Story #1: Pharrell & Al Gore Announce Global @LiveEarth Concerts On All 7 Continents
Pharrell Planning Worldwide Sing-along Psyop for Live Earth Concerts?
Wikipedia: Live Earth 2007 – Controversies and Criticism

Story #2: UK, US to Stage 'Cyber War Games'
Britain and US to Train 'Cyber-Agents' to Protect Banks From Terrorists
iPhone Has Secret Spy Software That Can Be Remotely Activated
GCHQ Classifies Investigative Journalists As 'Threats'
Ex-MI6 (That’s their CIA) Chief: 'We Cannot Stop Terrorism Unless We Spy On Innocent People'

Story #3: Teenager’s Browser Plug-In ‘Greenhouse’ Shows You Where Politicians Get Their Funding
Get The ‘Greenhouse’ Plug-In Here
Thirteen Year-Old Builds Braille Printer With Legos, Starts Company
Where Cellular Networks Don't Exist, People Are Building Their Own
A Year After Marijuana Legalisation In Colorado, Police Confirm “Everything's Fine”
Broc West: Community Garden Journal - Week #2 'Planting Seeds, Making Cuttings & Soil Prep'

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
Argentinian Prosecutor Who Accused President of Terror Cover-up Murdered Before Testimony
How The U.S. Government Convinces a Newspaper To Kill a Story

Aaron Franz | History of a Time to Come: Transhumanism and Popular Culture | Legalise Freedom Radio | Jan. 22, 2015


In a follow-up to our previous interview Transhumanism: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood, Aaron Franz returns to discuss transhumanism and popular culture.

Whether prophecy, predictive programming or outright propaganda, cinema, television and literature both past and present are rife with visions of a future in which humanity is transformed, enslaved or even annihilated by technology run amok. Science fiction, fantasy and other speculative forms foresee a time when robots, cyborgs and genetically engineered supermen manipulate the masses, artificial intelligence arises to rival and even surpass human intelligence, and humanity finally merges with machines to achieve Godlike immortality.

It’s a dream to some, a nightmare to others. From Brave New World to Blade Runner, from The Machine to Metropolis, and from Star Trek to The Six Million Dollar Man, we explore the hopes, fears, threats and promises of a future in which being human may no longer be enough.
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