Ishtar Babilu Dingir | Blood & DNA: Preserving the Ancestral Spirits and Wisdom of our Race | Hour 1 | March 2, 2015


March 2, 2015–Ishtar Babilu Dingir is a former journalist from England, specializing in holistic health and environmental issues. She is now a shaman in her home town of Glastonbury in Somerset, where she concentrates on working with the spirits of the land, in order to reaffirm the sovereignty. She's also the author of The Sacred Sex Rites of Ishtar: shamanic sexual healing and sex magic, and Lord of the Dance.

More recently, she has been writing about the importance of preserving race in order to access the wisdom teachings from the ancestral spirits, which is the focus of our discussion. Ishtar begins by describing the initiation, training and practices of the shaman, one who journeys into other dimensions to get guidance from entities and bring back information to the community or individuals as a form of healing.

She explains about information contained in our DNA that holds the wisdom of our ancestors, and how long ago an impetus from Rome largely eradicated this knowledge. We discuss pre-Christian civilizations, the Abrahamic narrative, the Protestant movement, and hidden information that is used to disempower the masses.

Further, we'll consider the identity crisis of the West, mainly caused by the metaphysical being left behind, a lost connection to our ancestors, and an unhealthy focus on materialism. Then, Ishtar speaks about the three worlds of shamanic journeying, the Fae of the Middle World who works in partnership with man and the land, the worldwide importance of the shaman in tribes prior to the agricultural phase, and the merchant class rule that is achieved by the propaganda machine.

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Daniel Estulin | Bilderberg 2015 And The Tavistock Institute | Richie Allen Show


Richard Dolan | The Real Power Struggle and the End Game | March 1, 2015

Source: Truth Warrior,,

In this episode I speak with Richard Dolan about his latest work, his thoughts on current events, and his upcoming series of presentations in Canada starting in April of 2015. "Historian Richard Dolan, author of four ground-breaking books on the UFO phenomenon, will analyze the UFO cover-up as only he can do.

He will explain how the UFO phenomenon has quietly transformed our world: first, from the presence of “other beings” here on our world; second, from the acquisition of radical technology; and third, from the need for eternal secrecy on the matter. All three have contributed to the global system we have today: a nearly complete virtual totalitarianism that requires (for the time being) nearly continuous false flag events to corral and control the public. Using a broad geopolitical approach, Dolan will explain multiple Disclosure scenarios: “Premature Disclosure,” “Preferred Disclosure,” and “People-Driven Disclosure.” The result is a profoundly new way to understand one of the most paramount--and least understood--issues of our time." -David Whitehead

Randall S. Powers & Steven Konkoly | Practical Prepping: No Apocalypse Required | March 2, 2015


Randall S. Powers and Steven Konkoly discuss their book Practical Prepping: No Apocalypse Required. Prepping – or preparedness – is simply about taking steps in your own life which could potentially be of great benefit in the event of a crisis or disaster situation. It has, however, become embroiled with the popular clichés of survivalism and images of groups or individuals holed up in armed redoubts with a million cans of beans and enough weapons to start a war.

Back in the real world, beyond popular post-apocalyptic fantasies, there are many often more mundane events which have the potential to seriously disrupt our daily lives. Terrorism, economic meltdown, natural disasters and pandemics such as Ebola and avian flu regularly hit the headlines. But even something as simple as a prolonged power outage or severe winter freeze can – and has – left thousands of citizens on the back foot with inadequate supplies of food, water and other essentials with which to ride out such an emergency.

The aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy stand as stark examples of government failure in disaster management. They’re not the first and they certainly won’t be the last. Taken in tandem with the potentially fatal interconnectedness of our modern industrial systems and widespread public ignorance about the fragility of the infrastructure which makes our comfortable lives of consumption possible, a picture emerges in which we would all do well to do some serious thinking about how we and our families could cope should the worst happen.

Practical Prepping: No Apocalypse Required isn’t a book about ditching the suburbs for a heavily defended, self-sufficient compound in the mountains. It explores practical first steps that you can take to prepare for the disasters you are most likely to experience. The book offers a layered, foundational approach that can be tailored to your circumstances and motivation level. You’ll be surprised by how little time, effort and hard-earned cash you’ll need to put into Practical Prepping.

Noam Chomsky | After Dangerous Proxy War, Keeping Ukraine Neutral Offers Path to Peace with Russia | March 2, 2015


The recent ceasefire in Ukraine continues to hold after a shaky start, days after Secretary of State John Kerry publicly accused Russian officials of lying to his face about their military support for separatist rebels.

The United Nations says the death toll from the nearly year-old conflict has topped 6,000. This comes as tens of thousands rallied in Moscow to honor the slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who had accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of authoritarian rule.

"It's fashionable in the United States and Britain to condemn Putin as some sort of distorted mind," says Noam Chomsky, but he notes no Russian leader can accept the current Ukrainian move to join NATO. He argues a strong declaration that Ukraine will be neutralized offers the path to a peaceful settlement.

Dawn Mission Education and Communications | Cratered Surface of Ceres in Motion | March 2, 2015

Source: Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) youtube

The surface of Ceres is covered with craters of many shapes and sizes, as seen in this new animation of a map of the dwarf planet's surface. To make this animation, a map of Ceres, comprised of images captured by NASA's Dawn spacecraft on Feb. 19, 2015 from a distance of nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers), was projected onto a globe. Ceres' actual rotation is much slower; it takes about nine hours.

An unusually large basin nearly 186 miles (300 kilometers) across is seen just south of the equator, with a shallow interior, faint rim and low-relief mounds within. Several bright spots are seen, including two that are very bright and lie within a single crater north of the equator. The bright spot in the center of that crater too small to be resolved at this distance, so its true brightness is not yet known.

Dawn's mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The University of California, Los Angeles, is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team. -Dawn Mission Education and Communications

Back in Time Series | William Cooper | Mind Control | 7/12/1994

Brien Foerster | The Mysterious "Stones Of The Moon" In Peru | March 1, 2015


This is not a place that many foreign visitors ever see, but is very mysterious, as no one really knows who carved the massive hard stone into a precise U shape. Could it be a ritual place for moon ceremonies? Or a sun dial? Check it out for yourself...and join us and see it for yourself. -Brien Foerster

Jeff Rense & Gordon Duff | Israel, Mossad And MH17


Clip from July 22, 2014 - guest Gordon Duff on the Jeff Rense Program.

Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) | Ceres Image Release - 02.25.2015

Source: Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) youtube

February 25, 2015—Dwarf planet Ceres continues to puzzle scientists as NASA's Dawn spacecraft gets closer to being captured into orbit around the object. The latest images from Dawn, taken nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers) from Ceres, reveal that a bright spot that stands out in previous images lies close to yet another bright area. -Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C)

Ceres Comes into View | One Mystery White Spot is TWO | Feb. 26, 2015

Source: humanspan youtube

Closing in at less than 30,000 miles, Ceres has come into view for the first time in high resolution and with a contrast of surprises. First, the ONE brightest white spot is actually TWO very bright spots within ONE crater. Second, like we were expecting because of how Vesta came into view - first generating great excitement and then proving to be just a big cratered asteroid, Ceres appears to be a big golf ball looking like the Moon. While complex craters have central peaks that can reflect sunlight and multiple craters can overlay one another having multiple central peaks, this is definitely only one crater with TWO distinct central peaks and they happen to be the brightest spots on the entire surface of the Dwarf Planet.

So, what are we left with as Dawn prepares to begin orbiting Ceres in 7 days on March 6th, 2015? The images of Ceres sure don't reveal water, but the current biggest mystery - these two white spots - may reveal the water beneath the surface and betray the "moon like" disguise of this protoplanet thus making it perhaps one of the most unique planets bound to our Sun. Maybe the Fountains of Enceladus give us a clue about what we are seeing as we point out in Video #2 in this series. While some questions are answered, more come to mind as the Dawn Spacecraft prepares to arrive next week. -humanspan

Nicholas Kollerstrom | Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality | Hour 1 | Feb. 25, 2015


Febuary 25, 2015–Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, is an English author, historian of science, and political activist. He was an honorary member of staff at University College London (UCL) for 11 years. Dr. Kollerstrom has always had an interest in Hermetic-alchemical issues and is presently managing New Alchemy Press. He is the author of several articles and books, and joins us to speak about his latest publication, Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality.

We begin our discussion with an analysis of the real physical data that exists relating to the purported existence of huge cyanide gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps. Nick gives details of the numbers and causes of deaths at Auschwitz that were recorded daily and then published, figures that are staggeringly less than the 6 million number that has been seared into the 'official' storyline.

We talk about the outbreak of typhus in 1942, the delousing chambers that were created to deal with the disease infestation, and how this ordinary hygiene technology was used in an attempt to decrease mortality rates of valuable workers in the labor camps. Nick brings light to the real purpose of the camps and how the horrific stories developed during the nightmare and confusion of war.

Further, he'll explain the lack of any documents or intercepted communications indicating orders to exterminate prisoners, and the reconstruction of history that has created an undebatable transcendental mythos of death by gas chambers. Then, we'll consider the motivations for perpetuating the Holocaust myth and who has come to benefit from what was certainly the worst collective experience that European Jews have endured.

Nick breaks down the holocaust narrative that is the direct result of the academic world dismissing evidence multiplied by Hollywood's mythologizing of events. Later Kollerstrom describes signs that people are beginning to wake up to the motives of the holocaust industry. We end with thoughts on sacred war ratifying myths, the persecution of truth seekers, and the need for open discussion and debate regarding one of the most important events of world history.

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